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AIC Rugby 2018

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Confucius Say

Arch Winning (36)
iona just didn't take the chance today and they leaked in defence after the sustained St Patrick pressure. Conceding over 30 in such an important game on top of some big scores in the last two game has been the big disappointment.

The St Pat forward pack was magnifique and they just wanted it more than the black and white boys today. First team to really match Iona speed out wide this season also.

Lauries game should not be the concern but could be!


Larry Dwyer (12)
Congrats to SPC outplayed IONA in every aspect. IONA don't deserve to be sole premiers, apart from the eddies game they have not dominated in any game, very hot and cold team, most teams would have rolled them today.


Darby Loudon (17)
Jesus H. Christ.: poor old Eddies - they have work to do don’t they ?
Villa 2nds destroyed Peters 51-0 - that’s sets up the 2nds battle at Ashgrove next week as well - a battle Royale for the 2nd XV premiership as a curtain raiser to a premiership decider in the 1sts ?? Wow - get to Ashgrove next Saturday everyone!!

I hope that Villa do bring good numbers over next week.

Last ever school game for most of the players in the Firsts and Seconds on both sides and Villa likely to be competitive in both games will make for a great atmosphere on McMahon Oval

Ali Barber

Allen Oxlade (6)
iona just didn't take the chance today and they leaked in defence after the sustained St Patrick pressure. Conceding over 30 in such an important game on top of some big scores in the last two game has been the big disappointment.

The St Pat forward pack was magnifique and they just wanted it more than the black and white boys today. First team to really match Iona speed out wide this season also.

Lauries game should not be the concern but could be!
This will be the catalyst to wake Iona up. They actually have to win again and they should in a canter. Pats should beat Padua at Padua and they should be switched on enough as it is everything or nothing. Padua are capable but Pats are safe here. MCA are very well coached and will be up for Villa. It was MCA’s Premiership to win this season and they were dealt a Joker before the 1st Rnd, their Coaches won’t let a joint-share slip. It’s a Threesome in the AIC.
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Chris McKivat (8)
Lauries lost to Padua 24-12. Still haven't defeated Padua at 1st XV level since 2010. Would be curious to hear HLF's thoughts but i haven't seen much progress this year. Maintain my view that a new Director of Sport (who understands rugby) is required at the school for things to start improving.


Chris McKivat (8)
This will be the catalyst to wake Iona up. They actually have to win again and they should in a canter. Pats should beat Padua at Padua and they should be switched on enough as it is everything or nothing. Padua are capable but I I think Pats are safe here. MCA are very well coached and will be up for Villa. It was MCA’s to win this season and they won’t let a joint-share slip. It’s a Threesome in the AIC.
Yep I hear that - and look pragmatically speaking Ash should beat Villa - however Villa is hot at the moment and they believe - I said a week ago - mindset is a funny thing - bring that game on it will be great , at least I hope it is - everyone get to ash next Saturday !!!


Ward Prentice (10)
Oh Iona. Scraped home against Marist in controversial circumstances early on this season and it was yours to give away. If you dont turn up, you dont deserve it. Marist beat SPC and whilst not by much they dominated. SPC well done for the effort today, Im sure its sweet for yourselves and out western brisbane way at Marist. Iona boys, plse keep off the social media as Im sure some may be headed your way.

Hands like feet

Allen Oxlade (6)
Lauries lost to Padua 24-12. Still haven't defeated Padua at 1st XV level since 2010. Would be curious to hear HLF's thoughts but i haven't seen much progress this year. Maintain my view that a new Director of Sport (who understands rugby) is required at the school for things to start improving.
Padua weren’t great today but they had the 3 best players on the park ; and those players were the difference today, that 10 is a quality player . Latho you’re preaching to the choir re a new head of sport, but I don’t feel it is the only thing. We’ve got a teenager running the rugby program and a lunatic coaching the top side. During the week I saw a video on the rugby site where we were preaching how to run a quality rugby program and how good schoolboy rugby in South Africa is...who on earth let this happen and why do the people in charge think they know everything?! It was pretty embarrassing to say the least.

Torpedo Punt

Herbert Moran (7)
Padua weren’t great today but they had the 3 best players on the park ; and those players were the difference today, that 10 is a quality player . Latho you’re preaching to the choir re a new head of sport, but I don’t feel it is the only thing. We’ve got a teenager running the rugby program and a lunatic coaching the top side. During the week I saw a video on the rugby site where we were preaching how to run a quality rugby program and how good schoolboy rugby in South Africa is.who on earth let this happen and why do the people in charge think they know everything?! It was pretty embarrassing to say the least.

