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Bledisloe 2 at Eden Park 18/10/20


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Stick with the same team - maybe fiddle with the bench slightly. Possible rotations being Lolesio, Simmons or Valetini for Petaia, Hosea or Wright.

I think the main thing will be keeping the consistency in defence and discipline in attack that only allowed them to score 16 points. We all know the backlash is coming, and if we can stem their attacking mojo again it will be a huge psychological win for the two tests on home soil - even if we ultimately lose. Not so much if we ship 50 points.


Phil Kearns (64)
I thought Paisami was pretty good, especially in defence. Gee it would be hard to drop him, I reckon. Having said that, Petaia is an absolute match winner. I would like to see Hosea and Wright in. Samu was good, without being a match-winner. Simmons is a tradesman, I would like to see a bit more energy in the final 20. There might be some injury problems. Oh, almost forget, Uelese to start.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Anyone suggesting to drop To'omua, are they actually serious?? He played a solid 12 game, been the conduit between 9/10 and the outside backs, who saw plenty of ball. Defensively he was great. Some people are determined to look for things that simply aren't there to justify perception heading into the game.


Jim Lenehan (48)
I'm happy for FF (Folau Fainga'a) to get another crack but would be good to see Uelese on with 30+ to go.

Petaia to start if he's fit. Don't know what we do with DHP. I like Hodge at 23.

Tbh i don't think DHP gets in as Banks was decent. Agree that Fainga'a deserves another go


Greg Davis (50)
If Petaia comes in, it needs to be on the bench so you're dropping Loleslio. Between JOC (James O'Connor), To'omua and Hodge, you've got three blokes who can play 10/12 and with Hunter and Jordan, you've got two blokes who can play 12/13.

There's absolutely no reason why we should rush Petaia in this coming weekend. I'd prefer him to be fully fit for our two matches on Aussie soil. We can lose at Eden Park and still win the Bledisloe.


Tim Horan (67)
Tbh i don't think DHP gets in as Banks was decent. Agree that Fainga'a deserves another go

I thought Banks started below par for an international. He grew into the game though. So it’s worth giving him time to continue that growth. He’s done enough in one game but I’m not calling him a must have by any measure.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
I thought Banks started below par for an international. He grew into the game though. So it’s worth giving him time to continue that growth. He’s done enough in one game but I’m not calling him a must have by any measure.

His boot was very handy, though.
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Andrew Slack (58)
IMO if Petaia comes in it is straight into the side & Paisami drops out of the 23. Tough on Paisami, but it’s Test football. I’d only want that if Petaia is 100%.

Lolesio gives us good balance on the bench and allows us to play the same structure if either JOC (James O'Connor) or To'omua go down. Given the circumstances of the game I think it’s perfectly reasonable that Rennie kept JOC (James O'Connor) & To'omua on the field for 88 minutes, but I don’t believe it automatically follows that he isn’t confident to throw Lolesio in it he needs to.

As Adam pointed out Uelese was noticeably slow to get off the ground several times despite playing relatively low minutes. I noticed this when the Wallabies were under the pump defending their line. Not sure if maybe he had an injury - but I’d like to know what the go was there before talking about promoting him to the starting side. The kid has great potentially but his lack of apparent urgency is a big concern for mine.

The two guys under pressure IMO are Scott Sio & Rob Simmons. Sio has been stuggling all year and seemed to struggle again - but I’ll leave it to the coaching staff how much was his fault. I’ve defended Simmons for a long time but his penalty on the weekend was dumb, needless and could have easily lost the game. Sometimes coaches need to kick guys hard in the arse for those sort of plays.

For both Simmons & Sio though there has to be some question as the whether the next guy down is a better option at this time.

I’d still be happy to see the same team, but if they are going to make changes those are the only ones I’d be thinking about.

Uh huh

Alfred Walker (16)
I thought Paisami was pretty good, especially in defence. Gee it would be hard to drop him, I reckon. Having said that, Petaia is an absolute match winner. I would like to see Hosea and Wright in. Samu was good, without being a match-winner. Simmons is a tradesman, I would like to see a bit more energy in the final 20. There might be some injury problems. Oh, almost forget, Uelese to start.

If Simmons was a tradesman he'd wind up on Today Tonight.


