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CAS 2019


Frank Row (1)
I love how you seem to have a lot of observations but wonder as to where you get your facts from SonnyDill. I presume you have a little insider feeding some information that perhaps is a bit like chinese whispers. The minute you said "not my place to comment" you shouldn't have, but you really couldn't help yourself.

Now if you were good at gathering your information, you would know that there are very good reasons as to why Hutchinson-Walters left school and it really shouldn't be for public scrutiny to be fair. Nothing to do with Roosters or the school, as I am led to believe. My son is quite good friends with him and although not in the same team, there is a lot that goes on in ones life that we are not and should not be privy to. Not my place to comment either, so I won't.

I think some of you have to remember these are kids you are talking about and they read this BS some of you talk about and comment on and some of you really need to pull your head in.

Waves played well today. Di Bartolo is a good player and should of been in 1sts anyway. I'm not convinced on Volkman at 12. He might bode well against the smaller CAS teams but I watched him at Australian Schoolboys and he goes missing too much for my liking. But that's just my opinion.

My observations from QP1

First thing of interest was in the Waverley Program they had a Prep School 1st XV pic, farewelling this year's Year 12 . and 2 kids O'Reilly and Kourembanas were in fact at Waverley in the junior school .. not that that was a surprise

What was a surprise is I heard than Waverley's 12 (Lathan) had left the school . so his departure was at least part of the reason, why Waverley had a new look team

Look not my place to comment on kids leaving, staying whatever . but certainly my understanding was that he was a billeted Roosters kid . so whether that puts a future question mark, on such enrolments . who is to know . not even sure how a school would know such a thing . assuming it is even correct

anyways whatever the reason . Lathan's departure proved (today) a blessing .. Di Bartolo stepped into the 10 jersey . and in my estimation he is a more natural 10 . so Volkman moved to 12, where certainly the CAS selectors thought him better suited

anyway the game started with Waverley's 10 throwing a long cut out pass . and it was gobbled up by Cranners 13 (Taylor)

who ran more a less the length of the field . for Cranbrook's first try.

So you might have thought yikes . wheels about to fall off . and maybe Di Bartolo was not the solution to getting the backs going. However that would not be the conclusion at the end of the match.. one mistake doesn't seal your fate.

Waverley bounced back and the young guns ultimately did the job .in what was a pretty good arm wrestle . albeit punctuated by a few schoolboy errors

In any event my prediction was proved right .. with a clean sweep in Opens, and pretty dominant results across the age groups.

So obviously Waverley ended up winning 27-19 . even if Cranbrook certainly never gave up the fight. and showed good character. [I think they lost one of their second rowers relatively early, and they didn't have too much luck. you would have to say.]

My points

3 points
Jacob Taylor .Don't think that is very contentious. Quite apart from his solo intercept try, he always looked dangerous, and would have to be Brook's best player in attack and defence

2 points
Alex O'Reilly . nothing to do with his being ex Waverley . but he has sure filled out, and was Brook's best forward. Followed closely by the whole front row . who have a quality hooker and 2 big props.

1 point
Tas Smith . he probably looked like he was outplayed by his opposing number, however he didn't get the same amount of possession, and he is a great player. Good pass, good in attack and defence.

Also impressed that Darcy White Cranbrook's diminutive 14 proved me wrong , re his defence. He was marking Jordan Swann, who is massive . and Darcy's defence was excellent. I think any previously imagined defensive issues were probably more about Knox's Ollie Evans illusiveness.


3 points
The 9/10 combo . Thorn and Di Bartolo. You'd have to stick with this duo.
Someone joked than Lathan H-Waters hadn't passed in 2 years .. and it felt true. These 2 worked great and with Volkman (12), they had the backline humming.

2 points
Patrick Kite (14) .. awesome try in the corner . and always dangerous in attack.

1 point
Alex Rice . great captains knock . and not sure why he left Scots, but Waverley has proved a good fit . at least in my estimation.

Also impressed but no point was Fagan (13) .. always nice to see someone back from a tough run with knee injuries . but he looked good . and is an unselfish player.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Gazer, fair enough...take ur point...they are kids... and no ones business

Altgh u have thrown volkman under the bus... not a mate of ur sons?

