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CAS 2019


Arch Winning (36)
Point noted. I only suggested that maybe a new voice and fresh ideas may be needed to get Waverley back on track. I am aware of the current coaches credentials and their track record and applaud their commitment. But it is of my opinion and only my opinion that coaches should be on rotation in the opens. Maybe every 3 years rotate opens coaches ( remember just my opinion )

Fair call, at some point in time everything does need to change.
For me, until this coaching staff has had enough and the results aren't coming (given reasonable teams) then I will back them.
The next 3 years will be a case in hand, as they will have the talent required to do well.


Fair call, at some point in time everything does need to change.
For me, until this coaching staff has had enough and the results aren't coming (given reasonable teams) then I will back them.
The next 3 years will be a case in hand, as they will have the talent required to do well.

And replaced by whom? The coaches wont feel under pressure. No point rotating coaches just for the sake of it unless it will improve matters. The school doesn't have an open cheque book. Some other schools would be happy to have these two blokes on their roster.

Teaching the boys basic skills as they progress through the age groups is important and that's something Waverley has improved on in recent years.

The coaching at Waverley has improved significantly in recent years and that's through all age groups. That's not only due to the dedication of all concerned including the Rugby Convenor but also because the school has built a good relationship with the Randwick RU Club.

Fathers who have been coaches at Randwick have put their hand up to coach school teams to improve the overall standard. All concerned have worked on that. Also, many of the boys play Club rugby for Randwick and receive good coaching there. Some from the school are enticed to play Club as well.

It's worth noting that a lot of Waverley Old Boys are playing for Randwick now so this arrangement is proving to be mutually beneficial and its good thinking from both Club and school.

Also, I could name several Old Boys playing for Randwick who were predominately League players throughout their playing careers but for one reason or another decided to pursue rugby post school. Some only play league until they reach Year 7; some only play Club rugby and some play both. If they enjoy their school rugby they then have a decision to make about which code they will choose to play.

So the Waverley influence is helping to keep players in the game post school.

It all sounds positive to me.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Sideline view, I agree coaching def improved across all age groups over last several years

I see no need to change terribly much

Certainly all opens including 1sts are very well coached

I think across all cas schools I am seeing great coaches

I really rate knox’s Blades... barker coaches results speak for themselves

I do hear some talk re Hugh Engele being on the big bucks

And maybe trinity might get wooden spoon

But maybe they won’t

And besides trinity doesn’t have the same player numbers... so Hugh has a tougher gig

Anyway some great games this weekend altgh the lure of a joeys title clash is too much for me


Arch Winning (36)
And replaced by whom? The coaches wont feel under pressure. No point rotating coaches just for the sake of it unless it will improve matters. The school doesn't have an open cheque book. Some other schools would be happy to have these two blokes on their roster.

Teaching the boys basic skills as they progress through the age groups is important and that's something Waverley has improved on in recent years.

The coaching at Waverley has improved significantly in recent years and that's through all age groups. That's not only due to the dedication of all concerned including the Rugby Convenor but also because the school has built a good relationship with the Randwick RU Club.

Fathers who have been coaches at Randwick have put their hand up to coach school teams to improve the overall standard. All concerned have worked on that. Also, many of the boys play Club rugby for Randwick and receive good coaching there. Some from the school are enticed to play Club as well.

It's worth noting that a lot of Waverley Old Boys are playing for Randwick now so this arrangement is proving to be mutually beneficial and its good thinking for both Club and school.

Also, I could name several Old Boys playing for Randwick who were predominately League players throughout their playing careers but for one reason or another decided to pursue rugby post school. Some only play league until they reach Year 7; some only play Club rugby and some play both. If they enjoy their school rugby they then have a decision to make about which code they will choose to play.

So the Waverley influence is helping to keep players in the game post school.

It all sounds positive to me.

It is all positive and your observations above are correct, I wan't suggesting any change of coaching staff, I was supporting its maintenance.

