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ISA 2018


Alex Ross (28)
Thanks for creating this Jim.

I was unaware how to make a thread but am very happy one has started up- I have had a bit to do with Stannies for some time.

After their loss on the weekend I will be interested to see what happens from now, they also have a trial with Another CAS school, Knox Grammar this weekend- a lot of travel for the players- but likely they will bounce back. I’m uncertain of the strength of CAS teams in 2018, but the posters there considered quite a few players could play rep- sadly from what I understand this won’t be the 2017 team of strength that outplayed all before then in 2017.

Probably St Augustines year, but I hope I am proved wrong!


Chris McKivat (8)
Thanks for getting this started Jim. My ISA Div 2 contributions weren’t too popular last year (the “who cares” post cut deeply) but I’ll see what I can supply that might interest...

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
Thanks for getting this started Jim. My ISA Div 2 contributions weren’t too popular last year (the “who cares” post cut deeply) but I’ll see what I can supply that might interest.
I am sure there is plenty of interest in lower divisions. Please keep posting and don't worry about any dick heads on the site. (probably kids anyway, showing their immaturity)

I am particularly interested to see how the All Saints and Scots Bathurst merger washes out.

I think they will still play as 2 separate entities this year (Scots playing as Kinross 3rds)

But next year combined. Possibly too strong for division 2?

Sent from my MHA-L09 using Tapatalk


Alex Ross (28)
Thanks for creating this Jim.

I was unaware how to make a thread but am very happy one has started up- I have had a bit to do with Stannies for some time.

After their loss on the weekend I will be interested to see what happens from now, they also have a trial with Another CAS school, Knox Grammar this weekend- a lot of travel for the players- but likely they will bounce back.

Where and when are they playing this weekend?

rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)
Would there be any interested ISA school followers interested in writing game reports during the trial rounds?

If so send me a private conversation. The Knox Stannies game will be a interesting one.


Chris McKivat (8)
I am particularly interested to see how the All Saints and Scots Bathurst merger washes out.

I think they will still play as 2 separate entities this year (Scots playing as Kinross 3rds)

The draw I have for SACS has their Bathurst game against All Saints, no indication of a combined team...

Mr ISA Rugby

Herbert Moran (7)
Thanks for making the thread, Jim. I am looking forward to the season ahead. It will be interesting how the return to the traditional draw will play out.

Auggies have to be favorites this season as it seems Stannies are nowhere near as strong this year. I am keen to see how Oakhill will bounce back this year after a rare disappointing season. As for Pats, it is definitely going to be a wait and see year with not too much to be expected. They will play their first proper trial against Grammar the week after Easter before going on tour to North America.


Bob Loudon (25)
Thanks for creating this Jim.

I was unaware how to make a thread but am very happy one has started up- I have had a bit to do with Stannies for some time.

After their loss on the weekend I will be interested to see what happens from now, they also have a trial with Another CAS school, Knox Grammar this weekend- a lot of travel for the players- but likely they will bounce back. I’m uncertain of the strength of CAS teams in 2018, but the posters there considered quite a few players could play rep- sadly from what I understand this won’t be the 2017 team of strength that outplayed all before then in 2017.

Probably St Augustines year, but I hope I am proved wrong!

I watched part of the game and thought Stannies were a good, quality team that seem to have a dominance in the broken play. It may be too early to draw assumptions yet given the heat last Saturday. They have some beef up front...

Mr ISA Rugby

Herbert Moran (7)
I agree that it is way too early to draw assumptions based off one trial in hot weather. In saying this, a lot of the players that were pivotal to Stannies success last season have since left the school while the Auggies team last year had a strong Yr 11 contingent.

Will definitely make for interesting viewing!

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
The draw I have for SACS has their Bathurst game against All Saints, no indication of a combined team.
This is the last year they will run as 2 distinct entitys.

(except for year 11, where already classes have merged)

Next year it will all be combined as 1 school with a totally new name. TBA

So next year will be a much bigger rugby school, should run to 2 grades in every age group.

Sent from my MHA-L09 using Tapatalk

Jim Belshaw

Bob Loudon (25)
I'm glad that I acted! The demand is clearly there. As many will know, I follow TAS and promote the GPS Thirds comp as best I can!

Over at the GPS thread, Armchair Selector provided this information.

"Alright Gents, I believe this is the trial programme for TAS, High and Grammar

24 Mar: Sydney Grammar Tens Tournament
7 Apr: Grammar V St Pats, rest internals
5 May: Grammar V St Aloysius, High V Riverview, TAS V Kinross Wolaroi
12 May: TAS V Grammar, High V St Pius
19 May: Grammar V St Gregs, TAS V Cranbrook, High V Scots
26 May: Grammar V Cranbrook, High V Newington, TAS V St Gregs
2 Jun: Round 1 for 3rd Grade"

Last year the triangulation across the three comps in the pre-seasons almost required a spread sheet or even a special software program. This year i'm trying to get in front a little. So any comments on the above mix or relative strengths would be interesting. For example, the KWS-TAS match usually played at Coona is now something of a tradition. How strong is KWS?

