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Reds v Waratahs, rd2 SR2013

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John Solomon (38)
I think that IS was referring him being popped by Robbo.

Ok, must have missed it, he'll be better for the experience from being bettered by the current Wallaby prop who'd have been full of angry pills from being benched. Anau made great ground from ruck ball on a few occasions & involved in crucial turnover or two. A very good bench performance imo.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
The Tahs were definitely well improved on last season in terms of direction and showing willingness to attack. Better execution could have led to multiple tries. They're going to struggle to win games without improving that execution though, particularly in the red zone.

Foley was excellent at 10 and should stay there. I thought Carter was good at 12. I'd bring Barnes back to 15 when fit and use Folau as an impact player from the bench. Chapman was superb in the lineout and I think he should start. If he has the fitness, he should be the 80 minute lock.

The Reds showed great determination to guts out a win. Quirk was sensational. I'd be far from happy with that performance if I was a Reds fan. They made the most of a couple of Tahs clangers in the first half and that ended up being the difference. The scrum was improved on last year, but the tight five were beaten on the park. Lineout wasn't great.


Dick Tooth (41)
I thought that both teams can take some positives:

The Reds took all the chances that the Tahs gave them, they were ruthless when they needed to be. And got Quade involved as much as possible which is always a plus.
For the Tahs once they got their game going and where accurate they really made yards and played good rugby.
There is alot to build on for both teams, although its an anti climax I'm happy enough as a Tahs fan and really feel there is a lot to build on for the season. If we show the form from the 20th to the 60th minute we'll be ok.

The Red Baron

Chilla Wilson (44)
On the weather conditions, I did say earlier that the fitter team would win. Might be that the Tahs have some more stairs to climb..


John Thornett (49)
The Reds did to the Tahs what the Brumbies did to them last week - big turnovers in centre field with 15-20 mins to go. Knocks the stuffing out of the attack. Gill takes points decision over Hooper.

I reckon this is spot on. Whenever the Tahs looked like they might sniff ascendancy, the Reds responded with a massive effort in the contact area. Even with some sloppy play afterward, the Reds were able to maintain momentum until the Tahs ran out of luck and ideas.


John Thornett (49)
The Tahs were definitely well improved on last season in terms of direction and showing willingness to attack. Better execution could have led to multiple tries. They're going to struggle to win games without improving that execution though, particularly in the red zone.

Foley was excellent at 10 and should stay there. I thought Carter was good at 12. I'd bring Barnes back to 15 when fit and use Folau as an impact player from the bench. Chapman was superb in the lineout and I think he should start. If he has the fitness, he should be the 80 minute lock.

Agree with most of this, but I thought Tugboat was too slow and Folau, for all his errors, did show that athleticism and open-field danger that the Tahs have been lacking since Mitchell snapped his ankle. It might be painful for a few weeks, but I'd like him to get minutes. Barnes in for TC.

Robbo was really good. I'd say the benching had him fired up.

McKibbin rubbish goal kicking, obviously, but it was his pass off the base that worried me. Too wayward for my liking. Shades of Burgo, but without the sniping threat. Still, he had his moments and far from our worst.


Dick Tooth (41)
McKibbin rubbish goal kicking, obviously, but it was his pass off the base that worried me. Too wayward for my liking. Shades of Burgo, but without the sniping threat. Still, he had his moments and far from our worst.

For a professional his pass was woeful, there were too many times Tahs players needed to check their run to even receive the ball. The two kicks he missed ultimately proved the difference, if the Tahs were attacking in the last 5 down by 1 it is entirely different rugby game.


Mark Loane (55)
I don't get the love for Foley. He was solid, but he aint the messiah. If the Tahs are to do anything special I still think they need a better 10.

Tahs will be much better next week for the run, though it is a concern that they didn't look much fitter than last year to my eye. They really play the price for the fact that their two most important players in the 8, Palu and TPN are 60 min players.

Not sure how Phipps gets so much shit for his passing when McKibbon is running around. Foley was reaching up for the ball all night.

Quirk was my MOM. Diggers looking the sharpest he has in 8 months.

Harrison was a liability in the first half. Because he gets less touches at 15 he tries to do too much when he does or off the ball. He needs to stay at 15 for his kicking, but will need to be mindful in the future.

Great to see some young talent getting a run, Volavola has the skills and Feauai Sautia didn't look out of place in the 15.


Wow....weren't those column spaces in the paper wasted on Folau. Not quite the saviour he was talked up to be. Reds were ordinary against the Brumbies but like all good experienced championship teams they came good in the cruch. They came out fighting and dished out the lesson. Tahs wasted their opportunity having a massive pack and decided to try and play handball throwing the ball around. Learn to catch first and it will turn out to be a better result.


Chilla Wilson (44)
You lost, woooooowhooooooo


He can't really help what the media writes about him, but it was his debut game in Super Rugby after only playing rugby for a few months, he'll come good.
Come on after those trial game performances he was being touted as the next coming of Jesus! Yes he may come good in the long run but please a little perspective rugby writers before he has done anything. For the Reds Taps was very good and Quade looked a little more settled. Is it too early to say same old Tahs?


Jim Clark (26)
Just got back from the Fortress! Well played Tahs you'll get better, but shit I'm stoked we won that!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Mark Loane (55)
Folau to wing also. He is big and powerful and spent all his night trying to get on the outside of his defender by sliding round. He needs to be on the end of the line and have a more direct line at his opponent.


Tony Shaw (54)
Hey just because it was such a talking point prior to the game, did anyone get the intercept tally for the game?
Oh that's right, I did!

NSW threw 1 intercept
QLD threw zero! :)


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Why Folau was playing fullback I'll never know, he is a winger in my mind. Even though he had a few stuff-ups I thought Brendan McKibbin was good. Ben Volavola has a lot of potential! Other than that, thought the Reds were lucky to get away with a win.
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