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School sporting scholarships/recruitment

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
I’d say rowing is way worse, the early morning alone are absolute killers

OK agreed, we have insane and really insane.

But rowing was always about fitness and endurance. Even in my day, I thought the S&C was crazy.

Rugby was a game of skill and speed. But as forward packs have got bigger and heavier so too the need for greater strength in order to compete.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Pretty spot on - add in scrum school once a week to compliment kicking classes

We also didn’t do quite as much video analysis, one of the team as a whole then option individual if you wanted, never really focussed on the opposition
How long ago were you at School?
That’s not even close to the commitment required by participants in the program 3,4 years ago.
Which was literally 5 morning sessions,4 afternoon sessions , pretty much all day Saturday, and of course the compulsory Sunday recovery session......


Arch Winning (36)
How long ago were you at School?
That’s not even close to the commitment required by participants in the program 3,4 years ago.
Which was literally 5 morning sessions,4 afternoon sessions , pretty much all day Saturday, and of course the compulsory Sunday recovery session..

Hey champ back again I see! Good for you, was a bit upset when you said you weren’t replying anymore

I’m still waiting for that evidence :) any little tiny piece you have would be amazing and much appreciated. Ta x

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
My bad for replying to the forum big mouth.
I’m categorically saying, from the horse mouth,they trained 10 sessions a week.
Call me a liar if you like, I really don’t care what you think.
But calling for evidence?
Want me to submit stat decs?
Whilst you insist all you need to do is go yeah nah?

Rugby Ref

Herbert Moran (7)
My bad for replying to the forum big mouth.
I’m categorically saying, from the horse mouth,they trained 10 sessions a week.
Call me a liar if you like, I really don’t care what you think.
But calling for evidence?
Want me to submit stat decs?
Whilst you insist all you need to do is go yeah nah?

Hey ILTW - its best to not feed this troll any longer; while I am a long time reader of this site (and very occasional poster) I have enjoyed reading your posts here

What is quite amusing for me is that despite the OP going to a very good school, and having sporting opportunities etc, unfortunately he didn't learn about self-respect - let along respecting others (differing) views on matters. Unless he learns it will be to his detriment - as we older guys know



Arch Winning (36)
My bad for replying to the forum big mouth.
I’m categorically saying, from the horse mouth,they trained 10 sessions a week.
Call me a liar if you like, I really don’t care what you think.
But calling for evidence?
Want me to submit stat decs?
Whilst you insist all you need to do is go yeah nah?

Aw champ don’t be like that, I was just super confused because you said you weren’t going to post anymore than turned around and did the exact opposite! But that’s ok I’m glad you’re here, super impressed whenever a senior citizen learns to communicate on the internet and I’m sure you enjoy the company! Although I must say you’re being very mean, who hurt you?

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
Anyone here who supports using poor kids to advance their enrollments and endowments needs to visit the room of mirrors, pull their pants down, bend over, and have good hard look at themselves.

Clearly, you have no knowledge and lack an educated viewpoint about the Marcellan tradition of educating the poor,.that Catholic Schools practice. Or equally, the Methodist tradition that John Wesley established involving social justice. Read Joker's post on indigenous students and how it has benefited many students at Joeys, to become Teacher's, Doctors and Soldiers.Once, again Spieber you have embarrassed and humiliated yourself, with profoundly ignorant comments, that are rude, crude and disgusting.

In polite company, involving educated and professional parents at GPS and CAS rugby matches, such comments would define you as an individual lacking basic good manners.At Newington you would be removed and escorted off the school premises, if such comments were heard loudly and repeatedly. Again an abusive reply only confirms my suspicions, that you are a habitual Cyber Troll incapable of making emotionally intelligent comments.


Arch Winning (36)
Hey ILTW - its best to not feed this troll any longer; while I am a long time reader of this site (and very occasional poster) I have enjoyed reading your posts here

What is quite amusing for me is that despite the OP going to a very good school, and having sporting opportunities etc, unfortunately he didn't learn about self-respect - let along respecting others (differing) views on matters. Unless he learns it will be to his detriment - as we older guys know


Hi ref,

Let’s look at the facts here for a brief moment. I originally said that I had experiences first hand and they were XXXX. ILTW over here claimed to have a different view point (fair enough) but provided no basis besides a very generic “a friend of a friend told me” - he doesn’t even say that much really he doesn’t seem to have any first hand knowledge at all (which again is fine but don’t call it gospel)

One of the other posters who admitted to not actually knowing but having an educated guess got pretty spot on the mark and this was confirmed by myself and another independent poster. Again ILTW comes in telling us we are all wrong, although he really only targets me

Now how in this whole conversation has ILTW shown respect to me and my first hand experiences? He hasn’t. And that’s fine it’s an Internet forum but he or you for that matter can’t turn around and then have a jab at me for showing him a lack of respect when I just do a better job of belittling him than he does of me.

Unless you want to join the conversation I think it best you keep such comments to yourself or directly message ILTW, as is the more polite ie: respectful thing to do on social media

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Clearly, you have no knowledge and lack an educated viewpoint about the Marcellan tradition of educating the poor,.that Catholic Schools practice. Or equally, the Methodist tradition that John Wesley established involving social justice. Read Joker's post on indigenous students and how it has benefited many students at Joeys, to become Teacher's, Doctors and Soldiers.Once, again Spieber you have embarrassed and humiliated yourself, with profoundly ignorant comments, that are rude, crude and disgusting.