Andrew Slack (58)
Agree completely. I thought Wilson was superb too. Carried hard in the tight, but also worked well with Daugunu out wide as well and got him in space at least 3 times. Worked hard in defence and I thought he was generally very good with his breakdown work - although I wouldn’t be surprised if analysis showed he (and all the other forwards) still had a fair amount of improvement to do there. Ran some great lines, including leading up to Daugunu’s try.


Tim Horan (67)
Lolesio gives us good balance on the bench and allows us to play the same structure if either JOC (James O'Connor) or To'omua go down. Given the circumstances of the game I think it’s perfectly reasonable that Rennie kept JOC (James O'Connor) & To'omua on the field for 88 minutes, but I don’t believe it automatically follows that he isn’t confident to throw Lolesio in it he needs to.

I don’t follow this at all, two contradictory statements for me.
1. Lolesio gives the bench balance
2. Understand not bringing him on

As it ended up, the balance that was achieved with Lolesio was exactly the same as simply choosing 22 to play.

Try-ranosaurus Rex

Darby Loudon (17)
Starting Petaia would be something of a gamble fitness wise

Do you know something that we don't? It's on the record that he's recovered from the hip pointer, just didn't get enough reps in with the team to warrant selection for the first bled.

The Wallabies have experienced medical and S&C staff. If selected, he'll be fit.

Uh huh

Alfred Walker (16)
I don’t follow this at all, two contradictory statements for me.
1. Lolesio gives the bench balance
2. Understand not bringing him on

As it ended up, the balance that was achieved with Lolesio was exactly the same as simply choosing 22 to play.

Part of the purpose of the bench is to cover for potential injuries. The fact that Chris Whitaker rarely got off the bench wouldn't have justified not carrying a reserve 9.

Try-ranosaurus Rex

Darby Loudon (17)
I thought Banks started below par for an international. He grew into the game though. So it’s worth giving him time to continue that growth. He’s done enough in one game but I’m not calling him a must have by any measure.

it was a difficult game for fullbacks. I'm not sure what benchmark you are using for 'international fullback', but Banks was assured under the highball, kicked well and outplayed his opposite number.


Alan Cameron (40)
Yeah, I can’t say I’m a big Banks fan overall but I thought he did well. He didn’t light it up but in those kind of conditions that’s not what I was expecting. He was calm and safe, caught and kicked well, and ran well. I’d definitely have him there again in the second Test.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Many will disagree, but I thought FF (Folau Fainga'a) was below where he needed to be across for more than just line-out throws, and this has been the case in his previous test starts. He has certainly been the best 2 in super rugby, but at this stage doesn't seem to make the step up. I would have Uelese start next test. I would give Thor another start, he did a lot of good things, but two careless penalties at the breakdown comes from a drop in concentration, he needs to do better. AAA made a very good case for starting when he came on, so I think TT is on notice. In the backrow, I would start Wright at 6, move Wilson to 8, have Samu off the bench and leave Valetini out of the 22.
In the backs, I was really pissed off with To'omua kicking our attacking opportunities away, and that must stop. Having said that, I think he remains our best option at 12 so wouldn't make a change. If Petaia returns, he goes to 13, Paisami to the bench (tough I know, but we need our best 15 guys on the paddock). Lolesio drops out, I think he's a great talent and I want to see him start at 10 this season. but there is no point having him on the bench if we aren't going to use him, it's a 23 man game. If JOC (James O'Connor) goes down, To'omua can always move to 10.
By the way, I don't think it was so much players not getting to the breakdown was our problem as inaccuracy at the cleanout by the first man there. That has to be better.
And Rob Simmons, that was just too dumb. The ref is screaming at number 19, we are 3 in front and 20 metres out, WTF! Time to go. Either take the punt and put Hosea on the bench, or if the lineout really is why Simmons was there, put Hanigan on the bench.


Tim Horan (67)
Agree completely. I thought Wilson was superb too. Carried hard in the tight, but also worked well with Daugunu out wide as well and got him in space at least 3 times. Worked hard in defence and I thought he was generally very good with his breakdown work - although I wouldn’t be surprised if analysis showed he (and all the other forwards) still had a fair amount of improvement to do there. Ran some great lines, including leading up to Daugunu’s try.

Looks great Daugunu and him have some great synergy and a license to do some fuckwittery on the wing, I like it.