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AIC Rugby 2018

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Darby Loudon (17)
See I’d have Brad Kuhn ( SPC ) as starting 3 with Downes as starting 1 and Finnichiarro at 2

Maybe, Kuhn’s definitely a good prop who has played plenty of rep footy, but I would have thought that Roszka has him covered around the ground.

I didn’t see the game, but I’d be interested to know who won the front row battle when MCA played SPC.

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
With 11 Reps , first ever premiership , and with SPC’s set piece on the day v Iona ,+ strong familiarity through the pathway system - i would put a hungy at even money that big bad Brad is your starting THP

Cameron Toop

Stan Wickham (3)
VIk, after watching these guys play v MCA yesterday only politics would get any of them a start in the AIC match day squad of 23.

MCA's No.8 Ben Byrne was easily the best player on the field yesterday, their 3 Blake Roszka was probably next and Jacobson's opponent, Kale Van Dugteren, had a fantastic game as well.

I'm assuming that Byrne will miss the AIC squad, but whilst he's on the small side for an 8 he's an excellent footballer and I'd expect him to be playing First Grade at GPS with his brother Dan within a few years.

MCA's 1 John Downes went off very early yesterday with an injury and only came back on for the last 5 minutes, but I'd expect that he and Roszka will be the starting props for AIC,forming a very strong front row with the hooker from Iona.

KVD will also be unlucky if he misses out on an AIC jumper this year after starting on the right wing last year for AIC, he lacks a bit of pace but very strong and aggressive, he's had a great two years for the MCA First XV.

Anyway, congratulations to the three joint premiers for 2018, especially to SPC on their first-ever premiership in TAS/AIC.

totally agree with Gallopers summary. I've heard the Villa No 8 may have been chosen ahead of Ben Byrnes. If so someone got that very wrong.


Stan Wickham (3)
Can anyone please post the offical 2018 AIC team ? Seems like a lot of guess work without publication of the actual team.

Prince Henry

Fred Wood (13)
Congrats to the co-premiers in First XV - Ashgrove, St Patrick's and Iona
Congrats to MCA for undefeated premierships in 2nd XV, 3rd XV, 10A and 10B
Iona 9A, 9B and 8A and Ashgrove 8B also won their respective grades
7A was a 3 way going into yesterday's games with Ash, Villa and Iona undefeated. Not sure of results.
7B to Ashgrove

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
So we know the 3 from Villa , the 2 from Padua and Lauries sole rep. Peters have a sole rep - so that’s 7

So of the 20 - you can probably put the Iona 3 together pretty easily

But what of the Marist 6 ?

Surely by now with all the Marist supporters on this thread this would be known ?

In terms of Pats - it’s more like name the 4 of the starting 15 who didn’t make it

Kick and Chase

Bob McCowan (2)
Can anyone please post the offical 2018 AIC team ? Seems like a lot of guess work without publication of the actual team.
MCA AIC reps: Blake Roszka, John Downes, Ben Gerathy, Zac Hogan, Shaq O’Neil and LTW - a few must have been very unlucky including Ben Byrne, KVD, Jacob Heineken

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
Wow - MCA definitely deserved another 2

Feel bad for Jacob Heinke especially

Agree that Ben Byrne must have gone close and probably should be there - a bit Fraser McReight like , in that , solid build - played 8 but ultimately found his spot at 7.

Iona probably could have had 2 more too

Ali Barber

Allen Oxlade (6)
Ok, so we have two clear Gold & Blue GPS lists, hand typed. Is there an actual AIC and others lists. Surely there’s an Official list of all these names and numbers from each school as stated herein. Let’s see a list of an accurate 1 to 27 and start the comparisons with Gold and Blue.


Ted Thorn (20)
Can anyone please post the offical 2018 AIC team ? Seems like a lot of guess work without publication of the actual team.

Mate it will be the same as the last five years.
Full of boys from the school that the coaches come from and some lip service given to the other schools. Honestly it a real shit show and until the coaches are from outside the system it always will be.
It is not surprising as the coaches have to go to work on Monday and explain why if they are the coach why didn't more of our kids make it.
So if this year if 11 boys are from one school the coaching will probably be headed up by a coach from that school coach. He will then use it as an opportunity to shop his boys as much as possible to the detriment of others.
Last year the boys in the team obviously did not like each other having played a hard season and as the selection was biased it was clear that the boys called bullshit and were not prepared to put in with boys who they knew were not up to it.