The Sydney Rugby Ref

Stan Wickham (3)
I see that Andrew Coorey has been appointed to the Barker vs Knox game this Saturday - good move as I like the way he referees schoolboy games, he lets the players decide the outcome.
I was hoping he would have been appointed to the Joeys vs Scots clash, but that went to Will Houston - who is also a very fine referee. He did the Scots vs Riverview game - at Scots - earlier in the season. (I know there was that issue with the Scots runaway try where the Riverview supporters blew up...)


Nev Cottrell (35)
I haven’t seen barker play... but I think Knox will remind themselves that they beat joeys, earlier in the year

And while barker rested pollard for their joeys match ... Barker were beaten

I think the combo of rechner and Evans will slightly edge out the equally exciting Vass and Galloway

Tipping Knox by 2 points.

Cranners in a close one

And Waverley in a convincing fashion

So does that mean aloys and trinity share wooden spoon?


Tom Lawton (22)
I haven’t seen barker play.

I think the combo of rechner and Evans will slightly edge out the equally exciting Vass and Galloway

Tipping Knox by 2 points.?

If you saw them play SDW, you wouldn’t have posted that. There is a reason Vass made Baabaa’s shadow squad, I would like to think that the way he has played in the last two weeks against some ‘giants’ he could find himself elevated.

Knox is almost always a tough match (a few blown out scores both ways on occasions), but I can’t see them getting up this weekend.


Bob Loudon (25)
The Barker backline in general and Vass in particular have improved 200% over the season. At the beginning of the season the handling errors in the backline were hard to watch in a couple of encounters. Last weekends performance was startling. Vass is on fire. Galloway is on fire. The backline work was a pleasure to watch. . I have not seen Knox play but it will be difficult to see how that Barker backline will be contained. I am not aware of the current state of player injury ( a few went out last week against Waves with injury) but if the Barker forwards can handle the reputed size and skill of the Knox forwards I think it should be a Barker victory. By how much is anyone's guess. I think it will be tight.


Herbert Moran (7)
I've watched numerous Knox games this season, including the Joeys game. I can tell you that was a fake win, and the Knox boys know that. Of course beating Joeys any time is a great feat but they were a completely different outfit to the other strong games they've played this season.

Knox are a very good side and this weekend will be a cracker, it just had to end like this and I can't wait. Personally, I'm hoping for a Knox win but I'm afraid Barker may be too good.

Key match-ups - definitely #10 with Ovenden and Fitzgerald both very similar styles of play, controlling and using their wider backs. However, Vuki exposed both of them in defence badly, so could be an option for both teams to exploit. #2 Grobler and Pollard will be fantastic, two big boys and the best hookers in CAS. Pollard has been quiet this season, tends to sit in the pocket and then just put on some big hits every now and then. He'll look to make a bigger impact this weekend I'm sure.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Key match-ups - definitely #10 with Ovenden and Fitzgerald both very similar styles of play, controlling and using their wider backs. However, Vuki exposed both of them in defence badly, so could be an option for both teams to exploit.

I can't comment on Knox vs Trinity but Vuki was quiet against Barker. No tries and one linebreak against a tight forward so I think Barker did a great job of shutting him out of the game (#9s and loose forwards are usually responsible for taking the #10 in defence on set plays by the way, not their opposite number). On the other side of the ball though, Ovenden scored 2 tries in that game.
I will also be interested in how the #10s match up this weekend though. Earlier in the season the GPS teams drifted hard in defence and Ovenden was making the line breaks, while in the CAS season the defences have marked him closer and the space has been out wide were Jones, Vass and Galloway have been getting ball to do their thing superbly, and the #9 Bowen has been darting through from the base. I think the Barker backs have the strike players and game management to adapt to whichever defensive system comes their way and get across the stripe, but the battle will be up front where Barker will have to secure enough clean ball to win the game. No ball = no points. I also predict a squeaker - Barker vs Knox is always personal and everyone gets up for it.

J Dog Fenton

Peter Burge (5)
I've watched numerous Knox games this season, including the Joeys game. I can tell you that was a fake win, and the Knox boys know that.

