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Australian Rugby / RA


Ward Prentice (10)
Chrichton is one of the only legitimate ones that got away. He was at Scots as a country boarder whose Father went there as well.

The Cam Murray’s, Katoa and co are ones the NRL Clubs put away.
They were still all fair game, rugby just wasn’t lucrative enough for them professionally


Nathan Sharpe (72)
A lot of guys at my club know league inside out (because western Sydney).

They explained that many of these "lost to union" guys who played at rugby schools were put there by NRL clubs who have them on the books already.
The more you know.


Bob Loudon (25)
Even if there are good players running around in Subbies, why would you be pouring money into it to try and identify talent?

Anyone wanting to be a more serious rugby player doesn't play Subbies. Given the state of ARU finances and our lack of a third tier, throwing money at travelling representative Subbies teams seems crazy.

It's a nice enough idea but surely there are more pressing needs.
Yeah subbies is social rugby - always has been … nothing wrong with it, it’s actually awesome .. but it’s not for players who want to play professionally
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Bob Loudon (25)
Chrichton is one of the only legitimate ones that got away. He was at Scots as a country boarder whose Father went there as well.

The Cam Murray’s, Katoa and co are ones the NRL Clubs put away.
A lot of those duel schoolboy players love both codes, (and do want to play for the wallabies ) … but they know it’s more beneficial to go to league first … both performance and financially wise. They can demand a high price when they switch…

I was shocked when Jorgensen stayed in Rugby ..
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John Hipwell (52)
Super AU and since then the AU derbies have WAY more interest than anything involving NZ. The perceived quality of the games is irrelevant! And relative to the opposition anyway. It's about connection to the teams and (not that Super has many) rivalries / their opponents.
And why do they have more interest? Because fans don’t think their team can beat a NZ team. The Reds had no problems with fan engagement in 2011 when they were winning…


Bob Loudon (25)
And why do they have more interest? Because fans don’t think their team can beat a NZ team. The Reds had no problems with fan engagement in 2011 when they were winning…
Ofcourse... any fan is more interested in watching their team if they are competitive.


Trevor Allan (34)
And why do they have more interest? Because fans don’t think their team can beat a NZ team. The Reds had no problems with fan engagement in 2011 when they were winning…
So we only have to reach back 12 years for a feel good story, can't wait until 2031 for the next great fan engagement moment.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
I had no idea rugby league were paying for kids to go to private schools, You have to admire their creativity and spread.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
AFL are even smarter. The traditional rugby schools in Sydney all now have AFL programs where uniforms, coaches etc are provided. Many now have more AFL teams than rugby sides. Traditionally mothers are not keen on rugby union or league because of the heavy contact so AFL is a good alternative. Soccer programs are also very strong.
And yes, while the AFL does the above and the code is growing fast in the rugby states league send their prospects to established rugby union schools and grab them after they finish.
RA just sit on their backsides waiting for the next Ella, Gregan, Eales and Larkham to come along without nurturing the process.

Members Section

John Thornett (49)
AFL are even smarter. The traditional rugby schools in Sydney all now have AFL programs where uniforms, coaches etc are provided. Many now have more AFL teams than rugby sides. Traditionally mothers are not keen on rugby union or league because of the heavy contact so AFL is a good alternative. Soccer programs are also very strong.
And yes, while the AFL does the above and the code is growing fast in the rugby states league send their prospects to established rugby union schools and grab them after they finish.
Rugby Australia just sit on their backsides waiting for the next Ella, Gregan, Eales and Larkham to come along without nurturing the process.

Yeah but the numbers of registed players in nsw is the lowest percentage in aus & its not growing


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Yeah subbies is social rugby - always has been … nothing wrong with it, it’s actually awesome .. but it’s not for players who want to play professionally

Agreed. A Senior Third Grade SRU (Sydney Premier) player would probably do OK in First Grade for most divisions in Subbies. That's well below where you want development to be. Similarly Colts 3rd XV at Premier would go OK in most Subbies Colts comps once they turn 20.

A related problem: a bunch of people playing 3rd Grade Colts for any SRU club should really be playing at Subbies clubs once they turn 20, but instead they realise they're not going to play Grade and quit.

e.g. my club has William Clarke College right around the corner. They're not a particularly large school but they havee rugby programs. Eastwood will move in not far away in a year or two. What if we had a system to link the College to Eastwood and my club?

