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Reds 2016

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Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Yeah the Kiwi membership is a pretty good idea. Ups the member count and would convince a few kiwis to show up to a couple more games.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Some (few) kiwis would turn up to a Reds game against their former province just to see them "smoke the Reds bro".

I've never really understood why you would emigrate and then "hate" the locals so much that you only show up for schadenfreude. Each to their own. They're a weird mob.

This proposal builds on the interprovincial hatred in NZ*, and encourages Kiwi types to barrack for the Reds because they hate them less then the hate they have for the other NZ province. Who knows, in times to come they may even come to a Reds game because they actually support the Reds.

Wise move, if a little desperate.

* I am told that everyone in NZ apart from those from Auckland hates the JAFAs. The North Islanders hate the South Islanders and vice versa. Not many folk like Wellington Hurricanes (more a pity thing than outright Hatred). Otago folk don't like the Christchurch city slickers, etc. The average NZ sporting tragic seems to take their rivalries as seriously as our NSW vs Qld rivalries.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Having made the above statement about the more extreme of kiwis in Oz, I know some fairly "normal" Kiwi expats living here who just like rugby for rugby's sake.

Some even barrack for the Wallabies and Kangaroos!

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
I've never really understood why you would emigrate and then "hate" the locals so much that you only show up for schadenfreude. Each to their own. They're a weird mob.
I think it is totally understandable.

If I moved to another country and could only afford a three game membership I would choose the visiting Aussie teams as the membership games.

I get to see players I have an interest in and even though I might adopt the local team I would probably support the visiting team to stir up my local mates.


Chilla Wilson (44)
I'm pretty sure they had a similar bundle last year around the NZ teams - it's just a way to get people who don't want to commit to a whole season to definitely come along. I think it's a good idea.

Yes they did do 3 games packages last season, but this package is martketed for the all our brothers across the Ditch" . I can't recall that package last season, so I must have missed that member email.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
Did anyone just catch Marto on the redio talking about the Reds? Mate just rang all excited about Graham going.


Peter Burge (5)
Word on the street is that McCall steps down before he had the chance to be "rolled", therefore keeping some shred of dignity.

Apparently he has ties to a ticketing type company that "won" the contract with the Reds. Conflict? Was due process followed? Of course, no discounts were offered. Was there full disclosure to the community?

Membership numbers? Creative accounting? Every QJRU registered player counted as a Reds Member.

....changes afoot at Board Level. Well, that part was obvious, given the announcement.

Further, RG apparently only has 1 KPI to achieve to see him be considered to retain his job; top 6 finish or look for alternative employment.

And without any offence intended to the current playing roster; I just do not see that the first string team, nor the depth of the roster is strong enough, experienced enough nor skilled enough to seriously challenge for top 6.

However, the marketing team are doing a great job in challenging times. At least they are treating this place as a business;

Goro memberships - let's jump on (racial typecasting about to happen) Japanese hysteria and get non-rugby aligned people buying memberships.

Kiwi memberships - "oooh, there are a great deal of Kiwis who live in Brisbane who are still proud Kiwis and do not support Reds. Let's take their money and fill the Reds home ground with people who will actively and loudly support the visiting team."

Great for the coffers, but probably not so good for building a home ground "fortress"

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Mate,they averaged 20k there last year.
And things don't look like they are going any better on the field this year.
They need bums on seats.


Tony Shaw (54)
Did anyone just catch Marto on the redio talking about the Reds? Mate just rang all excited about Graham going.

I didn't catch it Sully and I am loathe to treat anything that comes out of that man's face as considered or even thought through, but if it is a rumour that RG is going then I'm all ears!

What was said?


Let me get this right... Reds are desperate because they are trying to capitalise on the marketing boost provided to them by signing Goro, or they are desperate because they have created a tailor made product for the 200'000 kiwis living in SEQ...

Bloody hell, if you haven't noticed professional sport is desperate, the Rebels were running at losses of $2 or $3 million a year, Brumbies have spent the $millions In profits they made from their land development, RugbyWA once had $millions in reserve yet as of last year they are essentially broke. Tahs scrape by year to year with no major profits or losses accruing.

