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The Israel Folau saga

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Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Here we go. Is that ridicule or intolerance?
We dare not be intolerant of the gay community, inclusivity is the catch cry, but Christianity is fair game.

Not just the Christians.............

But white.......... Anglo-Saxan.......... male.......... baby boomer.......... Christians!


Geez, there's been some interesting takes on Izzy's faith and Christianity in general.
His post was heavy handed and old school fire and brimstone, but it's a common theme throughout the Bible both Old and New Testaments.
And a belief held by many Christians, or all in theory at least.
We're all sinners, repent and be saved.
If he didn't mention homosexuals it might not have been so bad.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Geez, there's been some interesting takes on Izzy's faith and Christianity in general.
His post was heavy handed and old school fire and brimstone, but it's a common theme throughout the Bible both Old and New Testaments.
And a belief held by many Christians, or all in theory at least.
We're all sinners, repent and be saved.
If he didn't mention homosexuals it might not have been so bad.
have a look at his Instagram, he's been posting the same thing sans-homosexual content all year and there has been no issue


Tim Horan (67)
Here we go. Is that ridicule or intolerance?
We dare not be intolerant of the gay community, inclusivity is the catch cry, but Christianity is fair game.

Do you not understand the difference between the inclusivity of oppressed minorities and those that aren't? Christians are already included in our society. They haven't been tormented for thousands of years.


Ted Thorn (20)
Just thought I'd post this here:


Despite the controversy, I have to say that on the other side of this, whatever is in store for Folau I hope he comes out of it okay. I don't agree with what he posted but that's besides the point, and while some out there may feel that his views make him a terrible person, that's not the impression I get of him. He's paid a heavy price for what he's done, and it looks like his time in Australian rugby is over, so all I can really say at this stage is good luck to him and thanks for the memories.

Someone ought to say it.


Do you not understand the difference between the inclusivity of oppressed minorities and those that aren't? Christians are already included in our society. They haven't been tormented for thousands of years.

That's your take on inclusivity.
I think the meaning of inclusive and tolerance is simple.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Do you not understand the difference between the inclusivity of oppressed minorities and those that aren't? Christians are already included in our society. They haven't been tormented for thousands of years.



Michael Lynagh (62)
Just thought I'd post this here:


Despite the controversy, I have to say that on the other side of this, whatever is in store for Folau I hope he comes out of it okay. I don't agree with what he posted but that's besides the point, and while some out there may feel that his views make him a terrible person, that's not the impression I get of him. He's paid a heavy price for what he's done, and it looks like his time in Australian rugby is over, so all I can really say at this stage is good luck to him and thanks for the memories.

Someone ought to say it.
Glad you said it Aurelius as was about to log in and post same sort of sentiment but doubtful would have been as good as you posted it. I don't agree with what he posted what so ever as with family background of mother and brothers with disabilities and young kids I have now including one with Asperger's means an inclusive society is incredibly important to me in terms of my values. But yes Folau as come across to me as not just a talented athlete but incredibly humble and likeable guy. I don't know where his extreme views come from but like many I feel sad for him as it does not resonate with someone who does come across as humanistic but some extreme sect like views which polarise him from modern society which are unacceptable to me as well as broader society. But I can't dish out anger and insults to him but just feel sad for him.

As if we give into anger and extreme insults dished out to Folau are we not engaging in the same sort of behaviour we are complaining about in relation to Folau's tweets. There is a way to be disappointed in a persons behaviour but aggression and insults is not really showing in many ways we are much better. Anyhow my food for thought as not saying I practice what I always preach but things like this make me realise I probably need to just work a little harder.


Ted Thorn (20)
Wait, who is vilifying the Christians?

No one?

Nothing to see here......

Look, it does happen. Christians in Australia lost their jobs because they tweeted that they were going to vote no in the gay marriage referendum. A Christian wedding photographer in Perth told gay customers that he was a no voter so that they had the option of hiring someone else they might be more comfortable with. He's been hauled before the state anti-discrimination commission and is having to go through an expensive and time-consuming legal process.

The Home Office in Britain refused asylum to an Iranian Christian refugee and quoted the Book of Revelations as evidence that he belonged to a "violent" religion and wouldn't fit in with British society. A popular takeaway chicken restaurant in America has been denied licenses to operate in two major airports because they were founded by Christians who donate to such radical, extremist Christian organisations like - erm, the Salvation Army. And so on.

So it's not something you can shrug off so easily. Anti-Christian bigotry is extremely fashionable among some quarters, and while it might be a stretch to call it persecution (at this stage, that is) that doesn't make it any less real or any less risible.

Bigotry in all its forms should be condemned, but as someone posted well up-thread, we've lost our tolerance for intolerance. I'd go further than that. We've become in some cases much more intolerant in the name of tolerance. That's just flat out perverse and wrong.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Well here’s the second time


There are several others, google if you don’t believe me

Actually, I'm aware of that one.......... she was a contractor who wasn't an employee of the company.

So there's that one example, but like those few extreme examples in Aurelius' above post doesn't quite paint a picture of the poor persecuted Christian people.

And Chick-fil-A isn't receiving public backlash because they donated money to the Salvation Army...........


Phil Kearns (64)
So Folau posts homophobic material and now we are discussing how Christian’s are the victims?

That’s fair, I mean as a white, middle aged male who attended a Christian school, I can see I should feel victimised in this because I’m not allowed to criticise a minority group without someone calling me out on poor behaviour.


John Eales (66)
Someone just made an interesting point to me - the only people who he intended to see it were the people that follow him. The media were the ones who distributed it.

Of course as a high profile athlete it would be naive of him to not expect it to get out, but it’s the intent that’s relevant. He wasn’t directing his post at homosexuals and drunks and thieves, only those that are interested in his views.

In context, if I were to post on my Facebook page ‘ if those vegan freaks set one foot on my land I’ll chase them all off with my 12 gauge’, my intent would really be to only get heaps of likes and stir up conversation with my other farmer mates, I’m only expecting people appropriate to my privacy settings to see it, but if the media got hold of it I’d be portrayed as a potential murderer!
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