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NSW AAGPS Rugby 2010

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Bob Loudon (25)
Congrats to Newington - I will leave it to the old boys to debate how this game compared to the last round match with Scots in '79, with Scots travelling to Stanmore looking for a win and a share of the premiership and New giving them a hiding 30-0, which in those days (4 point tries and the defensive side having the right to kill the ball) was a pretty big score.


Of course very difficult to compare 2 games 31 years apart but I was there for both. Newington scored 5 converted tries in 1979. Today I think they scored 8 tries, 4 goals and a penalty. The 1979 game was played at midday on a beautiful sunny day to allow the crowd time to get to the SCG to watch the Wallabies play Ireland at 3:15pm. I don't remember much of the Test Match but I remember most of the Scots game and can recall 3 of the 5 tries like they happened yesterday.

I thought 1979 was perfection but today was something else altogether. Today was a day no Newington supporter will forget for a very long time. 8 tries and 51 points against a Joeys team playing to win a Premiership? 500 Newington boys will remember today and most of those 8 tries forever. Another beautiful sunny day.


Bob Loudon (25)
Thanks Peter - '79 was an interesting year with Nick F-J (u17) playing seconds and then captain of football Murray McGain (u18) playing firsts at hb and going on to play first grade at Gordon - it was also the last time Joeys finished bottom after stellar years 76-78.


Well, a good (albeit one sided) display of schoolboy footy today at Stanmore. As all reasonable spectators know, some times the other team is better, so you accept the result and move on. Today the Newington team were better. Many will fill this forum with the details. The joeys boys were dignified in defeat and the Newington team were respectful and restrained in their on field celebrations. So far all good.
Now lets consider the Joeys supporters: Is it appropriate for grown men and women to call out things like "your over the salary cap, no premiership for you" and "Melbounrne Storm can learn a few things from Newington" . I think it demeans the spectator not the opposition.

It got worse unfortunately, with the terribly unedifying sights and sounds of complaining parents IN THE AFTERNOON TEA FUNCTION loudly proclaiming the unfairness of Newington "buying a premiership". Boy oh boy, I am glad I am not part of that group of supporters. I say, give yourselves an uppercut, acknowlege that your "rights" to victory are dependant upon performance and let the boys do what they do best; compete, perform and form freindships and bonds through healthy competition. Those parents I accuse should hang their heads, and should learn a lesson from theirt own sons.


Well done to Newington . I wasnt there to see there magnificent win today, but I was there in 1979 to see there great win then on the Buchanan.
Its sad to hear the Joeys supporters calling out negative comments . I'd like to congratulate players from both sides for playing and ending the game with dignity and honour. I'm sure every school will do whatever it can to win, ie get the best coaches, facilities and players. We live in a society where there is a great emphasis on winning, so as long as the game was played fairly then the best team will win. Its also unfortunate that Melbourne Storm have been singled out (they got caught!) , as undoubtably cheating is endemic in all league clubs.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Just got home from work, will have a few match reports up tomorrow. Lee was at New/Joeys, I was at Shore/Kings (41-20 to Kings, pretty one-sided throughout).


Bob McCowan (2)
Agree, though Joeys were very dignified in defeat and perhaps the posts above (regarding behaviour of the crowd) would be best explored off this forum and through the appropriate channels.


a NEW era is upon us, with 9 1sts players returning next year and strong younger grades i expect newington to be the dominant force in australian schoolboy rugby for years to come.


Peter Burge (5)
New will be strong with those 9 but will miss the impacts of Roach, Luani, and Apo next year immensely. Finally this isn't a dig at Newington but I'm just saying if there are scholarships then it clearly contrasts with the GPS code of practice.

Code of Practice
In the light of these principles, the GPS Headmasters affirm the following code of practice:

No inducements such as sporting scholarships, whether direct, disguised, or at arm's length, shall be offered by any member school. Financial assistance to talented sportsmen shall not form part of the enrolment strategy of any member school.

The Blindside

New will be strong with those 9 but will miss the impacts of Roach, Luani, and Apo next year immensely. Finally this isn't a dig at Newington but I'm just saying if there are scholarships then it clearly contrasts with the GPS code of practice.

Code of Practice
In the light of these principles, the GPS Headmasters affirm the following code of practice:

No inducements such as sporting scholarships, whether direct, disguised, or at arm's length, shall be offered by any member school. Financial assistance to talented sportsmen shall not form part of the enrolment strategy of any member school.

