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CAS Rugby 2017

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Bob Loudon (25)
Waves to Win and Catchnpass,

I can confirm this as true, heard it from a very reliable source at Waverley last week.

Yes 1 round each for the GPS,and CAS schools in their own comp, which is great in my opinion.Until the last few years this is how it always was, and allows all boys to play more schools.

I think better for all concerned, don't know what pools yet, but assume they will grade things with some common sense.

Some type of plate and cup competition?


Vay Wilson (31)
Some speculation from Rugby Addict back a few weeks ago. Not sure if any of this has been firmed up?:

I gather the proposal was for 3 groups of 6 schools something like the following and the match ups make a lot of sense based on numbers and quality:

Group 1 (North): Joeys, Knox, Barker, View, Kings, Auggies ??Shore??
Group 2 (South/East): Scots, Newington, Waverley, Shore?? plus a few
Group 3 (Inner City): Aloys, Trinity, Cranbrook, Grammar, High, St Pius

They would play the other teams in their grouping as trials and then play their GPS/CAS/ISA games as comp games but over one round.

carl spackler

Sydney Middleton (9)
Some speculation from Rugby Addict back a few weeks ago. Not sure if any of this has been firmed up?:

I gather the proposal was for 3 groups of 6 schools something like the following and the match ups make a lot of sense based on numbers and quality:

Group 1 (North): Joeys, Knox, Barker, View, Kings, Auggies ??Shore??
Group 2 (South/East): Scots, Newington, Waverley, Shore?? plus a few
Group 3 (Inner City): Aloys, Trinity, Cranbrook, Grammar, High, St Pius

They would play the other teams in their grouping as trials and then play their GPS/CAS/ISA games as comp games but over one round.
The talk was initially around including ISA but this did not eventuate. Result is two pools. Waverley and Knox join the big boys of GPS, whilst High, Grammar and one other drop back to play the remaining CAS schools.


Chris McKivat (8)
Very hypocritical if you ask me, Trinity are happy to win the volleyball for the last 14 years straight (true) and always place on the podium in athletics and swimming (if not win) but can't cop a few heavy losses in Rugby. Welcome to Waverleys world I say.


Vay Wilson (31)
The talk was initially around including ISA but this did not eventuate. Result is two pools. Waverley and Knox join the big boys of GPS, whilst High, Grammar and one other drop back to play the remaining CAS schools.
I wonder the "one other" (presumably Shore) feel about dropping back after how many years playing Joeys, View et al.

Not in straight

Vay Wilson (31)
I wonder the "one other" (presumably Shore) feel about dropping back after how many years playing Joeys, View et al.

Presumably TAS I would think.

The GPS comp will still exist but change to 1 round. Shore will still play Joeys.

All the GPS schools will only play each other once. And Iam assuming Grammar, High and TAS continue to play thirds.

So additional games to be arranged with CAS.


Vay Wilson (31)
Thx NIS. But do TAS field sufficient teams through all ages to host say Barker? Would they be expecting the other teams to travel to Armidale or do they normally travel to Syd below opens level?

Not in straight

Vay Wilson (31)
Thx NIS. But do TAS field sufficient teams through all ages to host say Barker? Would they be expecting the other teams to travel to Armidale or do they normally travel to Syd below opens level?
Not sure

Apparently there will be no home games for TAS in GPS comp, they will play with Newington in their fixtures.

Not sure if there will be allowance for TAS to play at home with other schools.


If this new competition format becomes a reality, it will be a big challenge logistically to provide games for all teams in all age groups for each school.

I wonder if it will only include certain open age group teams and certain A teams?

If in fact this is not just speculation, it will be interesting to see what ''they'' come up with.


I suspect this will be close to the mark

Maybe 1sts, 2nds, 3rds and A and B teams. I cant see it being manageable if it included all teams from competing schools.
I also assume the Henry Plume Shield will still exist but played for over 1 round only.
That's IF it becomes a reality, and then the schools will need to be placed in appropriate grades based on results over the last x number of years.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
This going to 1 round was the way it used to be, so it cant be too hard.
We are only talking about games before the 1 competition round of the GPS and CAS.

I am not sure if the organisation required is actually too different to what it currently is, as nearly all schools vary in the number of teams they have in each age group. Yes typically the GPS schools have more teams in each age, but this is not really that hard, and it is only trial games.

But I do believe it is better to play more schools than less, and in some cases, schools who are typically more competitive, so balanced groups is important.

I think we all agree that huge score lines are not good for anyone!


Vay Wilson (31)
And presumably it will add a couple of 'formal' matches to the calendar in place of trials if 6 GPS schools & 2 CAS are in the 'A' pool. I guess that means 4 CAS and 3 GPS in the 'B' pool.


Yes CNP, By trials I mean serious games which everyone wants to win, just not the GPS or CAS comp. games.

Trial matches are a necessary part of preparation for the upcoming season for any team. ''Serious games which everyone wants to win'' ?.

Coaches use these games to try different players in different positions; different combinations of 9 and 10s for example. Trying out different tactics, moves, working out the strengths and weaknesses of the team and players.

Often the starting team in a trial match will be different to the starting line up for the first few games.

Needing to win trial games is the least of the concerns and these unofficial games are important to coaches.


From WLF
This going to 1 round was the way it used to be, so it cant be too hard.
We are only talking about games before the 1 competition round of the GPS and CAS.

I wouldn't be too blase about it not being too hard because things have changed. The number of rugby players in each school have been significantly reduced over the years due to the popularity of AFL and Soccer. Some schools more than others.

I dont have facts and figures regarding the different numbers of rugby players in each CAS, GPS and CIS school but it would be interesting to sight these.
No doubt this would be part of the due diligence required before finalising this new competition format, assuming it is a goer.

I would assume it wouldn't be a simple matter of School A plays School B and leaving it at that because the disparity in the number of teams in each age group could be very significant.

I assume most schools would have 1sts, 2nds and 3rds ... and As and Bs at least in each age group. Beyond that it may vary greatly.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)

I agree with your comment about trials, yes they serve a purpose, for the reasons you mentioned.

My point was that every school would rather win them than lose, and typically most of the players picked in a team end up making the same side.
So the effort to win will be there from the boys regardless.
Often they know half the other side so bragging rights will exist.

I wasn't being blasé about the logistics, ie being easy.
But these type of logistics currently occur as most schools currently have different numbers of teams. Yes fewer because of the round ball etc but similar conditions exist.

I guess my main point is the benefit derived as a result of playing 1 round of comp, and also playing more schools of similar ability.


The results of trial matches mean very little. Coaches more often than not give a lot of players a run in any given match. They're designed to produce match fitness and finalise team line ups.
The result of the first comp game matters, not the results of trial games.

I would guess that if this competition format becomes a reality it would be restricted to certain teams and age groups within each school and not to all teams and age groups.
I might be wrong but it would be worth viewing the rugby strength of each school from last year to get a clearer picture.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
I will move off the topic of the trials ie the results, but I would think that all age groups should take part but perhaps limited to a certain level, eg A,B,C's.

Cant see why not.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Assuming Towns is definitely heading to Turramurra, revised team

1. Finn wright
2. Hunter Doyle
3. McCormick
4. Moretti
5. Szabo
6. Joel Ellis
7 tadgh murphy
8. Rogers smith
9 marco bell
10 Donaldson
11 towns D.Andrews
12 hardaker
13 Cornish
14 Wallace
15 Rayner

definitely rate Andrews .... he is not too much slower than Towns, and an excellent rugby brain, very composed and would be in contention for goal-kicking duties IMHO.

PS Does Cranbrook have a Martin Pitt Scholarship starter in 2017?
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