In polite company, involving educated and professional parents at GPS and CAS rugby matches, such comments would define you as an individual lacking basic good manners.At Newington you would be removed and escorted off the school premises, if such comments were heard loudly and repeatedly. Again an abusive reply only confirms my suspicions, that you are a habitual Cyber Troll incapable of making emotionally intelligent comments.

You’re outrage receptor needs recalibration.....

A product of these traditions is on these very pages behaving like a primary school bully,and you’re not embarrassed?

He is hardly an endorsement of the values and superior education that you claim these kids receive.


Arch Winning (36)

You’re outrage receptor needs recalibration...

A product of these traditions is on these very pages behaving like a primary school bully,and you’re not embarrassed?

He is hardly an endorsement of the values and superior education that you claim these kids receive.

Hey rugby ref, is this the sort of respect you were referring to? Doesn’t seem like Black & white is getting a lot of respect for his opinions

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)

You’re outrage receptor needs recalibration...

A product of these traditions is on these very pages behaving like a primary school bully,and you’re not embarrassed?

He is hardly an endorsement of the values and superior education that you claim these kids receive.

You and I have crossed swords before last year, when I caught you lying about scholarships at Newington in the most corrupted and dishonest manner. You could not identify the students involved, You could tell me which scholarships were awarded or other matters pertaining to these so called scholarships.

Simple fact is you have no creditability on this site, regarding Newington College. You seen to have an unhealthy hatred towards Newington. You are always mentioning 2013 intake and portraying that no benefit was again by these boys for attending Newington. Well benefit was obtained and I know personally, by comments from one father, as early as his first term at Newington.

So "I like to watch " what is the real reason behind for your hatred of Newington and its scholarships. You or a family member missed out on a scholarship. That is almost always the case with embittered individuals such as yourself. I have also been told, this is the most immediate and likely source of criticism regarding Newington scholarships, failed applicants out to attack the college.The fact that Scots who offer Scholarships as well ,are never mentioned in your posts, only Newington. A fact that only confirms your distorted reporting about Newington, is based on utter fabrication.

So its apparent that you have a vendetta against me for calling you out, in matters involving Newington and their scholarships. Accept the fact I proved you wrong, exposed you and embarrassed you. And as I said in that post "If you going to defame Newington get your facts straight".

Oh by the way your comments above, clearly lack a coherent academic format and is a mindless tirade of disjointed preaching focusing, not on facts but on a self righteous indulgence that is superficial as it is simplistic. But above all it is profoundly irrelevant to the facts I expressed. Try reading it first and then seek to understand my post. Should you find it difficulty, which you clearly do, seek remedial help from myself in order to provide any explanation, I am prepare to "Dumb it down just for you".


Ken Catchpole (46)
What was the training regime like back when you played? Would be interested to see the comparison

When I played CAS 1st XV Noah was building his ark and we trained two afternoons per week, with a self-imposed gym session once a week for the keener ones amomgst us.
When I coached, mid 2000s, it was more like 3 field sessions and one gym session plus a lunch time kicking/scrum skills. I did the video analysis and transferred the results onto paper for the players to read.

Quite a difference to the 2018 regime of GPS 1st XVs.


Just lock it mate, it’s a scourge on the site. I look at all the 3rd-hand spurious information and personal attacks and it makes me want to leave the forum.

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
Just lock it mate, it’s a scourge on the site. I look at all the 3rd-hand spurious information and personal attacks and it makes me want to leave the forum.

I can agree fully with those comments, to often this site attracts vulgar upstart cyber trolls, who are neither interested or care about Schoolboy Rugby. Rather their intent is to attack those of us who wish, to have an intelligent discussion and in turn, the site becomes one of abuse. Regrettably, in order to expose two of these low life trolls, I had to resort to some pretty unpleasant language. But those two were typical Cyber Trolls, nasty, vicious and burden with deep seated emotional issues.Both are in need of immediate professional help, in the area of mental health. Consequently, polite debate would have been lost on them.

The Mods know who these Cyber Trolls are, as do most us. Therefore, what is required is bit of house cleaning from you gentlemen, to establish some professional, educated and gentrified behaviour on this site. Its the standard of behaviour I see at Newington, I expect nothing less from Green and Gold.

Hence, for those of us who attended these wonderful schools, there is a expectation of an atmosphere one might find at a properly run independent school. Unfortunately, it is very obvious that these Cyber Trolls never attended such schools. And doesn't it show in their woeful educational standards, socially dysfunctional language, incoherent writing. And of course the most obvious, their lack of proper good manners. So Mods save the site from these badly brought up bogans.

Example, when one of these deranged and emotionally damaged individuals, is constantly abusing other members of Green and Gold. Sideline and Southsider experienced this hatred and it is unacceptable. Its tolerate in the work place, schools in the media, Hence it is unacceptable on Green and Gold. So do what Headmasters do with a bad behaving child which, expel them from the site permanently.

So to our Mods, I ask you to embark on a level of discipline that will create a site that Green & Gold can be proud of.This requires proactive leadership from you gentlemen. No point in applying, "A one fits all approach", it doesn't work, instead, be selective in identifying a particular culprit and then simply make them disappear from the site.

I make no apologies for sounding like a Headmaster, but having been a Boarding House Master, House Tutor, Boys Mentor and of course a Rugby Coach, I know what needs to be done on this site.