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Alltime Ranga XV


John Thornett (49)
For the selectors consideration: Ihaia West. If the board is accepting beards, also SBW.


Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Since he’s been in the SI his true colours have come through.
Yes. The Selectors may need to repair to Google Image Search to run this particular applicant through the rangapalatte


1 Steven Kitschoff
2 Ciarin Fitzgerald
3 Harry Johnson-Holmes
4 Paul Tito
5 Paul O'Connell
6 Simon Poidevin
7 Ed Quirk
8 Tom Robinson
9 Finlay Christie
10 Ihaia West
11 Andrew Kellaway
15 John Gallagher

Peter Kimlin
Brad Wilkin
Jamie Booth
Paddy Jackson
Tane Edmed


John Thornett (49)
The scouting team has uncovered alleged evidence that Keith Wood is, in fact, a ginger.


However further investigation (presented below) questions the validity of this evidence. At best we might say that a teenage Keith Woods was a bona fide ranga, but puberty degraded his ranganess. Under such a scenario it is further baselessly speculated that Mr Woods adopted his signature stylistic hairware choice to hide his shame. Whether this alleged evidence is true, or if the postulated theory of degraded ranganess meets the required standard, is a question the scouting team leaves to the selectors.




John Thornett (49)
Further to the above, it is the scouting team's formal opinion that Gareth Thomas is suspiciously ginger. His looking like a 45 y/o balding weed dealer selling tinnys to high schoolers behind the corner shop since he was 7, however, makes finding the required evidence challenging, to say the least. The search will continue.



Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
The Selectors have taken a long hard look at Mr Pocock's application and the verdict is in:

Final Decision: Too Brown.


"I cannot f******* believe it. My life is nothing without this team. Nothing. Racist, that's what it is. It's racist against my roots. After all that time I spent chained to that stupid Eden Park goalpost in protest and this is the thanks I get".


John Thornett (49)
The Principality is proving fertile ground for hunting gingers. No evaluation required for Rhys Patchell, Matyn WIlliams, or Jake Ball.




In light of the selectors recent verdict on David Pocock, the scouting team withdraws it's nomination of Gethin Jenkins for evaluation.

The team suspects he will fail the eligibility criteria, but will put forth Gethin Jenkins just because.


Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
The scouting team has uncovered alleged evidence that Keith Wood is, in fact, a ginger.


At best we might say that a teenage Keith Woods was a bona fide ranga, but puberty degraded his ranganess.
A cruel fate. The inverse of a barnacled hull rusting over time.

But what an application! He is IN!

This is what the selectors like to see. Incontrovertible evidence in the form of a 3,000x2,000 headshot of corroded ginger locks all over the shop.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
The Selectors have taken a long hard look at Mr Pocock's application and the verdict is in:

Final Decision: Too Brown.


"I cannot f******* believe it. My life is nothing without this team. Nothing. Racist, that's what it is. It's racist against my roots. After all that time I spent chained to that stupid Eden Park goalpost in protest and this is the thanks I get".
I have it on good authority that as the incoming Australian Minister for Defence, Poey will declare war on NZ as early as next week.


Bob Davidson (42)
As far as Gregory goes, if there is that much fluctuation in hair colour he’d have to be ruled out. Somewhat surprising there’s not many Irish or Scots options, given the stereotype