The torpedo
Peter Fenwicke (45)
Sorry if this isn't the right place or appropriate (feel free to move/delete if necessary mods) but Folau posted this on snapchat:

Folau: is a mormon.
Folau: has mormon views.
Everybody else:
I think his beliefs are well known to all.
This type of post is to be expected from him so I don't have a big issue with it.
He is what he is and he is a bloody good footballer, this is what he is paid to do.
He has a right to his outdated beliefs and if he truly believes that he can "save" someone then who are we to tell him to stop.
I do not share his beliefs but do think he has a right to express them in a manner that we are not forced to look at. If he made this statement in a post game interview where all viewers are watching then it is an issue, but he can easily be blocked on social media and ignored quite easily.
It appears that there are many people who don't agree with his views but continue to follow him just so they can attack him, kind of like the high number of people who follow controversial politicians just to attack them.
Samu Kerevi the first to give his likeWill be interesting to see if any of his team mates like this post. A certain Rebels half backlikes most of his religious posts.
Brother John's Instagram is interesting as well
He's entitled to spout whatever he wants, unless he is wearing a waratah or Wallaby jersey when he does it, in which case he is bound by his employers code of conduct, and he'll have to bare the consequences of breaching it.