Well you think you know everything....
The guy actually said that SA rugby is not the way to go
Do you want a kiwi? Great Robbie Deans really did great things for Australian rugby hey.
Methinks your actually a villa supporter as only one like that could be so negative about guys who deserve a chance...at least a few years.
show some respect , hold back on the name calling and have. A look at the rules of the forum


Bob McCowan (2)
Well you think you know everything..
The guy actually said that SA rugby is not the way to go
Do you want a kiwi? Great Robbie Deans really did great things for Australian rugby hey.
Methinks your actually a villa supporter as only one like that could be so negative about guys who deserve a chance.at least a few years.
show some respect , hold back on the name calling and have. A look at the rules of the forum

Oh the irony. Calls out the man for name calling yet immediately assumes with no evidence it’s a villa supporter...

Torpedo Punt

Herbert Moran (7)
Oh the irony. Calls out the man for name calling yet immediately assumes with no evidence it’s a villa supporter.

Mr Meat, ..it was a bit unfair on Villa I agree, no evidence needed because it is a joke. Calling someone a "lunatic" however oversteps the mark in this forum. The sad thing is without the negativity more people would join this forum. Case closed.


Herbert Moran (7)
Think I might step in now and talk about the last round....should be some cracking games especially Padua v pats as it’s a big day at Banyo for a lot of reasons....last game of school boy union for a lot of the lads and they will all want to go out on a high. Padua are hosting the game as a back to banyo day and if it’s anything like last year at pats it will be huge. It’s also men’s mental awareness day which effects so many that we don’t realise....let’s all make an effort to get out and support all the lads on Saturday and bring our best positive attitude to the game....I have a feeling pats will get up in the end and probably deserve it...I think Padua may have left all their good rugby in Europe unfortunately.

Cameron Toop

Stan Wickham (3)
Despite having a foot in both camps I’m looking forward to the Villa Marist game on Saturday.
The Marist pack will be hard to stop.

Previous post may suggest your larger foot is in the Marist camp but You’re right there are some heavy hitters in the Ash team.
Does anyone know the start time ?


Chris McKivat (8)
Despite having a foot in both camps I’m looking forward to the Villa Marist game on Saturday.
The Marist pack will be hard to stop.
Yes On paper Ash should win - but Villa just keep getting better this year - the backs have looked great all year - agree Ash pack probably better - the difference this year for Villa has actually been their defence - not in all games mind you - but in most... Iona they were leading for a lot of the game but just lost concentration for a 10 min period. If villa stay focussed they will trouble Ash , and if that happens it will be a great game - hopefully a close one.
But let’s see which Villa team turns up?
2nds will be a cracker as well.
It is unfortunate that the Villa 10As have so many injuries as those two teams have battled out for the flag for the last three years - expect Ash to win that one.
But the Villa 9As May get up as well - they appear to be travelling in the right direction.
Looks like the rugby program at Villa that got going three / four years ago is starting to bear fruit.
Good luck to all on Saturday


Stan Wickham (3)
I’ve Seen 3 Matches at Ashgrove and the straight hard running forwards are a coaches dream. Play to that strength and I can’t see Villa getting on top........but you never know.


Ted Thorn (20)
The Video is a Great advert for Laurie's rugby, everybody involved are very happy and proud. Laurie's is only the second or 3rd Aussie school to feature on the rugby site, hats of to the director in pulling that off. like I said previously, a lot of changes happened at Laurie's rugby this year, but it takes time to get the results, Im very confident in saying Laurie's rugby will be a force in the years to come. The Laurie's Director is in his second year and the new coach in his first year, so lets not judge to soon. Laurie's were always going to struggle this year considering this year 12's only won one game the last 2 years. Laurie'splayed with 11 juniors against Padua, 2 of the juniors were in year 10. Makes a big difference!

Well said mate the issue is that as any school that does not scholarship Rugby players cannot expect the results to be continually high. There is no doubt they have underperformed over the past decade but that is not the fault of the current administration, coaches or kids.
Lauries have had many good things happen over the past decade in terms of the development at the school but they would not have helped develop on the sports field.
The new carpark giving them a new oval meant that for the best part of two years he boys only had a quad to train on at the site.
The new hall is fantastic however for three years they had no gym so no S and C program. (I still have no idea why you would demolish a pool and not build another but there you go)
Frankly this year they did not have the cattle and have finished about where expected anyone who thinks that they should have gone better has not had a look at this year groups sporting results across all sports.

Hands like feet

Allen Oxlade (6)
HLF is actually an old Lauries teacher and rugby coach at the school, he wanted the top job, but didn't get it, now the poor bloke cant move on. Its funny that he is very critical on all the Lauries rugby stuff, he should rather focus on his school's results, they were terrible last year. HLF why dont you introduce yourself to the new coach on Saturday and tell him he is a lunatic, bet you wont have the balls to that. haha
As I say, always welcome to attend our premiership reunions to explain how great everything is going to the numbers of old boys (which include some board members as well) there, clearly we are all misinformed. When you do finish your assignment and tafe diploma and you're looking for to buy that first house, I'd be more than happy to give you some slc old boy discounted financial advice.

Anyway looking forward to the last round of this season, lots of teams with plenty to play for - Ashgrove, Iona and Pat's in particular.
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