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Sydney Subbies 2019


Chris McKivat (8)
With 2018 season all over it's time to look to 2019.

It will be a very interesting season.

Will subbies make any changes to the competition structure?


Arch Winning (36)
With 2018 season all over it's time to look to 2019.

It will be a very interesting season.

Will subbies make any changes to the competition structure?

I think we all know the answer to that. Starting from the ARU board down it is head in the sand stuff.
Subbies should be calling for submissions from clubs now on different ideas around different competition make ups. Then all clubs should meet in November and vote for the best proposal (all be it some of the struggling clubs would be doing it on a best endeavours basis not knowing if they'll survive in 2019). The status quo cannot continue, but sadly long term vision has no place in todays rugby administration.

Rugby Central

Charlie Fox (21)
The status quo cannot continue, but sadly long term vision has no place in todays rugby administration.

I beg to differ my good sir. It takes a great deal of vision to accurately kick the can as far down the road as rugby administration manages to do on such a consistent basis.

Ozzie Bob

Charlie Fox (21)
World cup year, and the wallabies struggling I really hope 2019 can be the start of something positive. It really makes me sad reading annual reports for 2005/06 with the under 85 midweek comp, strong playing numbers and new clubs coming online.

I think the major thing is that players don't want a full time commitment. I would love to see how clubs would go these days with a no train no play rule. Players want the flexibility to have a month off and go traveling, work the odd Saturday etc. This means that unless you get the culture of the club right then you will struggle.

When I was running my cricket side in the early 2000's i forgot that not everyone was hanging out for Saturday sport. If other things came up then they would try and get of games. It drove me nuts and that was only dealing with 15 blokes. I don't know how clubs cope with multiple teams and peoples social engagements.

I think the only way around this is to shorten the season for starters. If you have trial games in March and grand finals in September that is a long season. I know we are in a fight to keep grounds, but why not start late April and finish at the end of August? When I think back to a park cricket season going from the first week in September until the end of March................


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Long season? It used to be longer with 10 clubs per Division: 18 weeks of play, 2 wet weather weekends, plus finals. Back then you could pay players so there didn't seem to be as much of an issue with numbers, at least at our club.

Not that I mind the amateur rule, but with the wide spread of quality in clubs in a given division, you're always going to get a First Grade side or two physically dominating, and nobody wants to get the shit beaten out of them AND pay rego for the privilege.

"Culture of the club" is a good point but still won't change some guy's desire to go skiing, head overseas, or work a Saturday. The times are changing and rugby can't keep up.


Bob McCowan (2)
no winners inserted just the wash up my worthless predictions

Div 1 GF 2019
Drummoyne vs Petersham repeat match
Waverley vs Colleagues two fast teams with lots of players
Mosman - Knox - More of the same colonial stuff
Drummyone vs Mosman - The rematch that Gotham doesn't need but the rematch that Gotham will get
Waverley vs Colleagues again too much depth
yes it lives - Colleagues vs Mosman

Team to be relegated

Blue Mountains while I would love to see them stay they don't have the motor without all the EMU boys leaving to the new Western Sydney Money Club

Team to be sent up

St Pats - they don't div 2 and rightly so they will be better than Div 2

Div 2
UNSW - St Pats - Lots of rugby tribalism here wont be anything left except bandages and physios
UNSW - St Pats - Not A Repeat but more a resurgance of two clubs
UNSW - Hunters Hill - very strong in 2018 no chance of it changing
Epping - Hunters Hill - A match that leaves no one with anything because there isnt anyt
Hills - Epping - Leave all your expectations at the door and pick them up after this game because it will probably be the same

Team to be relegated

Lindfield lots of hope but hope don't float

Team to be sent up

Iggies - they want back to there bad old days and they want it back bad

Rugby Central

Charlie Fox (21)
no winners inserted just the wash up my worthless predictions
Team to be relegated

Blue Mountains while I would love to see them stay they don't have the motor without all the EMU boys leaving to the new Western Sydney Money Club

Team to be sent up

St Pats - they don't div 2 and rightly so they will be better than Div 2

Team to be relegated

Lindfield lots of hope but hope don't float

Team to be sent up

Iggies - they want back to there bad old days and they want it back bad

Leaving GF predictions aside as wet weather, injuries and Subbies administration make that a fools game. I think your promotion relegation picks are brave.

History would back up your Blue mountains prediction but theses guys have a habit of surprising people and with the lack of many alternatives out west, they may find recruitment boosted by this year's promotion. I also think many of the Div 1 clubs may find the travel out west a tough ask, especially Balmain and Waverley who were no world beaters in Div 1 this year.

St Pats promotion is unlikely. Firstly they didn't even come 2nd in Div champs. Another year and things may be different but when you have no lower grades performing (lack of depth), reaching promotional heights is difficult.

The Lindfield prediction is way off. No, not a chance for promotion. Not unless they can string together a half decent set of wins in first grade. But opposite to St Pats, Lindfield is pretty strong down the grades so they are not likely to move. However, in a Centenary year, anything could happen.

Iggies is a tricky one. Their strength often comes off the back of their Colts. Where that puts them this far out from August 2019, I just don't know. But 1st and 2nd grades will need to make some inroads from this year.