A fake win? Feel free to elaborate RR1. If you're alluding to them getting lucky with the win I have to stop you there. The first half was the best half of rugby I've seen from a schoolboy side in a long long time. For the so called 'over-rated' Knox side to come out at half time at 31-7 against joeys, and to be up 7-5 against scots at half time, shows that the talent and intent is there. its the execution of the game which lets them down.

Last week on the other hand, was nothing short of appalling by the boys in Black and Blue. Nothing worked for them, and they are very lucky that Alo's couldn't capitalise and do a number on them to rule them out of the comp. Hopefully they can recover after last weeks shocking result, and put on a clinic this weekend and really make it worth it for everyone that turns up.

I personally think that if Knox can keep the barker forwards at bay, then they will come home with the shield. I have faith in Fitzgerald to keep Ovenden quiet, and his kick will give him the edge over Ovenden. With Rechner, Griffiths, Evans and Nicholl, I'm sure that they will be able to contain Vass and Galloway, and maybe even out-class them at stages.

Prediction? Knox 2, to be kicked by Fitzgerald in the late stages after a strong first half push.

bobs bunker

Frank Row (1)
it's hard for me to get my head around Barker destroying Aloys by 60 and Knox lucky to beat Aloys the next week in a game that certainly could have gone either way. Everyone seems to be predicting a close game, I just can't see it that way.... Barker by 25.


Bob McCowan (2)
have to agree with a close match between barker and knox.
i think in these fixtures it often comes down to who wants it more rather than pure form.
Knox have nothing to lose, and Barker have everything - i think that has a dramatic psychological effect on the players.
watch this space, absolute belter to come.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Knox and Barker have both played the same CAS schools now. Barker has won 4, Knox 3. Barker's for-and-against is +98, Knox is at +33. Barker is both the best attacking team (171 points in 4 games) and has the best defensive record (leaking 73 points in four games). So, sure, it's one game only, and passion, attitude, commitment and all that. But the fact is that any sane neutral would back Barker.

Still, any sane neutral would be backing the All Blacks on Saturday, but I'll still be watching and hoping. So I get where the Knox supporters are coming from.


Stan Wickham (3)
Knox and Barker have both played the same CAS schools now. Barker has won 4, Knox 3. Barker's for-and-against is +98, Knox is at +33. Barker is both the best attacking team (171 points in 4 games) and has the best defensive record (leaking 73 points in four games). So, sure, it's one game only, and passion, attitude, commitment and all that. But the fact is that any sane neutral would back Barker.

Still, any sane neutral would be backing the All Blacks on Saturday, but I'll still be watching and hoping. So I get where the Knox supporters are coming from.

You are completely neglecting preseason form. Knox really showed they could stand up to any team with a win against Joeys, and in the first half against Scots. Additionally they flexed their muscles against Stannies and Shore (I know Barker had a bigger scoreline against Shore but they also had a red card in their favour). What I'm trying to say is that this isn't a New Zealand vs Australia, this is much more even. But I do agree, Barker walk in favourites but I think this will be much closer than some are predicting. Knox will have to be better than they were against Aloys but I think most would agree that they were off the pace in that game. Looking forward to an exciting match.


Bob Loudon (25)
I've watched numerous Knox games this season, including the Joeys game. I can tell you that was a fake win, and the Knox boys know that. Of course beating Joeys any time is a great feat but they were a completely different outfit to the other strong games they've played this season.

Knox are a very good side and this weekend will be a cracker, it just had to end like this and I can't wait. Personally, I'm hoping for a Knox win but I'm afraid Barker may be too good.

Key match-ups - definitely #10 with Ovenden and Fitzgerald both very similar styles of play, controlling and using their wider backs. However, Vuki exposed both of them in defence badly, so could be an option for both teams to exploit. #2 Grobler and Pollard will be fantastic, two big boys and the best hookers in CAS. Pollard has been quiet this season, tends to sit in the pocket and then just put on some big hits every now and then. He'll look to make a bigger impact this weekend I'm sure.

Re Pollard. You are right RR, he has been a little quiet and I noticed him sitting in the pocket as you say and then effecting the odd big hit. He has played a lot of Rugby over the last couple of years. Hopefully we will see the wrecking ball with ball in hand up the middle for the last game of the season.