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Auckland Blues To Infinity and Beyond

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10906316_799423466759541_6764021891328731016_n.png?oh=c69f6b19bb9a6fa2652bfe5092214046&oe=556DC3AA&__gda__=1429025298_f0439b07f2c6acdc35f1b94165da5b1f

How They Thought It Would Look:
How It Looked:

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Ex-Auckland Blues assistant coach has remainder of 2015 Super Rugby season cancelled.

-NZ Herald--

An unnamed ex-Auckland Blues assistant coach has exercised his sway within SANZAR to have the remainder of the 2015 Super Rugby season cancelled. "Yes, it was all getting a bit silly really" said the unnamed assistant. "Nobody wants to see things pan out like they were. It's all very well to have a bit of a run around but come on, let's be sensible here. The season, as it was evolving, was not doing anyone any favours in the long run."

"Excuse me but that's not a camera is it young fella?"
--Ex-Auckland Blues assistant coach

"The players can have a bit of a rest until the Tri-Nations" continued the unnamed ex-assistant coach. "After that I hear there is some sort of a wee tour scheduled for up north. What? Sorry, no questions, let's just move on from here and put this episode behind us."

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Well fark me. Gets a nice holiday between RWC & joining Ulster, though, no way NZRU will let him take a S15 contract off someone who's actually committed to NZ. Young enough to do 2 years in Ireland, set himself up for life & return with a realistic shot at making the 2019 Cup. Good luck to him.

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Luke McAlister


set himself up for life

hard to argue with that i know, my big issue is that i can no longer see him play for Auckland and NZ. Suppose i could subscribe to some piss and gloom pommy rugby channel.

wFt, Charles Piutua, aged 23, already heading off to play drudge and flop-in-a-bog UK rugby. What a waste. That's like buying a big fuckin' Concorde and using the the sleek elegant prick to slowly taxi up and down the runway, in the rain, for 80 minutes every weekend, then quietly putting the majestic bastard back in its hangar

think happy thoughts pillock, happy thoughts........

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Reeks of Luke McAlister all over again.

One should never mention The Luke in any forum likely to be viewed by @Dismal Pillock, hence his reply just above. Just to give you the heads up, never, ever, EVER mention a certain bloke born in Taihape who played Loig for Melbourne & the Manly-North Sydney forced marriage & IIRC briefly the NZ Kiwis before switching to our gme & making a name for himself with @Dismal's beloved Blues, then fucking off to Clermont & Sale..............

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Auckland Blues lead Super Rugby table.

--NZ Herald--

The Auckland Blues are currently leading the Super Rugby table in bonus points accrued. They have 7.

"We are making a deliberate effort to accumulate as many bonus points as possible as I see bonus points as a crucial point of difference when it comes to ensuring home field advantage for the duration of the playoffs" said Coach Kirwan.


"We have 7 bonus points.
The Detroit Lions only
have 1. They are shit."
--Coach Kirwan.

"I am printing out sheafs of this bonus point data documentation in readiness to present to the Auckland Rugby Board for my mid-season coaching assessment. I am fully positive this data will quell any doubts the Board may have as to whether the franchise is heading in the right direction."