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Wallaby 31 players for 2015 RWC

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Yeah Jones doesn't have the ball-running impact to be 6 IMO.

Timani may, though. He was dynamite today. The lineout may be an issue, but he fits the mould of abrasive ball-running forward that Cheika has a soft spot for.

This is what I find interesting though, people perceive Jones as not having the ball running impact, yet Fardy's name is still in the ring for blindside . In 2015 Jones has made double the number of tackle busts as Fardy, Jones averages 45running meters per game to Fardy's 21m and Jones is averaging 10 runs per game compared to Fardy's 4.9.

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Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
I see your point, but Fardy has been an effective ball-carrier in tests in the past, which counts for a bit. While Jones has only had a couple of opportunities, he still is yet to show he can be.

the sabanator

Ron Walden (29)
I don't think I've ever seen two players regress as far as Horwill and Genia have since 2011. I have a feeling that one or two of them will be on the plane to England due to our lack of depth in their respective positions, but geez I hope they're not key players. Horwill has had ok games this season but that try he let in last night was just horrendous, and Genia has shown flashes of brilliance but really hasn't been the same since his ACL.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Is Scott Fardy still the front-runner for the 6 jersey?

Higgers is in great form, and Fardy has been at best solid so far this year. At the moment I would probably be picking a Higgers/Pocock/McCalman backrow combination.

Fardy usually steps up to internationals well, but I'm just wondering if his form is anything like it was in the last two seasons.

Backrow on present form is easily Fardy, Pocock and Higgers. Where exactly is Higgers' good form playing at 6? He is a No 8 and would nicely complement the tighter play of Fardy and Pocock for the Wallabies.


Backrow on present form is easily Fardy, Pocock and Higgers. Where exactly is Higgers' good form playing at 6? He is a No 8 and would nicely complement the tighter play of Fardy and Pocock for the Wallabies.

What criteria paints Higgers as an 8 and not a 6?
Runs, tackles, offloads, tacklebusts?


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
And also Fardy is clearly not the 6 on form. He is in there on class and experience, but I'm honestly not sure if that's enough right now.


John Eales (66)
I think Cheika will default to Fardy/Hooper/McCalman but on form you'd go Higgers/Pocock/McCalman. I think we'll see all 5 of those players in the 23 for the Boks game.


And also Fardy is clearly not the 6 on form. He is in there on class and experience, but I'm honestly not sure if that's enough right now.

Yep agree 100%, I thinks it's also a reflection of the lack of competition at blindside flanker. The number of foreign blindside flankers in Australia has reduced competition for the Wallaby spot, Potgeiter in NSW and Thompson in QLD both regularly taking the stating blindside flanker position.

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Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
I think we are being a little harsh on Fardy. He is playing well without standing out. He is doing the tough yards and has a pretty well rounded game.
I reckon he will be Cheikas starting 6 at this stage. He is probably the only locked in backrower right now.


John Eales (66)
I think we are being a little harsh on Fardy. He is playing well without standing out. He is doing the tough yards and has a pretty well rounded game.
I reckon he will be Cheikas starting 6 at this stage. He is probably the only locked in backrower right now.

I don't think we are being too harsh on him at all. Everyone is happy to give Beale a pasting for sub-par performances yet the Fardy fans seem to demand him an immunity to criticism. He's the incumbent 6 and I'd say he will be picked but it's pretty clear he needs to lift his game to stay there. I remember a similar discussion this time last year before the France tests, from memory he was pretty quiet in the first test and then turned up in the Sydney test and was solid thereafter. They say history is the best guide to the future!
I'd say McCalman is the least expendable back rower at the moment..

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
The difference though is that Beale has been playing extremely poorly this year and isn't the incumbent, and while Fardy isn't standing out he's still been quite good for the Brumbies.........


John Eales (66)
I'm not trying to defend Beale, I'm just making a point.

But FWIW Beale has the 6th highest average of any centre in the comp in the Fox Fantasy scoring. I counted 57 back rowers ahead of Fardy.

So it's all pretty subjective.


Billy Sheehan (19)
So Dennis is out of the 6 mix? I can't see him missing the Squad considering the number of positions he covers


John Eales (66)
Somehow I don't think Cheika will be relying on the Fox Fantasy criteria to pick his side.....

No..I'm thinking he'll be looking at the stats that feed it though..

My point was that it's subjective. and your view isn't necessarily the same as that as others..


Bill Watson (15)
Genia's sideways running really killed the Reds attack tonight...

White has been poor recently, but overall he's had better form this year and there are still some positives to his game.

Genia didn't kill the Reds attack, twas already dead... most forwards were crushed and the backline backpeddled due to the immense pressure of the Chiefs... as a half, actively seeing your team being repelled by a progressing chiefs d line, moving forward only diminishes the time of the ball reaching the player and making adjustments... also amplifies the pressure... what is fatal in any team is the lack of basics of skills, communication and leadership (O'Connor is a primary culprit of this more recently)... White n Stirzacker just aint the right cattle for ckeikaball n the WC, maybe next one

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
I don't think we are being too harsh on him at all. Everyone is happy to give Beale a pasting for sub-par performances yet the Fardy fans seem to demand him an immunity to criticism. He's the incumbent 6 and I'd say he will be picked but it's pretty clear he needs to lift his game to stay there. I remember a similar discussion this time last year before the France tests, from memory he was pretty quiet in the first test and then turned up in the Sydney test and was solid thereafter. They say history is the best guide to the future!
I'd say McCalman is the least expendable back rower at the moment..

Ha ha ha. Equating Fardy to Beale is just so far off the mark, it is laughable.

And I just don't get all the raves about Ben McC. He is a workhorse, no doubt, but his impact in a game, especially against top opposition leaves a lot to be desired. He may play a test in the RC if he is fit, but I can't see him really having time in the RWC. Ben will not win us a test match, but someone like Higgers at 8 certainly can.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Nah, I haven't seen that much lateral movement kill a backline since Giteau circa 2011..........

Genia looks to be in two minds at every breakdown as to whether to run or pass and keeps getting caught behind the gainline..............

But sure, there are some other people who need to share the blame.

As for Cheikaball........ it generally requires quick service from the halfback, and Genia is the worst out of the 4 candidates.
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