Billy Sheehan (19)
I’d take Toby Brial in my footy team in any role, he’s fantastic - as too the other year 11s in the Scots team.
But despite the naah sayers I’m warming to Joeys this season. Sure they let a win go but this is 10 rounds and they have depth. If Scots lose a Bartlett or Brial or Fittler (man next year …) the coverage is not there.
Joeys can slot in a third grader and they’ll do the job.
Injury management and depth will win this comp, not talent alone.
But despite the naah sayers I’m warming to Joeys this season. Sure they let a win go but this is 10 rounds and they have depth. If Scots lose a Bartlett or Brial or Fittler (man next year …) the coverage is not there.
Joeys can slot in a third grader and they’ll do the job.
Injury management and depth will win this comp, not talent alone.