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Australian Rugby / RA


Mark Ella (57)
^^^despite what they say about fans being important they ignore us until the press point out a facebook post damning them.

As they see it we are a necessary evil.

As we see it they are an unnecessary evil.

They need to take us into their confidence and tell us how they plan to fix this mess we are in. In some detail.

Do you honestly think they know how to fix it? I don't think they do or can, because they are within and part of the structures and are invested in them. In saying that I do not mean to reduce any culpability I believe they have, since so many have been ring alarm bels for so many years about these very problems and the trajectory that the game was on in this country.


Mark Ella (57)
Have you forgotten 2007 so quickly? Knuckles for coach? Disaster at the RWC? It has been more or less downhill ever since. A few little ups, lots of steep downs.

That's is bullshit. Knuckles always gets a very bad rap about the 2007 RWC. He had essentially zero time to turn the scrum around and a rock solid refereeing perception (well earned) that the scrum was rubbish. He had to overcome a selection and complete training policy from the ground up that prioritised mobility over set piece in under a year. He was on a hiding to nothing. He certainly deserved to be resigned more than Deans ever did who had twice as long to prepare and fared worse IMO at 2011.

The 1999 RWC and 2002 Lions series disguises the degradation of Australian rugby from the time the game went pro in '96, because the spine of the team in that time were the elite of those amateur years. We set the pace in "professionalism" before rugby was professional, now we are more like amateurs to the rest of the world's professional approach.

No rule changes required Wamberal.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
No rule changes required Wamberal.
it may only be an issue with we impatient Ozzie but I think something urgently needs to be done about time wasting or loss of time in the game.
No ref polices the time limit on goal kicking. They have to discourage by either penalising it or stopping the clock.
The farcical time it takes to set a scrum is a blight and the milking of time by tight 5 players sitting down for spurious medical attention is laughable.
I always understood the law to be that game only stopped for injured tight five: at the moment it stops for the blind side winger to put his boot on or to order some domino's pizza for the after match.
Maybe not the right thread except for the fact that oz has led the way historically with game improving law changes.


John Thornett (49)
I had a dream last night I injected $250m into the Rugby Future Fund and we saved rugby.

Sorry it was just a dream everyone


I had a dream last night I injected $250m into the Rugby Future Fund and we saved rugby.

Sorry it was just a dream everyone

Were you in control of where the funds went? The ARU would have spend $249 million of the funds on fancy corporate entertainment if not with $1 million going towards 'grassroots' rugby. eg. new gym equipment for the ARU offices.


Tony Shaw (54)
Read the fine print qualifier, a weasel politician/lawyer would be proud of.

Yeah, my personal favourite weasel in all that carefully crafted 'looks like I'd readily resign but not really' bumph was the bit where 'everybody in the room' has to ask him to go vs 'a number of participants'.

The chance of everybody in that hotbed of radical strategic thinking and code vitality - the Australian RU delegates' gathering - spontaneously arising from their seats and saying 'Bill, out now' is about the same as that pertaining to the Wallabies winning the 2017 BC.


John Thornett (49)
Were you in control of where the funds went? The ARU would have spend $249 million of the funds on fancy corporate entertainment if not with $1 million going towards 'grassroots' rugby. eg. new gym equipment for the ARU offices.
It went to club rugby and below. Lots of development officers.


Tony Shaw (54)
BTW: the ARU board seems to be leaking to News Corp journos that their plan for BP is that he'll be dumped once the Super teams debacle is resolved (in 2019?) and the forward-looking air is thus clear for a new CEO to start.

I suspect this was consciously leaked earlier this week to pre-empt any 'unsightly unpleasantness over Bill's position' at today's ARU EGM.

I wonder how the various delegates will like Pulver calling one of their proposed resolutions 'nonsense'?

In any event I thought that description by Pulver was so revealing - the utter arrogance in openly calling a considered resolution proposed by your supposed RU senior colleagues 'nonsense'. The ARU itself under Pulver being such a fountain of wisdom and good judgement permitting him the right to make that patronising reference.

I always thought that behind that 'hail fellow well met hearty smile' of Pulver's there was a deep streak of arrogant elitism that would fit so well with the ARU's historical culture and proven MO.


Alan Cameron (40)

Red that may not be far off the truth.

A little bird mentioned something to me last week. Twas FFA are moving to a new phase of expansion and they may want to change Gallop for a new person, his contract is up in June 2018.

The suggestion if FFA decide on a new CEO, Gallop's recovery efforts after the super league wars, and what he has done at FFA, and his contacts, appeal to some folk in rugby.

All rumours especially FFA going with a new CEO. Tis interesting to consider.

The torpedo

Peter Fenwicke (45)
That's is bullshit. Knuckles always gets a very bad rap about the 2007 RWC. He had essentially zero time to turn the scrum around and a rock solid refereeing perception (well earned) that the scrum was rubbish. He had to overcome a selection and complete training policy from the ground up that prioritised mobility over set piece in under a year. He was on a hiding to nothing. He certainly deserved to be resigned more than Deans ever did who had twice as long to prepare and fared worse IMO at 2011.

Add to this that were were a missed penalty away from going through to the semis v France @ the 2007 RWC (Mortlock kicked 1/4 in the QF). Bernie Larkham would have returned for that game. Could we have beaten the French?


Bill McLean (32)
BTW: the ARU board seems to be leaking to News Corp journos that their plan for BP is that he'll be dumped once the Super teams debacle is resolved (in 2019?) and the forward-looking air is thus clear for a new CEO to start.

This has been the most frustrating part of this whole crapshoot. The blatant leaking of the good ship ARU to Panda and Smith.

The gall of Clyne to suggest, for instance, that they had never floated an offer to Cox for the Rebels despite it being a news item for a month. Smith's constant BREAKING tweets indicating the Force Rebels Force Rebels Brumbies Rebels Force are now in the ARU's crosshairs.

All speaks to a lack of courage in HQ. Nobody wants to own this, so everyone is tarred with it.

The torpedo

Peter Fenwicke (45)
BTW: the ARU board seems to be leaking to News Corp journos that their plan for BP is that he'll be dumped once the Super teams debacle is resolved (in 2019?) and the forward-looking air is thus clear for a new CEO to start.

I suspect this was consciously leaked earlier this week to pre-empt any 'unsightly unpleasantness over Bill's position' at today's ARU EGM.

I wonder how the various delegates will like Pulver calling one of their proposed resolutions 'nonsense'?

In any event I thought that description by Pulver was so revealing - the utter arrogance in openly calling a considered resolution proposed by your supposed RU senior colleagues 'nonsense'. The ARU itself under Pulver being such a fountain of wisdom and good judgement permitting him the right to make that patronising reference.

I always thought that behind that 'hail fellow well met hearty smile' of Pulver's there was a deep streak of arrogant elitism that would fit so well with the ARU's historical culture and proven MO.

Considering it was noted in an SMH article that today is 72 days since the ARU (or whatever they call themselves now) said it will be 72 hours until they announce which team is up against the wall (and whoever it is, it will probably go like this), so it will probably be another 72 weeks - giving your estimation of sometime in 2019 as eerily accurate.

In other words, to quote Mr Elton John "And I think it's gonna be a long long time"

Yes, I know you're having a laugh when you say 2019