Cyril Towers (30)
Mate it will be the same as the last five years.
Full of boys from the school that the coaches come from and some lip service given to the other schools. Honestly it a real shit show and until the coaches are from outside the system it always will be.
It is not surprising as the coaches have to go to work on Monday and explain why if they are the coach why didn't more of our kids make it.
So if this year if 11 boys are from one school the coaching will probably be headed up by a coach from that school coach. He will then use it as an opportunity to shop his boys as much as possible to the detriment of others.
Last year the boys in the team obviously did not like each other having played a hard season and as the selection was biased it was clear that the boys called bullshit and were not prepared to put in with boys who they knew were not up to it.

He just asked for a team list?

Ali Barber

Allen Oxlade (6)
He just asked for a team list?

Please Sir, may i have all the names ?



Bob McCowan (2)
Please Sir, may i have all the names ?

View attachment 10000

Please find list below.
I have found the comments regarding the selection of particular players over others due to a particular coach rather disappointing. The AIC selection process involves the coaches of all 1st XV teams and the respective Rugby Director/sports master from each school and this year was chaired by Padua. My information is that the selection meeting was very quick and involved very little debate, with the exception of two back positions, hence 27 being picked.

The largest point of contention was discussion surrounding GPS reneging on a previously agreed position of picking only 25 players as a squad which would be mixed with players from other associations to select a "QLD Schools 1 & QLD Schools 2 etc rather then GPS 1, GPS 2 AIC 1 etc etc.

Surname Given School
Cruz Alexander SPC
Tom Crowley IONA
John Downes MCA
Tyreece Felu VILLA
Sam Finocchiaro IONA
Harry Fox PADUA
Ben Geraghty MCA
KoTahi Hetaraka IONA
Zach Hogan MCA
Joshua Jacobson VILLA
Brad Kuhn SPC
James Livingstone VILLA
Louis Maritz SPC
Shaquille McLeod MCA
Connor O’Regan SPC
Okaw Obonno SPC
Morgan Prendergast SPC
Ethan Reese SPC
Blake Roszka MCA
Connor Scurr SPC
Conrad Skelton SPC
Jack Smith SPC
Zac Stannard SLC
Aiden Sullivan SPC
Lachlan Tenison-Woods MCA
Bruce Tevaga PADUA
Edan Zaupa SPLC

Confucius Say

Arch Winning (36)
I agree mbthommo. The comment not need as they not need in 2016.
Association of Independent Colleges ( 1 )

1 Eli Latu, St Patrick’s College
2 Liam Usher, Padua College
3 Callum Burton, St Peter’s Lutheran College
4 Sonny Ah San, Padua College
5 Matthew Munday, St Patrick’s College
6 Jeral Skelton, St Patrick’s College
7 Nathan Marshall, Iona College
8 Justin Sikemeti, St Patrick’s College
9 Liam Prendergast, St Patrick’s College
10 Isaac De Flavis, Marist College Ashgrove
11 Matt Abrahams, St Peter’s Lutheran College
12 Morne Knop, St Patrick’s College
13 Matt Collins, St Peter’s Lutheran College
14 Ben Navosailagi, St Peter’s Lutheran College
15 Ben Bucknell, Marist College Ashgrove

16 Mahoney Duma, St Peter’s Lutheran College
17 Zakariah Smith, St Patrick’s College
18 Jed Chapman, Padua College
19 Lachlan Connors, St Patrick’s College
20 Allan Wratten, Marist College Ashgrove
21 Billy Rutherford, St Laurence’s College
22 Zane Pappin, St Patrick’s College
23 Johnathon Taylor, St Edmund’s College

Manager: Gavin Hosking, St Laurence’s College
Coach: Ryan Schultz, St Patrick’s College
Assistant Coach: Andre Boon, St Edmund’s College
AssistantCoach: Ian Ritchie, St Laurence’s College

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
Thank you for posting the list Thommo

I am not sure what the idea was or what was trying to be achieved with the idea of mixing the teams

I am also not sure , why , with formatting changing next year under the Met/District model - you would have 2 x changes in 2 years

Are you able to convey the idea as to what was behind the mixed teams approach ?


