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Frank Row (1)
I believe the rumour around Jansen was due to injury last year he wasn't able to run on for the 2nd XV. He was known to be playing in the 1st XV this season but his right hamstring was playing up again and he was discarded from the GPS squad indefinitely and put directly into the 4th XV. Sad story for Hugo but good to see he will be getting a run in a skilled GPS team this weekend.
poor Hugo, seems like he has been training very hard and been very keen to get back up and running in the top teams.
Good to see the Shore boys with some keen energy to play footy and not be little twats like the rest of em.

SC out


Frank Row (1)
Rumour has it that Max Morris, or known to his teammates as "big donny" is making a thundering debut into the SHORE 1st XV this weekend against St Josephs College at northbridge, or known as the "bridge" to the shore boys. Watch out Joeys, HE IS COMING FOR YOU!!
don't they call him 'big donny' because he weights close to 160kg??


Bob McCowan (2)
Rumour has it that Max Morris, or known to his teammates as "big donny" is making a thundering debut into the SHORE 1st XV this weekend against St Josephs College at northbridge, or known as the "bridge" to the shore boys. Watch out Joeys, HE IS COMING FOR YOU!!
I love when these students of schools pretend that their mates in the 6ths are playing 1stXV. It cracks me up. Where would green and gold be without these fellas. Love it.


Bob McCowan (2)
From what i have heard, not that heavy but he is certainly a BEAST
A beast is quite the right terminology for this man. As I'm yet to watch him play I've only heard legends of "big donny" storming the fields and leaving nothing but a pile of bodies (and leftovers) in his wake, I've also heard rumors of him running 100m in 11.37s. I've found myself with quite the bucket list of players to watch at the bridge this Saturday.

Scrum Out


Stan Wickham (3)
poor Hugo, seems like he has been training very hard and been very keen to get back up and running in the top teams.
Good to see the Shore boys with some keen energy to play footy and not be little twats like the rest of em.

SC out
Yep. Feels like the SHORE spirit is being tweezered out bit by bit through injuries in these boys. Hopefully Hugo considers sticking to rugby after he finishes school. From the skill I have seen I believe he could make a very high and respected squad at one lucky college/university. I've heard around as well a similar injury situation involving Tom Santow who is also in the 4th XV. It could be these boys on the forum spinning some lies to myself and other members but sounds like he suffered a pretty serious groin injury outside of rugby last year at a gathering with his mates. Sounds nasty. Injuries are the scum of our game.


Frank Row (1)
GPS Round 2 predictions
Joeys to win by more than 17 against shore. I would have said won by more but after Joeys second half R1 blunder I am hesitant to.
TKS to win by more than 12 against Newington. Both are big teams however, Kings are looking in form this season.
Ignatius to get up by less than 6 to Scots college. Scots had a promising second half R1 however, View had a nice victory last weekend.
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