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ARU Junior Gold Cup - National Junior Championships

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Prince Henry

Fred Wood (13)
Can't see QLD only having 3 teams unless the white flag is waved in certain areas

Rationally :

1. Brisbane South East - Logan / Gold Coast

2. Brisbane South West / Ipswich / Toowoomba

3. Brisbane North / Central / Sunshine Coast

Makes sense

The reality now in U15 is that the best kids from regional areas outside of the greater Brisbane area are already in school here , or , those that haven't come , haven't come as 90% + have rejected the Brisbane Schooling /Rugby pathway and are already tied on junior development watch lists with an NRL organisation

So why go to the trouble and cost to fly a limp flag ?

Great in theory . Poor in practise.

Makes lots of sense to keep selections focused on SEQ. The mail is that Brisbane will only have two teams. Judging by what I saw in the BJRU this year, that is the right number from a rep perspective.

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
Well I hope the BSD's ( Big Swinging Dicks ) get it right and find a way to get the Darling Downs boys involved .

If it's only 2 in Brisbane - then maybe .....

1. Brisbane North ( including Sunshine Coast )

2. Brisbane South ( including Logan and GC )

It would make sense making Ipswich the base as the 3rd team from QLD that, outside of the general Ipswich catchment can draw on those from Logan that opt not to fall into Brisbane South / GC , but also , and for me probably more importantly , draw from the considerable talent pool on the Darling Downs .

Toowoomba Grammar and Downlands would add majorly , and in key / critical positions , to such a team if it was based in Ipswich .

The Toowoomba region has maybe one of the promising Props in the age group , a very gifted 10 , a very tidy 9 that would compete with the best that Brisbane has to offer , a 15 that has an electric step , some strong centres and a boatload of workmanlike forward's forwards.

The competition will be poorer without giving them a proper opportunity to compete


Chris McKivat (8)
Well I hope the BSD's ( Big Swinging Dicks ) get it right and find a way to get the Darling Downs boys involved .

If it's only 2 in Brisbane - then maybe ...

1. Brisbane North ( including Sunshine Coast )

2. Brisbane South ( including Logan and GC )

It would make sense making Ipswich the base as the 3rd team from QLD that, outside of the general Ipswich catchment can draw on those from Logan that opt not to fall into Brisbane South / GC , but also , and for me probably more importantly , draw from the considerable talent pool on the Darling Downs .

Toowoomba Grammar and Downlands would add majorly , and in key / critical positions , to such a team if it was based in Ipswich .

The Toowoomba region has maybe one of the promising Props in the age group , a very gifted 10 , a very tidy 9 that would compete with the best that Brisbane has to offer , a 15 that has an electric step , some strong centres and a boatload of workmanlike forward's forwards.

The competition will be poorer without giving them a proper opportunity to compete

I will back this up the Downs has a lot of good talent up there and a lot of kids with some real ticker. They just don't get the opportunities and exposure that the city kids get.

Old Red

Allen Oxlade (6)
There will be 3 QLD teams.
I believe 1 maybe 2 from Brisbane the other would be Qld country.
No way anyone from Qld rugby will go this a junior club game, never have never will, GPS is where you will find them scouting.
The competition will last 1 week including games. Not a whole lot of time for player/coach development.

The QRU will have a much more hands on role in picking the squads. I suspect coaches for the teams will be announced prior to the club and AIC season so that they can watch games and start the selection process.

Note: This is not gospel just my assumptions based on recent conversations.
No way anyone from Qld rugby will go to a junior club game. GPS is where they scout.


David Codey (61)
There will be 3 QLD teams.
I believe 1 maybe 2 from Brisbane the other would be Qld country.

The competition will last 1 week including games. Not a whole lot of time for player/coach development.

The QRU will have a much more hands on role in picking the squads. I suspect coaches for the teams will be announced prior to the club and AIC season so that they can watch games and start the selection process.

Note: This is not gospel just my assumptions based on recent conversations.