Bob McCowan (2)
Thank you for posting the list Thommo

I am not sure what the idea was or what was trying to be achieved with the idea of mixing the teams

I am also not sure , why , with formatting changing next year under the Met/District model - you would have 2 x changes in 2 years

Are you able to convey the idea as to what was behind the mixed teams approach ?

MMMMM, I'll try.

Apparently, it was agreed that they would get a better assessment of the players they had if they, for e.g. had four teams named GREEN, GOLD, RED, WHITE of players selected from across the QLD schooling system playing against each other as it was proposed that the teams would be more evenly matched rather then say GPS 1 toweling up Combined schools as the Combined Schools team is more likely to be weaker across the park limiting the opportunities for the one or two players that may be able to make the cut to make an impression.

I think it was felt that having three games of real hard rugby would also identify those players that were fit/strong enough. There has been a few recent examples of players performing like kings in a particular team which is dominate at school level, being found wanting when the going gets tough because they don't have the engine to grind out a match.

It is always going to be hard to find a balanced selection process. "Coachability" (not a word) is proving to a big factor at the moment as there are too many kids running around with large amounts of hot wind up their rear ends that can't handle being told that they need to improve in certain areas, fitness, technique, strength, attitude, diet etc. etc.


Darby Loudon (17)
Please find list below.
I have found the comments regarding the selection of particular players over others due to a particular coach rather disappointing. The AIC selection process involves the coaches of all 1st XV teams and the respective Rugby Director/sports master from each school and this year was chaired by Padua. My information is that the selection meeting was very quick and involved very little debate, with the exception of two back positions, hence 27 being picked.

The largest point of contention was discussion surrounding GPS reneging on a previously agreed position of picking only 25 players as a squad which would be mixed with players from other associations to select a "QLD Schools 1 & QLD Schools 2 etc rather then GPS 1, GPS 2 AIC 1 etc etc.

Surname Given School
Cruz Alexander SPC
Tom Crowley IONA
John Downes MCA
Tyreece Felu VILLA
Sam Finocchiaro IONA
Harry Fox PADUA
Ben Geraghty MCA
KoTahi Hetaraka IONA
Zach Hogan MCA
Joshua Jacobson VILLA
Brad Kuhn SPC
James Livingstone VILLA
Louis Maritz SPC
Shaquille McLeod MCA
Connor O’Regan SPC
Okaw Obonno SPC
Morgan Prendergast SPC
Ethan Reese SPC
Blake Roszka MCA
Connor Scurr SPC
Conrad Skelton SPC
Jack Smith SPC
Zac Stannard SLC
Aiden Sullivan SPC
Lachlan Tenison-Woods MCA
Bruce Tevaga PADUA
Edan Zaupa SPLC


I know, or at least assume, that you're not an AIC selector, but you're going to have a very hard time convincing anyone that SPC got 11 boys in this squad on merit.

Firstly, SPC were soundly beaten at home 30-14 by an under-strength MCA on Old Boys day.

Secondly, it can be argued that SPC got lucky with the scheduling of their game against Iona, coming after Iona played their "grand final" against MCA, although that was definitely a great performance by them and a well deserved victory.

Trying to put all bias aside though, whilst acknowledging my own, how many SPC boys do you think would make a side picked purely from MCA and SPC boys -maybe 6 at best?

I know that having guys like Heenan and Plath (presumably) unavailable skews the selections a bit, but I can't accept that this squad is anywhere near representative of the best 27 boys in the AIC. For example, as I've already said, the 3 guys from Villa are charity cases.

As for the meeting being short, rugby selection meetings are like political pre-selections in that often "the numbers are in" well beforehand. I'm very confident that the representatives of MCA and Iona aren't anywhere near as comfortable with the outcome as you clearly are.

Ali Barber

Allen Oxlade (6)
Please find list below.
I have found the comments regarding the selection of particular players over others due to a particular coach rather disappointing. The AIC selection process involves the coaches of all 1st XV teams and the respective Rugby Director/sports master from each school and this year was chaired by Padua. My information is that the selection meeting was very quick and involved very little debate, with the exception of two back positions, hence 27 being picked.

The largest point of contention was discussion surrounding GPS reneging on a previously agreed position of picking only 25 players as a squad which would be mixed with players from other associations to select a "QLD Schools 1 & QLD Schools 2 etc rather then GPS 1, GPS 2 AIC 1 etc etc.