Good Luck to them all in their off season recruitment and lets hope some sanity prevails in Subbies administration so clubs that are struggling get the support they need rather than be cast aside and the players are lost to Rugby.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Renegades might be getting a little upgrade - as the soccer clubs are being moved out of Kellyville Park, the newest field (with REAL drainage) is vacant as of next season. Council are going to rebuild it into a rugby/league facility.

Has a new brick amenities block and is just up the hill from our existing "facilities".

If it comes to pass, not only will we have electricity BUT we'll have running water and change rooms for the first time in basically our history.


Arch Winning (36)
Iggies is a tricky one. Their strength often comes off the back of their Colts. Where that puts them this far out from August 2019, I just don't know. But 1st and 2nd grades will need to make some inroads from this year.

From what I saw this year Iggies will be in a similiar boat to almost all 3rd Div clubs, which is fighting tooth and nail for surivial and hoping enough players want to keep on playing rugby so they can put out 4 grades.


Bob McCowan (2)
Oatley Rugby Union Football Club is still advertising for senior coaches and managers for their 2019 season.
Please see below positions that are currently available:

* First Grade – Coach & Manager...
* Second Grade – Coach & Manager
• Colts (U21) – Coach & Manager
• Third Grade – Coach & Manager

Oatley Rugby Coaches will be expected to attend both Tuesday and Thursday training held at Evatt Park Lugarno, Oatley Rugby is also happy to support coaches through the coaching accreditation process.

To submit an application or for any further information please contact Steve McLean at steve.mclean@thorn.com.au or on 0414 712 370.


Alfred Walker (16)
Iggies is a tricky one. Their strength often comes off the back of their Colts. Where that puts them this far out from August 2019, I just don't know. But 1st and 2nd grades will need to make some inroads from this year.

From what I saw this year Iggies will be in a similiar boat to almost all 3rd Div clubs, which is fighting tooth and nail for surivial and hoping enough players want to keep on playing rugby so they can put out 4 grades.

Agreed, division 3 is where the problem is highlighted the most. A couple of the div 3 clubs wouldn't have any more senior players than a couple of the div 5 clubs. Are there any Div 4 clubs that could get a colts together and come up?

There are probably only 3-4 clubs in that division that don't have serious issues with the current format in one way or another.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Does anyone have any word on promotions/relegations. I'm presuming Blue Mountains and Hunters Hill will be a straight swap. I see Barker Old Boy's advertising coaching positions for 3 grades and a colts, which would suggest they either have a 4th grade coach or they aren't moving into Div 2. I doubt Beecroft would be keen to stay in Div 2 given how their season progressed.

Do the clubs have any discretion re promotion/relegation?


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Do the clubs have any discretion re promotion/relegation?

Interestingly, Subbies is altering all its documentation to exclude the concept of a "grading meeting". Whether that is relevant to your point is yet to be seen.

Yes, clubs do have some discretion. But it comes down to negotiation, and an ever-shrinking player base.


Frank Row (1)
Next year is going to be very interesting.

The number of clubs advertising for coaches is staggering.
Kentwell Premiers and Last year's Cowboy Cup winners Petersham have advertised for multiple coaching positions. Current Cowboy Cup holders Mosman are advertising for coaches. Both Hunters Hill and Drummoyne have advertised. And that's just Div 1!

I know at least Epping, Hawksbury Valley and Oatley are also on the hunt in other divisions. A lot more lower division clubs won't have their act together to advertise or will still be hoping to dig up some coaches from their ex-player ranks. Are there enough willing volunteers in the market, let alone enough coaching talent, for that many clubs and that many teams?

Also looking across this year's tables and considering some of the issues some clubs have had around playing number and forfeits, I can't see the current structure being viable moving forward. I think it's unlikely we will have change next season but we may well see clubs fold mid-season precipitating a big upheaval for 2020.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
We have had a few discussions over coaching, as our really good South African oke ;) is moving to Brisbane. For a club that might run 1 or 2 grades, expecting sometime to come in and shake things up is probably unreasonable. We will probably rely on internal experience to get us thru next year, while we keep building.

I've got a real desire to make our scrum into a weapon, and may just have the troops to do it, particularly old bastards to train the whipper snappers. OPPOSED training at that! :)


Ted Thorn (20)
Can anyone tell me which clubs/roughly what % of clubs are filming games in Subbies nowadays? I know at Shute level they're all filmed in all grades for analysis/judiciary purposes and a lot of country zones are following suit.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Email came in from Subbies today:

" The NSWSRU Board is seeking expressions of interest from clubs wishing to change divisions, up OR down. (i.e. From those clubs that would not ordinarily be considered for either automatic promotion or relegation.)"

Interesting. The writing on the wall might just be in brighter paint this year.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Renegades might be getting a little upgrade - as the soccer clubs are being moved out of Kellyville Park, the newest field (with REAL drainage) is vacant as of next season. Council are going to rebuild it into a rugby/league facility.

Has a new brick amenities block and is just up the hill from our existing "facilities".

If it comes to pass, not only will we have electricity BUT we'll have running water and change rooms for the first time in basically our history.

Meeting with Council and the local Rugby League club on Monday morning. This looks promising...