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Wallabies v All Blacks @ Suncorp - 18/10/14

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Tim Horan (67)
What I've noticed it how quiet all blacks fans were 2 weeks ago. Not a word about the boks. As soon as they win again it's all about the mighty all blacks on Facebook etc.
Whats your trouble Shiggins, I gave my opinion of the All Black/Bok test 2 weeks ago, and did on this test again today. I imagine a lot of AB or even Bok fans would of commented on Bok test on NZ or SA sites more than here. I realise you like to troll, but to do it properly you have to deal a little in facts, or you just tend to make yourself look a bit stupid(er)


Simon Poidevin (60)
Whats your trouble Shiggins, I gave my opinion of the All Black/Bok test 2 weeks ago, and did on this test again today. I imagine a lot of AB or even Bok fans would of commented on Bok test on NZ or SA sites more than here. I realise you like to troll, but to do it properly you have to deal a little in facts, or you just tend to make yourself look a bit stupid(er)
Calm down. Jesus mate. I'm talking about the people on Facebook not hardcore rugby fans like the the ones
That spend a lot of their time on this or other rugby sites.

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
A ref could be payed off and we would all still sit here and say the wallabies should of taken the ref out of the game ect. Its OK to point faults out sometimes. I personally thought joubert had a pretty bloody good game.

Agree that Joubert had a very good game.
It's similar to a player having a very good game, but still making some errors.
2 NZ tries were scored in questionable circumstances - the kick off one and the half tap and go.
This is not, repeat not, the fault of NZ who staged a terrific comeback.
No player is involved in every phase for the full 80 mins like the ref is, and it's to be expected that they will make errors.
Can't we call things as we see them without being accused of ref bashing or team bias?

Rugby Is My Life

Herbert Moran (7)
The difference last night was the mindset of both teams with 5 mins to go and the use of the respective benches.

Who kicked the goal to win the game? Colin Slade, the 4th choice AB's 10 behind Carter, Cruden & Barrett.

Hansen emptied his bench despite the fact his team was behind and needed to chase the game however did so from early in the 2nd half.

The Wallabies shut up shop and decided to revert to pick and drive, despite keeping the ball in hand all game (which was working with the AB's missing 31 tackles to the Wallabies 19).

Link decided to sub Phipps for White who reverted to his dreaded box kicks with no purpose and left a fatigued Foley on (who played well) instead of replacing him with Cooper who could have used his experience to kick long and either put it out or force the AB's to play from 60-70m out.

Chris McCracken

Jim Clark (26)
I (and a bunch of others including the NZ commentators) thought that this was also possible, so I went back and looked at it again. Even reviewing it frame by frame, it's hard to say whether it came off Retallick or the Wallaby hand.

Incidentally - go to 13:22


I'm not sure the Channel 10 commentators even noticed.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
I laughed loudly (nay, hysterically) during the game when the Blicks kicked out from their 22-ish and most players moved upfield in chase mode. Joubert called "stop 8" or game-management words to that effect 3 times. 3 times! One warning for being in front of the kicker I can understand...but a further 2 and no penalty?
Disclaimer: I am still frazzled after that loss and my emotions may have exaggerated my memory of the incident.
No, he did call it 3 times. Must have thought Read hadn't heard him.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Joubert always errs on the side of the attacking side. Mostly this results in a free-flowing game, with a few little errors where he has perhaps given a little too much leeway in the pursuit of an open game.

The Smith tap was a prime example of that. A more pedantic ref would have brought him back. A guy like Joubert lets it go. That's life on the rugby field- the Tahs benefited from it when he gave a 50/50 penalty against McCaw in the final minutes. You have the ball, you get the rewards.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
The lineout went OK - lost 1 on our own throw. Fainga'a was good in his role, and Simmons mixed it up well I thought. He was not as dynamic elsewhere as Carter, but I was happy enough with him. Horwill made a good impact too.

Unfortunately, Horwilll's main impact was to allow the ABs to score the try that brought them back into the game. He is just as inclined as Ritchie to lie at the back of a ruck, but not so adept.

I thought as a pair, Simmons and Carter were just as effective, maybe more so, as the ABs' locks last night. Sam Carter was the pick of all the locks on the night.

Sandpit Fan

Nev Cottrell (35)
Unfortunately, Horwilll's main impact was to allow the ABs to score the try that brought them back into the game. He is just as inclined as Ritchie to lie at the back of a ruck, but not so adept.

Good line!

