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QLD GPS Rugby 2013

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Black Caviar

Stan Wickham (3)
My predictions for Round 6

NC vs Terrace
After many years of Nudgee smashing their counterpart Terrace has finally put up a team that could bring an end to this. Yes I know, every year there are Terrace hopefuls who believe Terrace can win but I think this year could be the year GT actually do get up. Their forward pack is formidable and their backline is nothing to be laughed at with Larosa and Te Rupe being very damaging. However Tuttle will be leading no average footy team onto Ross either. Though it has been proven that Nudgee are mortals with a loss to Churchie and a scare from BBC, the team is playing great footy and they might only have started to reach their potential last week with a 55 nil thrashing of State High. I know TSS and BBC will be praying Terrace win.

My condition is that if Leofa is not playing then NC by 10 but if he is playing Terrace by 3

BBC vs Grammar
It's old boys week at BBC this week meaning huge crowds and despite some injury scares BBC should field an almost full strength team with only Wilkins out. They are/were playing great footy till last week. 3 very simple things let them down last week. Things that are taught in under 8's.

1. Run onto the ball. Dont receive the ball stationary. This was probably the most frustrating thing to watch last week as the whole team were traveling at 0 km/ph when receiving the ball. It allowed Terrace to keep them exactly where they wanted.
2. Tackle around the legs
3. rush up as a line in defence

I've said it twice and il say it again, without their captian Grammar are very poor hence losses to IGS, TGS.

BBC by 18

Ipswich vs Toowoomba

The match you dont want to be playing. The battle to prevent the wooden spoon. This one could be close but I thing ippy have the upper hand with their home-ground advantage. From what I heard their backs are starting to play like a unit. Anderson, Hayes, Todd!

Ipswich by 10

TSS vs State High
Not much needs to be said about this game. It will be interesting to see who beat State High by a bigger margin, NC or TSS?

TSS by 35

mr pls

Allen Oxlade (6)
Leofa is still hobbling around Terrace with his boot not a chance of playing this weekend and a very minor chance of him playing this season

Neville Magee

Stan Wickham (3)
First post but have been keeping an eye on things for many years in different ways - coach, parent, supporter, chronicler in other forums.

This week's currency of the clash of dates between the State Championships and GPS school rugby was discussed, rationalised and resolved months ago by the very responsible Directors of Sport at the 9 schools.

The Headmasters changed the game plan by changing seasons. These fellows had to make it work. This time last year the same thing happened. This year one of the contests happens to be red and black v blue and white.

The fact is that at the start of the season the Directors of Sport agreed that a bye in the 15A fixture was sensible and viable. Catchup games could be played either side of the scheduled games. This happened last year and everybody was understanding of that and happy and accepting.

This year, between the two schools mentioned, there has been a conflict of a very reasonable bigger picture - last week and this week, Nudgee had lads involved in Immersion experiences. Terrace have their lads so involved next week. The following week Terrace have exams as does Nudgee the week after that. There just was not a window when the game could be played. Both schools and all schools have much bigger pictures in play and Rugby is but a part, a significant part mind you, of that bigger picture.

All the aforementioned points by other posters re ripple effect through the grades and safety of players and team cohesiveness are very true and very relevant. Coaches are not decision makers in this matter and it is not fair, right or just to lay criticism or blame at their feet. They actively support the leadership, direction and advice of the communities they represent and support.

At the end of the day or at the end of each Saturday, whatever transpired that day was just a game. The fellows coaching these teams know that and the school administrations that entrusted the welfare of the lads eventually in these teams know that.

Also, as was mentioned by another poster, this is not the only 15A fixture not being played this weekend. Remember the agreement was for a bye in all matches and for the matches to be played where possible. These lads are only in Year 10 or its age equivalent. This is not sheep station stuff.


Cyril Towers (30)
Good post NM - thanks for informing us of the full picture - I still think they should fill the sides and play on the sat like some of the other schools, so well done to those teams who do play.


Ted Fahey (11)
First post but have been keeping an eye on things for many years in different ways - coach, parent, supporter, chronicler in other forums.

etc etc

This is the most reasoned comment to date and one that I think derives from someone close to the decision process. As much as I can rationalize the decision, the young man known to me and his disappointment in no game NC v GT still makes me not comfortable with the outcome.