Anyway not pointing finger at any individuals... but I think Waverley might be becoming too acccomodating of non school activities

I prefer joeys approach.. minimal tolerance of league commitments

Anyway that’s me ... don’t like NRL... prefer union. Would prefer if they spent extra time with Wicks

And my opinion for what it’s worth ( not much) is if u want to play league ... go to marcellin

But I know that’s contrary to what lots of kids want to do...

Anyway very happy Waverley got the win today ... we prob agree on that.


Frank Row (1)
I think you’ll find he is not playing anything at present apart from the tournament where he represented Waverley recently. And again, not the reason he left school, although there seem to be lots of rumours flying around QP today around this. All I know is hes a good kid with a lot going on at the moment. Perhaps leave it at that. Waverley knew he was a leaguey so why take him anyway? That’s really on them and perhaps something they need to change.

And I should of been clearer. Volkman is a friend of my sons and I prefer him at 10 rather than 12. He’s not a crash and bash type, more a ball player. Again just my opinion. Not sure what the solution is though as Di Bartolo deserves the 10 too.Never said I didn’t like him or that he was a bad player. Agree Kite had a good game and actually been a bolter this season for me. Hopefully they band together and get the season done on a high.

quote="SonnyDillWilliams, post: 1083402, member: 8546"]Gazer, fair enough.take ur point.they are kids. and no ones business

Altgh u have thrown volkman under the bus. not a mate of ur sons?

Anyway not pointing finger at any individuals. but I think Waverley might be becoming too acccomodating of non school activities

I prefer joeys approach.. minimal tolerance of league commitments

Anyway that’s me . don’t like NRL. prefer union. Would prefer if they spent extra time with Wicks

And my opinion for what it’s worth ( not much) is if u want to play league . go to marcellin

But I know that’s contrary to what lots of kids want to do.

Anyway very happy Waverley got the win today . we prob agree on that.[/quote]


Stan Wickham (3)
I love how you seem to have a lot of observations but wonder as to where you get your facts from SonnyDill. I presume you have a little insider feeding some information that perhaps is a bit like chinese whispers. The minute you said "not my place to comment" you shouldn't have, but you really couldn't help yourself.

Now if you were good at gathering your information, you would know that there are very good reasons as to why Hutchinson-Walters left school and it really shouldn't be for public scrutiny to be fair. Nothing to do with Roosters or the school, as I am led to believe. My son is quite good friends with him and although not in the same team, there is a lot that goes on in ones life that we are not and should not be privy to. Not my place to comment either, so I won't.

I think some of you have to remember these are kids you are talking about and they read this BS some of you talk about and comment on and some of you really need to pull your head in.

Waves played well today. Di Bartolo is a good player and should of been in 1sts anyway. I'm not convinced on Volkman at 12. He might bode well against the smaller CAS teams but I watched him at Australian Schoolboys and he goes missing too much for my liking. But that's just my opinion.

Lathan dropped out of Waverley due to a contract he was offered from the Newcastle Knights. Yes these players, are all kids but this bullshit you talk about that is being talked about is from people that randomly make accounts (e.g your account made 2 days ago) who have a dig at a long time standing member - SonnyDill

Anyways, I was a the Knox game and jesus Trinity really didn't show up. Credit to the Knox players for putting on a electrifying show


Nev Cottrell (35)
So, two rounds to go and the table is

Barker 6
Knox 4
Waverley 2
Cranbrook 2
Trinity 2
St Aloysius 2

Next round, I think Knox beats St Aloysius. Home advantage gives Cranbrook the points over Trinity, and Barker gets up over Waverley. If that happens, Knox and Barker basically play off for the premiership - if Knox wins, it's shared and if Barker wins it wins outright.

But... if Waverley upsets Barker next Saturday, then potentially four teams could go into the last round with a chance of sharing the title.

Realistically Barker has been the best side this season and should win. But a lot can still happen.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Thanks Jason Phillips...appreciate the support

Ok I have done the analysis ... and Waverley really not much hope of even sharing in title

So for what it’s worth think most of the 16s .. should be returned to 16As ... next week... although that excludes klayton thorn who has been in 1sts all year


Tom Lawton (22)
New to this, just got a question to ask. I'm playing bottom grade socials, with quite a few players new to the game. One of these new players, with the ball taken into the ruck by the opposition, picked the ball up from the side of the ruck when he was lying on the ground, quite clearly had no idea what he was doing and just wanted to get the ball. We were already down by 15 or so, and in response the ref gave him a yellow, the second of the game for us. He hadn't been previously warned about this, and it just seemed a bit over the top, just wondering what the opinion on this would be, or if it should be a yellow. Cheers

If it was near your tryline, possibly justified. Last time I played mate, ref did not ask each player his playing history or knowledge of the rules.