As soon as I saw him lying there I went to get another drink - knew what was going to happen.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
A few points:

- we didn't seem to be able to offload in close very well, a lot of time the ball runner went to ground and recycled thus slowing things down when hot on attack
- how often were the AB's offside, esp in the 2nd half..seemed like a lot, they seemed to be camped at the recipient
- with the AB's a man down they outscore us in that 10 min phase - wtf!
- Tomane makes a great catch on our line and with plenty of space then runs it straight into Messam
- for 78 minutes we consistently get over the gainline but with 2 minutes to go we can't seem to manage even going backward successfully and concede a penatly
the few kicks we did were nearly all stupid ones.

such a winnable game - so effing frustrating, but a lot of good to take from it.

Think by then, Messam was off the field - replaced by Sam Cane iirc. And I think it might have been Cane who turned the ball over. Where the fuck was Hodgson; you know the man who makes fifty turnovers per match and is so hard at the ruck that the opposition are never able to get their hands on the ball? This might sound rough, and I think Hodgson had a few very good inputs after he came on. I just don't understand or agree with the posts that put the whole blame for a lost ball or a lost game on one player alone. It wasn't the box kick alone that lost the game; it wasn't the turnover from Tomane; it was a number of things that added together to give the ABs the result. It was a combination of poor tactics when in possession late in the game trying to keep the ball in pick and drive or one pass off the ruck situations, a poorly executed box kick probably mostly as a result of poor support positioning by the nominated kickers, poor support for the runner when Tomane when he kept the ball in play from the ABs' missed penalty, and poor defense one on one when Fekitoa broke the line to score the winning try. Probably exhaustion played a big part in all of those instances.


Ken Catchpole (46)
See this is where I wonder if a fresh Cooper would have been fended off like the tired Foley was. Was Horne on the field in the final minute or two? If nothing else, at least they could have pushed the conversion kick closer to the side line.

Grant NZ

Bill Watson (15)
No - not at all. Referees are usually, almost without fail, very pedantic about where quick penalty taps are taken. This was out of character.

I dunno, when they're returning from an advantage it's not unusual for them to make the mark/allow the tap somewhere other than the actual spot of the offence. They don't usually get it wrong by that much, obviously, but it is on the defence to pay attention to where the ref is actually heading to - and Joubert wasn't looking like he was gonna skip sideways very much.

It was a mistake by him, but then in recent(ish) years there's been quick taps when the ref asked the captain to talk to his team (Ire v SA) or when the ref has called a couple of players out of the defensive line and given them a chance to rejoin (Arg v NZ).


Tom Lawton (22)
Commiserations Wobs fans that was a cracking game that we managed to snatch at the end, obviously over shadowed by what came later. One huge positive for Aus in my opinion is that you have sorted out the best 12 & 13 combo.

Am I the only person that thinks Folau goes missing on D?

Train Without a Station

For those making comments about Cooper not getting on, let's use some perspective.

Link always talked about getting impact out of his bench. Cooper was massively underdone leading in. Was he picked to make an impact? Or was he picked just in case as the other 10 option was unavailable, the Brumbies 10 was injured, the Force 10 is South African and the Rebels 10 is injured.

Do you think maybe Cooper was there, because simply there was nobody else? And he was only going to be used, in the case of injury?


Mark Ella (57)
Fuck - another game winnable but lost.

Forwards were physical, backs invasive.

White terrible. I think it fair enough QC (Quade Cooper) not injected, game was in balance at that time.


Mark Ella (57)
Only changes I'd make:
Lilo for To'omua - he was outstanding
White dropped totally with Genia back into the fold
Tomane gone with Speight in
Horwill, Alexander and Robinson done and dusted from now on

OUR TEAM fucking stood up. We should all be proud of that, particularly with all the shit over the last couple of weeks. THEY were just fucking great, except for some huge errors of White,, Foley Horwill and Alexander

Colin Windon

Herbert Moran (7)
I don't think Nic White was that bad. He passed well and was good in general play. However when the pressure was really on he reverted to "Jake Ball" and up went the box kick.

Under pressure most of us revert back to what we know. Unfortunately a combination of bad execution and bad timing ended up with a bad outcome.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I hate box kicks,but when I watched that passage of play a second time.
White had no good options.
The last two who trucked it up were monstered in contact.
Horwill seemed to be his only option to take it up,and he appeared to have little support.the 10 was deep in the pocket,and was not going to give us much territorial respite at all.
It's easy for us to say he shouldn't have done it,but what should have he done?
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