Maybe some people have short memories, but I consider 'desperate' been something like an organisation turning to the governing body and asking for a loan to pay the day to day costs because the banks won't provide them any more credit on top of the $2.5million loan they had already spent.


Peter Burge (5)
"but I consider 'desperate' been something like an organisation turning to the governing body and asking for a loan to pay the day to day costs because the banks won't provide them any more credit on top of the $2.5million loan they had already spent." I consider that to be lunacy, TOCC.

Instead of sending coaches overseas to study training centres and techniques, maybe they should send administrators over to study the front office operations of successful, yet under-resourced operations in similar sized markets.

Sooner or later though, I see that one of our professional sporting organisations will have to fail, unless there are changes made to "the ways things are done around here"

  • 24 million people spoilt for choice on who and how they support their team/s of choice
  • narrow pathways for athletes/coaches who can be poached or touted overseas
  • increasing cost base of operations
  • fickle supporters

all of which, when combined put the ultimate financial pressure on the existing supporter base to contribute more to keep the top from falling over.


Peter Burge (5)
A Ponzi scheme is an investment operation where the operator, an individual or organisation, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator.


Bob Loudon (25)

Instead of sending coaches overseas to study training centres and techniques, maybe they should send administrators over to study the front office operations of successful, yet under-resourced operations in similar sized markets.


That's actually a really good idea. I recall seeing a business doco years ago about a guy in small town USA who had bought a lower tier baseball team - minor leagues, and he made sure that ticket prices and food and drink prices were low for the games and packed the place out. It wasn't a massive stadium but it wasn't a big city either. I know that with stadium deals the sporting bodies have no control over the food etc inside and I think that the Reds do a good job of trying to make their game days attractive for kids with pre match activities etc but finding what other sporting organisations do well from non playing perspective is a good idea. Do you have any examples of where they should look?


Apparently he has ties to a ticketing type company that "won" the contract with the Reds. Conflict? Was due process followed? Of course, no discounts were offered. Was there full disclosure to the community?

This contract has been disclosed and highlighted in QRU annual report since McCall arrived at the Reds, he has also mentioned it in interviews with journalists, there was never any secret about this.

McCall's company IPG is also listed as a sponsor of the Reds.


Peter Burge (5)
Oakland has a population of about 400k and has Golden State Warriors, Oakland A's (see "Moneyball") and Oakland Raiders.

I read somewhere that a GM once said "we only need to win a majority of our home games; if we do that, the fans will keep coming".

Oakland is just one easy example.

The football team that recently beat Man U using statistics about undervalued players could be another worthy of a look.

It seems reasonably logical to me that a sporting organisation cuts its own throat if they are not actively engaging with and listening to their "constituents" firstly, and then looking to expand their "constituency" as a secondary objective.

In other words; listen to/do not take for granted the people who stump up their "hard earned", and then look to grow that support base.

Anyway, that is enough from me for today.


Mark Ella (57)
IMO privatise the Reds. Instead ofa "Tinkler" the option of a consortium is much better. Blokes with serious $$$$ who also have a love of rugby. Don't have a problem with the group making a shitload of money (as it is a large financial investment) as long as substantial money is funneled into grassroots to perpetuate the game and the future success of the Reds.

One thought was put to me recently (by a potential investor) that talented lads finishing school should be signed to a 5 year (UNBREAKABLE, ENFORCEABLE) deal (taking them to about 22 or 23). Some of those lads could be "lent" to overseas clubs in Japan and elsewhere for a year or two increasing the Reds profile and brand in far off places. The players get the opportunity of maturing into men and probably playing rugby more frequently. Obviously, financial success underpins the process.

We do not have the money or particularly the spots to retain the talent Queensland produces and at least this way those players that reach their potential within that 5 years are still available to the Reds. If they don't reach that potential then they are then on their own (as currently happens)

There also needs to be a change (Cordingly) in the choice of young players and players in general.

Just my opinion guys !!!!!!
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