1) School leavers play for Eastwood Colts 3 for a year while they're still 18 or 19 to see if they can progress
2) Once they're not eligible for U20 any more, they come to us for a year to have a run and fill out
3) After that they might be worthy of consideration in 3rd XV or can stay on.

The goal is to keep people in the game. They are supporters, bring volunteers, and eventually become involved in running the club.

There are potentially some late bloomers we're missing out on because the pathways are too narrow and young guys are leaving the game straight after school or after Premier Colts. Everyone fights each other for resources in Sydney, rather than working together on alignment.


John Hipwell (52)
So we only have to reach back 12 years for a feel good story, can't wait until 2031 for the next great fan engagement moment.
Or you could try and improve?

The only people interested in watching 3rd rate rugby are already rugby fans.

The defeatist attitude and cowardly approach to excluding anyone who you can’t beat right now is everything that’s wrong with Australian rugby.

With this kind of thinking, the Wallabies should only play the likes of Georgia and Portugal and stop playing any Tier 1 teams.


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Agreed. A Senior Third Grade SRU (Sydney Premier) player would probably do OK in First Grade for most divisions in Subbies. That's well below where you want development to be. Similarly Colts 3rd XV at Premier would go OK in most Subbies Colts comps once they turn 20.

A related problem: a bunch of people playing 3rd Grade Colts for any SRU club should really be playing at Subbies clubs once they turn 20, but instead they realise they're not going to play Grade and quit.

e.g. my club has William Clarke College right around the corner. They're not a particularly large school but they havee rugby programs. Eastwood will move in not far away in a year or two. What if we had a system to link the College to Eastwood and my club?

1) School leavers play for Eastwood Colts 3 for a year while they're still 18 or 19 to see if they can progress
2) Once they're not eligible for U20 any more, they come to us for a year to have a run and fill out
3) After that they might be worthy of consideration in 3rd XV or can stay on.

The goal is to keep people in the game. They are supporters, bring volunteers, and eventually become involved in running the club.

There are potentially some late bloomers we're missing out on because the pathways are too narrow and young guys are leaving the game straight after school or after Premier Colts. Everyone fights each other for resources in Sydney, rather than working together on alignment.
I'm firmly of the belief that the Brisbane and Sydney clubs should be focusing their recruitment around the guys playing 2nds and 3rds at school that don't necessarily look like they're going to be anything. More than anything clubs run of warm bodies and a 100+ gamer playing in the grades who brings a few mates down, helps out with the bbq and does a bit of coaching of juniors is invaluable. That's not a knock on the guys playing first grade and aiming for more, but anyone in that high performance space costs money, which is where you need the guys just there for the joy of it to find the top teams.

If a few of them fill out and find their feet at the top level than even better, but the majority of a clubs effort should be community, rather than trying to masquerade as professional high performance setups.


John Eales (66)
There is a bit of speculation around that Nicola Forrest might come to the rescue. Twiggy has favoured the West historically as that is where he is from, but Nicola is a massive supporter of the game and is from Central West NSW.


Trevor Allan (34)
Or you could try and improve?

The only people interested in watching 3rd rate rugby are already rugby fans.

The defeatist attitude and cowardly approach to excluding anyone who you can’t beat right now is everything that’s wrong with Australian rugby.

With this kind of thinking, the Wallabies should only play the likes of Georgia and Portugal and stop playing any Tier 1 teams.
Aahhh the old Defeatist and cowardly angle, I'm surprised you didn't throw in "you must play the best to be the best" or "turn into North korea" as well.


Alan Cameron (40)
Or you could try and improve?

The only people interested in watching 3rd rate rugby are already rugby fans.

The defeatist attitude and cowardly approach to excluding anyone who you can’t beat right now is everything that’s wrong with Australian rugby.

With this kind of thinking, the Wallabies should only play the likes of Georgia and Portugal and stop playing any Tier 1 teams.
The biggest problem isn’t the quality of the rugby, it’s the lack of competition and tribalism with super rugby

And the 40,000 fans that watched the Super rugby AU final didn’t seem to think it was “3rd rate” nor did they miss the Hurricanes