Frank Row (1)
Yeah ok thats fair thanks mate. Understandable, although considering we're a bottom team and I atleast thought it was quite clear that he had no idea what he was doing, I just thought it should've only been a penalty, thanks for clarifying. Cheers
If it was near your tryline, possibly justified. Last time I played mate, ref did not ask each player his playing history or knowledge of the rules.


Tom Lawton (22)
Can somebody shed some light on the Aloysius vs Barker game, was it as bad as the scoreline suggests?

For the first 15 minutes it was relatively even. Then the floodgates opened.

Barker backline outclassed Aloys by a fair margin, forwards were closer although Barker had the edge there too. I think all bar two tries were scored by backs, with Kyle Galloway scoring 4 and could have got a 5th. Vass, Bowen, Ovenden all had very strong games.


Ken Catchpole (46)
New to this, just got a question to ask. I'm playing bottom grade socials, with quite a few players new to the game. One of these new players, with the ball taken into the ruck by the opposition, picked the ball up from the side of the ruck when he was lying on the ground, quite clearly had no idea what he was doing and just wanted to get the ball. We were already down by 15 or so, and in response the ref gave him a yellow, the second of the game for us. He hadn't been previously warned about this, and it just seemed a bit over the top, just wondering what the opinion on this would be, or if it should be a yellow. Cheers

The ref penalised him breaching the Laws Of The Game, and yellow carded him for not having read "The Art of Coarse Rugby" (Michael Green, 1960).
All cheating, foul play, rule bending, biting and puncturing of the pig skin when trailing must be done OUT OF SIGHT OF THE REF.


Peter Burge (5)
So for what it’s worth think most of the 16s .. should be returned to 16As . next week. although that excludes klayton thorn who has been in 1sts all yearView attachment 10908

  • IMHO with Hutchinson-Walters' departure, Di Bartolo will stay in the 1st XV for the Barker and Trinity games.
  • As will Moale who has been there for many matches this season.
  • Thorn has played all, so as you state will obviously stay there too.
  • The other two 16s, King and Sullivan, will return, depending on injuries. They did no wrong on the weekend. King getting one try and a second disallowed. Sullivan played great in his 1st XV debut, and is a very accurate lineout thrower, and almost pulled off a trademark intercept.


Good luck to the U16s Waves players getting a go in the 1sts. Waves look like shot birds for this season but the experience these players are gaining will auger well for the 1st XV for the next 2 years.


Bob Loudon (25)
New to this, just got a question to ask. I'm playing bottom grade socials, with quite a few players new to the game. One of these new players, with the ball taken into the ruck by the opposition, picked the ball up from the side of the ruck when he was lying on the ground, quite clearly had no idea what he was doing and just wanted to get the ball. We were already down by 15 or so, and in response the ref gave him a yellow, the second of the game for us. He hadn't been previously warned about this, and it just seemed a bit over the top, just wondering what the opinion on this would be, or if it should be a yellow. Cheers

Great to see another great unwashed - a player of the lower grades like I once was - join the thread. G&G is not fussy - just post regularly!!


Frank Row (1)
Yes I may have a new account but trust me I've been a long time follower of the threads. I use to enjoy reading about the CAS teams were fairing and the competition was going. First time I've felt the need to comment on the BS. Just because SonnyDill is a longtime member doesn't mean he actually knows much to be fair.

Seen the contract have you mate - must have some real good intel if you know that. I know for a fact he is still contracted to Roosters and will be until end of October. I could tell you the real reason, but I like to scoff at your presumptions. I hope if you have kids mate, no one speaks ill of them. And I really hope parents of some of these ids you guys talk about week in week out aren't on here.

So perhaps just stick to your in depth analysis of the games.

Also where is WLF gone. Seems to have disappeared after sending a private message to SonnyDill about the Waverley changes? Anything to add WLF?

Lathan dropped out of Waverley due to a contract he was offered from the Newcastle Knights. Yes these players, are all kids but this bullshit you talk about that is being talked about is from people that randomly make accounts (e.g your account made 2 days ago) who have a dig at a long time standing member - SonnyDill

Anyways, I was a the Knox game and jesus Trinity really didn't show up. Credit to the Knox players for putting on a electrifying show