For those who still can't stand the thought of Newington and blackfella's winning the premiership you should have another look at Pitbull's post on 9/8. Nothing like a good set of facts to set the record straight. The criticism from St Josephs suporters is particularly disappointing given the amount of flack they have copped over the years about their indigenous scholarship program and given they have Walford and Ashby in their First XV on scholarships.


Glad to see Kings won their game. Hope that shuts Northernson up.


Knitter of the Scarf
I'm a bit conflicted here. On the one hand, I think that GPS sporting scholarships is a debate worth having. On the other hand, we've got two topics here that people are unable to stay cool about: their school, and race. If someone wants to start a separate thread on this issue I would find that acceptable. However, people entering the debate should be VERY careful to remain open and curious, and not simply biased in favour of their own school. And of course, to keep the issue of race out of it wherever possible.

Until someone starts a thread in a reasonable way, I would like no more scholarship discussion in this thread, OK?


Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Newington 51 Joeys 7

Ouch. Well done to Newington: they were superior, and it's good to see another school, not one of the usual suspects, winning the GPS, And watch out in 2011 too folks as 9 from the Newington Ones and 10 from the Twos are back for Year 12. They had just 4 lads in the 2 NSW Schools squads this year; so look for more than that in 2011.

I thought it was going to be a long season for Joeys watching them get smashed twice in the trials by Augies and Kings. Then they were well beaten by Scots in Rd.1; but they picked themselves up and pipped both Kings, with all their Oz Schools stars, and Riverview, traditionally their main rivals. However, Newington was a bridge too far and after being 0-19 down at oranges, they looked drained and they got blitzed.

To be fair: two of their stars 10. Walford and 12. Ashby were playing hurt but that didn't explain the big loss. 7. Dicembre got a yellow card and New scored two tries whilst he was sitting down but afterwards he snaffled a bit of pill and kept going to the end. Skipper 6. Williams made a few good charges but Joeys best were 13. Parker, 14. Buchanan - and 15. Le Lievre ran as though he was covered in snakes and spiders as nobody seemed to care to tackle him.

Apart from the scrummie the New players were bigger than the Joeys lads and they played bigger too. They took all their chances plus a couple from the bounce of the ball. Joeys were seldom allowed to have good pill and when they did get chances they spoiled it by poor passes.

New was impressive across the park. 2. Roach played like TPN again with brutal play and if he gets big enough he will play Super rugby IMO. The two big props 1. Ezra A and 3. Allan A looked a lot fitter than they were in the trial game at Hunters Hill and often attracted Joeys defenders with charges near their goal line only for the ball to be whipped out wide for tries. They will be back next year and I won't say bigger and stronger as it may beggar belief.

4. McKenzie had a few fast runs and 8. Luani was always hard to stop; but all the forwards played hard.

Small scummie Bannon had a terrific game and sniped long for a top individual try but skipper 12. Latinupulu was the star. Joeys held him in check in the 1st half but he was hard to contain in the 2nd. Like Roach, he is in the Oz Schools Ones this year and either could be the skipper.

Well done again Newington and congratulations to Joeys for playing above their weight in 2010. Both schools are proud of you.

[PS. Joeys had some good news: the Twos beat New 45-14 and are undefeated.]

The Blindside

9 boys returing is a good story for Newington. How have their 2nds and 16A's gone this year?

The 2nds have had a disappointing year but the 15A's are undefeated and the 16A's beat Joeys yesterday. It will be hard to replace Roach, Luani and Apo next year but there are a number of good players in the 2nd's and lower age groups who can step up. Others in the 1st's like Roods, Roye, the Vlahos brothers and McDonald will also step up just as Luani and Apo did this year.


Oh cmon this is garbage. The fact is, every GPS school entice sporting talent to their school, its fact. Yet its what you do with that talent that earns premierships. Joeys have done it very well with their aboriginal program as has iggies, i have no doubt that without a strong coaching structure and playing pool, premierships would not of been won soley of the back of these programs.
All this talk about scolarships are taking the shine of what should be a glorious newington premiership. The fact is that Luani was in the seconds last year, Allatoa was viewed as not as good as his brother and ezra was seen as a potential 8 in year 12, and Apo well he has been a gun forever. But the fact is that Newington has developed this talent and not bought it. The only player that is on the Talented sportsman scheme from yesterdays 15 was Apo. Much like keliti back in year 8, Newington has provided a safe haven for apo and have developed him acedemically more so than his sporting ability.
These arguments are being made by sad supporters that cant handle that there is a change in GPS culture and dominance. This Newington team should be aplouded as being the best schoolboy team in the country and nothing should be taken from them.
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