In the last few years, KWS first on first has been too strong for TAS. I have no idea how strong the TAS team is, I never do before the comp starts and then the team needs to warm up.! However, KWS's results against other schools then gave a rough feel for relative strengths across the three comps.

So, my challenge. Who is playing who in the pre-seasons, at what level, and what might be the results?

Central Best

Chris McKivat (8)
Knoxonians you will be happy to know the dirt roads through Stannies have been graded the posts erected and the cricket pitches covered in dirt fresh for your arrival on Saturday. Our 13s and 14s will be travelling east over the mountains and should give a good account of themselves. Both strong sides the 14s being toughened by the year of ISA competition under their belts and the 13s coming together strongly after a short preperation. The remaining sides are playing in gods country the 15s should be very competitive and look ready to step up. The stannies 16s are improving each year and have been bolstered by a couple of new students. The 1st XV while it may not have the Stars of last year i can assure you this side has been training hard and will not lay down and will only improve as the year progresses. Looking forward to watching some great rugby this week end, wish all the players all the very best and travel safe.


Bob McCowan (2)
St Pats played a game against a touring Canadian school earlier this week. I watched them run out in what I assumed to be a 15s/16s squad and an Opens (1st xv?) squad.

The U16 squad ran away comfortably as winners, 30 odd nil. The Opens won as well, 24-5. But as is every opening game, of course the side will see a couple spots of rust in their play here and there.

I am just wondering how these fellas will fare this year. I've heard they got two key forwards back this year (someone confirm).

What are the other ISA schools' trial schedules??


Frank Row (1)
Pats do have two key forwards returning for opens this year
Harrison Armour, injured last year (Second Row)
Kyle Devine, Went to Newington for 3 terms (Hooker)


Bob McCowan (2)
I trialled with Harrison Armour today and the kids a fucking mongrel. He’ll be fun to watch this season.

Pats trial game lineup looks as such:

Pats v Syd Grammar 07/04

Pats v Trinity 05/05

Pats v Barker 12/05

Pats v Joeys 19/05

Pats v Aloys 26/05

Pats v Riverview 02/06

On the 16th of June the ISA comp kicks off with a Pats/Oakhill game, then over the next few weeks it should go something like; Kinross, Greg’s, Pius, Stannies and Auggies

Hopefully St Pats rugby is better this year than it was last year; I’m hopeful that under the careful guidance of Pat Hilgendorf (brother of former professional player James) and Glen Pilcher (former Newington SandC coach) that this will be the case.


Bob McCowan (2)
St Pats played a game against a touring Canadian school earlier this week. I watched them run out in what I assumed to be a 15s/16s squad and an Opens (1st xv?) squad.

The U16 squad ran away comfortably as winners, 30 odd nil. The Opens won as well, 24-5. But as is every opening game, of course the side will see a couple spots of rust in their play here and there.

I am just wondering how these fellas will fare this year. I've heard they got two key forwards back this year (someone confirm).

What are the other ISA schools' trial schedules??

Not all the players in the opens squad that ran on against Canada for pats are firsts players, just players that made the overseas tour and are in yr 11/12. Many of them may only make seconds or thirds as there were firsts players who had no desire to go on the tour and so did not trial. The 16s game was much more exciting I found, just because it was an absolute thumping and the boys in the stand were going mental, but by the time opens kicked off they had lost a bit of energy and their voices were getting a touch too fucked up to cheer.

They have another game this coming Tuesday arvo against another touring school, and they’re expecting an easy win.


Bob McCowan (2)
I am sure there is plenty of interest in lower divisions. Please keep posting and don't worry about any dick heads on the site. (probably kids anyway, showing their immaturity)

I am particularly interested to see how the All Saints and Scots Bathurst merger washes out.

I think they will still play as 2 separate entities this year (Scots playing as Kinross 3rds)

But next year combined. Possibly too strong for division 2?

Sent from my MHA-L09 using Tapatalk

I’m hoping with the merger they put some strong teams together and move to div 1 some time in the future so that Greg’s can finally fuck off into whatever shithole they crawled out of.


While I'm not ISA. I really would like to know your views on 2018!
Jim, thanks for creating this thread!
I understand that Barker has trialed against both Stannies & Auggies, accounting for both easily! Young Hoppa is injured with a serious knee injury! Oakhill has a new looking 1st XV, mix of some opens from last year and a smattering From the 16A’s! First up trial against Barker will be a huge challenge, considering the above form!


Bob McCowan (2)
Anyone have any tips on what the div 1 ladder might look like this year? Im thinking

1. Augustine’s
4/5. Gregs/Pats (not really sure which of these two teams will come out on top of the other this year)

This is based off pure conjecture and absolutely zero forethought