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National U/16 Championships 2012

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Trevor Allan (34)
Lets get back to the players, who have been the stand outs so far?

I saw that 8 and 10 from Vic played well in the first game, how did they go in the 2nd?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Back from cruising the ARU website and nothing.

We have had two days competition in an ARU run national tournament. It is ARU that is hosting this not Aust juniors (god forbid), not Aust schools RU, not NSW RU.

I have heard that ARU stump up a very large amount of $ for this tournament. One would think that they may want to generate some positive PR from it, particularly when the national team is not doing so well, and there is the distraction of Quadegate going on it the background.

I actually don't know why I should be surprised. Another opportunity gone begging.

Yes it is only 15 and 16 year old boys, but there are plenty of parents, grandparents, siblings and extended families all around australia that would be interested in how [insert player] or their team is going.

But for G&GR, you would either have to rock up to Riverview or find out all about it when your boy returns home on Saturday.


Arch Winning (36)
Back from cruising the ARU website and nothing.

We have had two days competition in an ARU run national tournament. It is ARU that is hosting this not Aust juniors (god forbid), not Aust schools RU, not NSW RU.

I have heard that ARU stump up a very large amount of $ for this tournament. One would think that they may want to generate some positive PR from it, particularly when the national team is not doing so well, and there is the distraction of Quadegate going on it the background.

I actually don't know why I should be surprised. Another opportunity gone begging.

Yes it is only 15 and 16 year old boys, but there are plenty of parents, grandparents, siblings and extended families all around australia that would be interested in how [insert player] or their team is going.

But for G&GR, you would either have to rock up to Riverview or find out all about it when your boy returns home on Saturday.
Couldn't agree with you more Hugh. It may only be 15 and 16 year old boys, but jeez, aren't they the next generation of (hopefully) Super XV and Test players. I had a look on the ARU website the other day to see if they had a results page, or god forbid, any other info about the championships, and what a surprise, pretty much nothing. Thanks to you guys that are providing us with scores and match details...much appreciated.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I believe that the boys have a couple of sessions with ARU staffers and consultants while at the champs.

I hope that they also cover responsible use of social media and twitter, along with the usual diet and fitness stuff, importance of rest and balance in life, work hard at schools, and the more insidious Anti-doping material etc.

Given the current state of affairs in Rugbydom, this would be pertinent.:)

George Smith

Ted Thorn (20)
yep, on Day 1 approx 25 people on the ARU payroll were in attendance.
Interesting that the ARU have a marketing 101 blurb telling is how to promote your club or event
[see: www.rugby.com.au/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket...tabid=2678]
but at the end of the day just another case of "do as I say "etc.

Maybe Peter Jenkins (GM Marketing & Communications at the ARU) should get on the case?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
What was said about your son in the post you're replying to wasn't acceptable.

I hope the ball bounces your son's way again soon



What Gagger said.

Please remember that those big, and not so big, lugs out there are children, 15 and 16 year old children.

They also have parents who love them dearly.

We can get carried away at times in our critiques on these pages.

Please remember these pages are very widely read, by kids, and parents and grandies as well.

If you can't say something nice about a child, then perhaps count to 10 and then think if you really need to say it, and think if there a more diplomatic way of saying it.

Imagine how you would feel if it was your son that was on the receiving end.

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This is the report post button:

2. Speak respectfully to each other
Change: "What planet are you on? Player X was shithouse . "
To: "I didn't see it that way, I thought .

3. Speak respectfully about the players
Change: "Lazy fat bugger with no rugby brains"
To: "Needs to come off his wing and get more involved"

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Guiding Principal: All posts should be considered, mature, and add value to the G&GR community.

Edit: Posted a better reference from the Forum rules

George Smith

Ted Thorn (20)
I believe that the boys have a couple of sessions with ARU staffers and consultants while at the champs.

I hope that they also cover responsible use of social media and twitter, along with the usual diet and fitness stuff, importace of rest and balance in life, work hard at schools, and the more insidious Anti-doping material etc.

Given the current state of affairs in Rugbydom, this would be pertinent.:)
and we also should be leading by example on how we interact and use G&G! thanks Huge for reminding us, very pertinent.

George Smith

Ted Thorn (20)
IS just doesn't work that way. They have no say in it. Big result for ACT !!!
10to12: You would be correct "in normal circumstances" BUT this year several lads 'promised' TWMBO (parents and their school) that they would only make themselves 'available' for a particular team. ATEOTD the alternate coach/selector although acknowledging this and could have still selected the players they decided only players who really wanted to play in their team would be selected. Not the best situation but pragmatic.
There were still 15 or 16 players who overlapped (ie both coaches wanted in their team) in an ideal situation. The sooner NSW have a Dark blue and Light blue team the better.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
George, nothing has changed since my rant about the very same thing during the Opens champs earlier this year.

Others have some some good work, as is evidenced by this piece I stumbled upon back in June and posted on page 1 of this thread:

A good news story from Dubbo:

Memo to ARU Media: It does not take much effort to write a story like this and it helps to sell your product.