Perhaps I am not with the times but there is a Christian Brother or two who I hold in regard from my days in their tutelage who would have left me in no doubt where my priorities should lie.

Dolly Neweell

heard TSS and BSHS with a few losses to other sporting commitments such as netball, debating and badminton. should really consider moving these sports to term 1 as these sports are often quite popular for the rugby boys. heard Jayden and Matt from BSHS take on Nilli and Mitch Third from TSS in the final at 2.30 on the main badminton court at TSS.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Staff member
First post but have been keeping an eye on things for many years in different ways - coach, parent, supporter, chronicler in other forums

etc, etc.

Excellent post.

More please, it will lift the standard of the forum as we sometimes get bogged down in matters other than what happened of the park.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Staff member
Guys, please click on the "Report" button when idiots like The Mexican Border appear in the forum, so they can be attended to.

The idiots are mostly young kids who want to cause mischief. As one who did his share of mischief in his young days I understand such immature kids.

But please click on the button.

It won't guarantee immediate action, because we are all volunteers trying to keep a good rugby site together—and forums, such as this schools forum, are an important part of it—but we will do our best.

Thank you for your co-operation.



Allen Oxlade (6)
The lads in the red and black were as excited as a dog with 2 proverbials after last weeks win over BBC. But from all reports, whilst they played well, the College had a shocker and BBC are half the team without el captino.
Sorry red/black but prepare for a Blue Wash...they are gonna be harder to beat than a blue rinsed granny, working 10 bingo boards in the hall at the bottom of the school on a Monday night.

2013 has not been the Dark/Lights' finest hour so far. I hear the BGS support group are getting some T-shirts printed with "Pent-house to the S-House in one year" on them. Nothing will change on Saturday and the "BBC Ba-Ba's" will right the ship from last week and the 700 or so, well-oiled, old boys straight from the RE, should give them a little lift. Won't be bad for steak sandwich sales either...

One of these teams will drag themselves out of the red mire of the Eastern Downs to ensure they aren't fighting with the State School for the wooden spoon. I'm just not sure which one and neither will the crowd till the final whistle blows and someone works out how to use the scoreboard - should be close - go the T-Ba!

State High have finally come to the conclusion that they are nowhere near good enough. The 4 kids dressed in half the uniform and the 2 lost rappers in flat hats from West End won't be enough to cheer them home. TSS may as well send the First XV for a swim at Broadbeach in their budgies, while the seconds back up and play them. TSS by plenty.

The Churchie boys will no doubt find a nice polo match to watch on the bye week.

Enjoy the Rugby!


Stan Wickham (3)
Ok -5 in Met west + 2 in Peninsular means 7 out of the undefeated BBC 15A side this weekend-and they ARE playing as an A team no matter what.No way Phillpotts would even think about that.As he often say"pick yourself up by the nuts and do it"

As for the lineout -as you saw last week it was a debacle as it has been in every match.The plan was always to have Gunther at 8 and Bronson at 2(as he played in the CSS trials).That is a massive forward pack!But they cannot get them on the field together- so because Saunders cant throw -Bronson has to throw.

Its bad when you take your strongest man out of the line to throw the ball because your 2 cant throw....Cant they teach him or replace him..carring dead wood want win games !!!!!


Colin Windon (37)
Hey guys, just looking for some confirmation on injuries to Mack Mason, Nathan Russell, Evander Guttenbeil, and the status of Bronson Taukipulu.

I've heard a rumour that Mason has a stress fracture in his back that requires surgery.

I know Bronson missed last weeks game with a niggling injury, and I'm curious to find out whether he'll be back.

Nathan Russell is also rumoured to be injured, but not a whole lot of proof has been going around.

Guttenbeil has been carrying an injury for a few weeks now, and it wouldn't surprise me if State High is a game he'll miss out on to recover.

Any information available light, spikhaza, Vegas, Taipan168?

Sam Hauser

Sydney Middleton (9)
Bronson and Russell will both play this weekend but late news Saunders is out with a ac shoulder injury happening at training. This will see bronson at 2, gunter at 8 again and swain at 5

Set piece magic

John Solomon (38)
Bronson should be back he just had a badly corked leg at training. Tiaan had an issue with a calcified cork and that's why he has been out. Not sure on Russel.

There should be a lot of people at Miskin for old boys day at BBC. Looking forward to hearing about NC v GT.
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