Surname Given School
Cruz Alexander SPC
Tom Crowley IONA
John Downes MCA
Tyreece Felu VILLA
Sam Finocchiaro IONA
Harry Fox PADUA
Ben Geraghty MCA
KoTahi Hetaraka IONA
Zach Hogan MCA
Joshua Jacobson VILLA
Brad Kuhn SPC
James Livingstone VILLA
Louis Maritz SPC
Shaquille McLeod MCA
Connor O’Regan SPC
Okaw Obonno SPC
Morgan Prendergast SPC
Ethan Reese SPC
Blake Roszka MCA
Connor Scurr SPC
Conrad Skelton SPC
Jack Smith SPC
Zac Stannard SLC
Aiden Sullivan SPC
Lachlan Tenison-Woods MCA
Bruce Tevaga PADUA
Edan Zaupa SPLC

Unbelievable I thought this was purely speculation. Some must feel very under done.
SPC = 11 !!!
MCA = 6 ? Wow.
Iona = 3 ?? Gulp.
The best of the rest = 7 & that maybe 2 too many.

If this is the best 27 AIC Schoolboys, then I'm stunned at the AIC selection process. It matters diddly to me personally but when you look at the obvious selections in the two GPS Teams, they have genuine positions covered and then a genuine back up or fight off. The AIC looks like they picked a basic core of their best AIC players, say 4 or 5 key forwards and say 4 key backs. They then got the balance of the SPC team and threw the names up in the air and filled in the gaps. SPC may have deserved a smattering of forwards and after Maritz, who would you pick from their back line over Iona/Mca and the rest. Ethan Robbins didn't make the cut in the GPS, so there's your measuring stick of who you need to be better than or on par with.
Iona were early runners for bragging numbers, could they beat MCA again with their best, I seriously doubt it, but to get only 3 players is a slap with a big fish whether Plath was available or not. MCA must have finished with a 100 point better For & Against than Pats and MCA got their best 6 in, however they have a good argument for at least 2 or 3 more. If it was a 22 man squad and 5 to be culled, then you know where all 5 should come from. You haven't done yourself a justice or favour here.


Bob McCowan (2)

I know, or at least assume, that you're not an AIC selector, but you're going to have a very hard time convincing anyone that SPC got 11 boys in this squad on merit.

Firstly, SPC were soundly beaten at home 30-14 by an under-strength MCA on Old Boys day.

Secondly, it can be argued that SPC got lucky with the scheduling of their game against Iona, coming after Iona played their "grand final" against MCA, although that was definitely a great performance by them and a well deserved victory.

Trying to put all bias aside though, whilst acknowledging my own, how many SPC boys do you think would make a side picked purely from MCA and SPC boys -maybe 6 at best?

I know that having guys like Heenan and Plath (presumably) unavailable skews the selections a bit, but I can't accept that this squad is anywhere near representative of the best 27 boys in the AIC. For example, as I've already said, the 3 guys from Villa are charity cases.

As for the meeting being short, rugby selection meetings are like political pre-selections in that often "the numbers are in" well beforehand. I'm very confident that the representatives of MCA and Iona aren't anywhere near as comfortable with the outcome as you clearly are.

I'll go back an read my earlier comments however I do not think I ever attempted to justify the number that SPC got selected as being accurate, correct, fair or justified. I simply stated what I knew.

You are correct, I am not a selector, nor do I have a son at SPC. I am an old boy from long ago and do not have any active affiliation with the school. I remember getting belted 50+ by SLC & MCA and truely regretting my chosen sport after playing St Edmunds at Ipswich one particularly day. To get two players nominated on the reserves bench out my 1st XV team was a big deal. I now live in Toowoomba and have not seen an AIC game at all this year, I do have well placed sources at MCA, SLC & Villa.

I personally do not think it is healthy for the competition to have one school so heavily represented, no matter the school. I would like a little more acknowledgement that SPC is no longer the easy beats of the competition, though still lack depth in some age groups. I too struggle to believe that MCA did not get a better run at the selection table. I can only think that a number of players had declared themselves as unavailable? It is overly simplistic to say that MCA beat SPC at home so therefore they deserve more. The season as a whole needs to be reviewed and performances across all games considered. It needs to be remembered that three teams had great seasons, only losing one game each all season so a more balanced assessment should've been reached.

So enjoy dissecting the selections, but remember they are only boys, barely young men, so please measure your comments.
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