George Smith

Ted Thorn (20)
Not sure who or where you got your info from, but Tonga was not replaced due to a back complaint. He was just interchanged with some1 else which I was kinda surprise as he was only there for a short time. You were saying that he didn't get a run yesterday YES you are very correct...Y do u think that was?????? Y don't u ask the coach why my son was never put on:( U want to look at his commitment???? I'll you he is very committed more than u know. He trains as hard as any other kid when he's @ training & he does his own almost 5 days a week. You think he wanted to sit on the sideline ALL day? You think we wanted to have time off work n families coming from afar to watch him sit outside????? Hell no..but what can we do???? We don't make the decisions on who gets on. So we his parents n families who travel to come n watch him sat there n watch the rest of the team while my son was sitting outside. I wanted him 2 come home with us when I finally saw him sad n upset:( but he insisted that he would stay because he was going to get more game time..So they told him after..Yep so much for game time=)
My son is VERY committed & no one including you is going to suggest that he's not. Maybe next time try asking...better yet you should've ask Tonga why he was not put on yesterday.
Vines2325, I am very sorry to hear this. Looking at the Sydney team's performances so far I reckon coach Rivers has learned a lot this campaign and given the time over again would have done a few things very differently (selections and strategy). But now with more 'experience' and no doubt, better for it, it is little comfort for your lad.:confused::(. Like Sharp said to his wallaby mates it is the character you have as a team that is important. I hope the Sydney team revive their campaign tomorrow by earning the right to play Schools on Friday! What a cracker that would be when some pride is on the line.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I think Victoria, Western Australia and ACT have caught a few napping. The preview warned that they could be smokeys and shouldn't be taken lightly.

The high standard of play from the South and West is a promising sign for the spread of Australian Rugby and the Gospel of St William of Webb-Ellis.

George Smith

Ted Thorn (20)
I think Victoria, Western Australia and ACT have caught a few napping. The preview warned that they could be smokeys and shouldn't be taken lightly.

The high standard of play from the South and West is a promising sign for the spread of Australian Rugby and the Gospel of St William of Webb-Ellis.
No real surprises (other than ACT). Brumbies coach, Russell Ingram was able to bring in 5 new players into his squad that have made a big difference. We knew they were always strong in pushing Gordon in the semis at the State Champs but they fell away as their main play maker was carried off early.

In respect to Vic and WA no real surprises here as WA scared the living daylights out of the star studded MNZ team at the Regionals last year and VIC have always had very well drilled good athletes from when they first came together as U12s. This was also reinforced in that the respective programs in these States having been producing good talent for a few years now as evidenced at last year's U16 National Tournament.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
When the teams were announced, you observed:
Mr Rivers has a Sydney team made up .../snip/... What is interesting is what Mr Gill and schools .../snip/...
One of the youngens is way out of left field and if he gets a run I hope he does well and isn't monstered by some big forwards. Should be a good battle.

Both the younguns have done well with both having a fair amount of game time. The littler of the younguns didn't seem to be phased by the Monsters from WA either.

Some good experiences for these lads to bring back to 2013 Under 16 Nationals.


Geoff Shaw (53)
The trouble with the Vic and WA boys is they can never put together more than more than 1 or 2 good games in any given tournament, the reality is they only play a few tough games each year.

This is changing though.


Darby Loudon (17)
Hi All,

Does anyone the the new set up next year - apparently going to ARU tournaments for U15s and U17s. Hopefully, they will select combined NSW 1, 2 and 3 teams and flick the GPS bias schoolboys side.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
The calculations according to Me (not official and probably full or errors)

Current Standings:
Pool A
Schools 10 points
Whites 9 points
WA 1 Points
Country 0 Points

Schools v Whites - Winner - Position 1 (Bonus Points irrelevant)
WA v Country - Winner = Position 3 (Bonus Points irrelevant)

Pool B
Reds 9 Points
Juniors 7 Points
ACT 5 Points
VIC 1 Points

Red v Juniors
1. Red Win
> 4 tries 14 points
< 4 tries 13 Points
Juniors Lose
> 4 tries, < 7 points 9 points
> 4 tries, > 7 points 8 points
< 4 tries, < 7 points 8 points
< 4 tries, > 7 points 7 points
2. Draw
Reds > 4 tries 12 Points
Reds < 4 tries 11 points
Juniors > 4 tries 10 Points
Juniors < 4 tries 9 Points

3. Juniors Win
> 4 tries 12 points
< 4 tries 11 Points
Reds Lose
> 4 tries, < 7 points 11 points
> 4 tries, > 7 points 10 points
< 4 tries, < 7 points 10 points
< 4 tries, > 7 points 9 points.

1. ACT Win
> 4 tries 10 points
< 4 tries 9 Points
VIC Lose
> 4 tries, < 7 points 3 points
> 4 tries, > 7 points 2 points
< 4 tries, < 7 points 2 points
< 4 tries, > 7 points 1 points
2. Draw
ACT > 4 tries 8 Points
ACT < 4 tries 7 points
VIC > 4 tries 4 Points
VIC < 4 tries 3 Points

3. VIC Win
> 4 tries 6 points
< 4 tries 5 Points
ACT Lose
> 4 tries, < 7 points 7 points
> 4 tries, > 7 points 6 points
< 4 tries, < 7 points 6 points
< 4 tries, > 7 points 5 points

Reds Win OR Draw - Reds Position 1
Juniors Win - Juniors Position 1

Too many combinations to work out Place 2-4. Work it out yourself.

Vanuatu Chiefs

Sydney Middleton (9)
Great stuff HJ, showing the various permutations to keep hopes alive.

I must say that I'm seriously jealous of how much time you seem to have on your hands! Apologies if my perception is not the reality with your Chez Jarse etc commitments...

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Spreadsheets and databases help. Touch typist (slowish) make things easy and gives the illusion that I have done significantly more work than actually done. Yes a self confessed Data geek.

If you want something done, give it to a busy person. I am also blessed to have a long suffering, loving and very capable La Jarse behind me.

Still hoping for the NSW v Juniors final. It can be done, but Juniors will need their top game, and pretty sure that Reds will not do a "Lay down Sally".
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