The article mentions it running for 5 weeks. Which frankly considering that they've reduced numbers to just 10 I would like them to find a way of getting each team to play one another for a full round of games. Make it a proper representative season.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
The article mentions it running for 5 weeks. Which frankly considering that they've reduced numbers to just 10 I would like them to find a way of getting each team to play one another for a full round of games. Make it a proper representative season.
They are 15!
Give them 6 weeks of high performance training,give them a couple of games to put what they've learnt into practice and send them to the beach for summer.

The idea of picking winners at 14,and rep seasons that go for months is counter productive IMO.


David Codey (61)
They are 15!
Give them 6 weeks of high performance training,give them a couple of games to put what they've learnt into practice and send them to the beach for summer.

The idea of picking winners at 14,and rep seasons that go for months is counter productive IMO.

It's not about picking winners. Perhaps it's different to when I was 15 but something that was hugely frustrating for many of the guys I played reps with was the huge build up (we often ran trials in November and trained through to the Championships in May) for 4 or 5 games over a course of a week (usually a long weekend). All that build for a relatively short window to play.

Many would have prefered to start training later and play a proper rep season after our club commitments.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
If you are picking squads of 14/15 yo's and creating a 10 week rep season for them, you are picking winners in that age group, which IMO is way too early to be seperating the wheat from the chaff.

Your experience only demonstrates that on occasions dead set fuckwits are allowed to coach kids.
Any one who trains 15yo's all through summer for a June long weekend comp has no sense of perspective.


David Codey (61)
If you are picking squads of 14/15 yo's and creating a 10 week rep season for them, you are picking winners in that age group, which IMO is way too early to be seperating the wheat from the chaff.

Your experience only demonstrates that on occasions dead set fuckwits are allowed to coach kids.
Any one who trains 15yo's all through summer for a June long weekend comp has no sense of perspective.

If you're looking to avoid picking winners then perhaps representative Rugby shouldn't be an option until U17s and up. Otherwise the very nature of representative Rugby does often see a number of kids feature every year.

My experience is even as young as 15 many crave the opportunity to play a higher more competitive levels. It's often when many begin to consider a potential future as a sportsman.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
The issue is scale.

It's great that 10 & 12yo kids or whatever get recognised and have a great weekend of rep footy in June.

Designing a 10 week comp is totally different in all respects.

I agree that intensive rep footy shouldn't start till around 17, before that it's all about early developers

Prince Henry

Fred Wood (13)
I agree with points from both sides of the argument. More important than the recognition of rep selection is the chance for enhanced skilling from qualified mentors/coaches and the opportunity to mix with a different set of players than school/club. High performance training and exposure to other coaching ideas can't be a bad thing....nor can a few new life lessons and team culture/leadership pointers.

Whether that happens over 5 weeks or 1 week is obviously dependent on costs and timing windows. Either way, provided boys are given things to take away and work on, it's an important age to have additional sporting and life development initiatives.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I agree with points from both sides of the argument. More important than the recognition of rep selection is the chance for enhanced skilling from qualified mentors/coaches and the opportunity to mix with a different set of players than school/club. High performance training and exposure to other coaching ideas can't be a bad thing..nor can a few new life lessons and team culture/leadership pointers.

But more often than not, this isn't what they get. What they mostly get is a rep coach who has offspring in the team and is probably the same guy who coaches one of the village club teams and one of the district rep teams and so on.

There aren't that many super-coaches out there to cater for the scale of the junior rep programme that is offered. District reps, Zone reps, Sydney reps, Country reps and then JGC. Add to this that as soon as it is a "competition" then for many junior coaches, winning the competition is put way before developing the players' skill base.

Being exposed to that many different coaches (in additional to the village club coach) is more likely to lead to confusion than it is to clear thinking by young players.


David Codey (61)
If upskilling is the overall goal then perhaps a structure such as the JGC should be scrapped in favour of a similar structure Quick Hands highlighted that is used by Hockey Australia.

Hockey Australia run a program open to all players regardless of ability that provides them with exposure to high level coaching and skills development. It focuses on making every player better rather than just a few. Push the JGC back to a U19s competition.

Prince Henry

Fred Wood (13)
That (coaching/development) is what I was implying should be the focus and not selections in a team for a meaningless competition.

Eventually they are going to have to get used to different coaching styles and philosophies.
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