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ARU Junior Gold Cup - National Junior Championships

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
LucyPomPom, click on this document to read all about it. junior-gold-cup-plan-pdf.4060

Thanks to topcat for providing it.

The $660 cost will be a rather big barrier to many people, but the document talks about trying to reduce that with sponsorship. Good luck to them to them I say. The pockets are very tight in the sponsor market.

Have some sympathy for the NSW Country reps. They get charged about $1000 to participate in their rep programme.

Top Cat

Sydney Middleton (9)
Where can we get more info about the JGC? We received the same as everyone else - an email from SJRU with a form to nominate players. Nothing else. Only after a bit of digging did I discover it would cost $660 each and we have two 15 year olds who are eligible! Anyone know if its only open to A grade players? Would or boys be wasting their time even trialling if they're in the second grade? Just wondering..

Top Cat

Sydney Middleton (9)

If your boys are interested in trialling and you willing to put in the time to take them there then put in an application as it will be a good experience for them. Who knows what the selectors are looking for! Up this way our club team has players that couldn't make zone or NSW Country Teams but were selected in various NSW School boys teams earlier this year and made a good account of themselves.

You will only need to pay if they are selected.

Good luck to them as I too have twins but they are U16's and have been invited again this year. Unfortunately many good players will miss out in Sydney just because of the numbers to choose from. It was interesting to hear the other day, and yes I know he is from the 'dark side', but Billy Slater was never selected for a junior rep team.

Hugh, more than happy to have provided the information given the effort put in by many posters on here :)

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
It was interesting to hear the other day, and yes I know he is from the 'dark side', but Billy Slater was never selected for a junior rep team.

Nobody never made anything until Under 20's apparently*.

* Translation: By all accounts, John Eales did not make a rep team until the Under 20s either.


Frank Row (1)

If your boys are interested in trialling and you willing to put in the time to take them there then put in an application as it will be a good experience for them. Who knows what the selectors are looking for! Up this way our club team has players that couldn't make zone or NSW Country Teams but were selected in various NSW School boys teams earlier this year and made a good account of themselves.

You will only need to pay if they are selected.

Good luck to them as I too have twins but they are U16's and have been invited again this year. Unfortunately many good players will miss out in Sydney just because of the numbers to choose from. It was interesting to hear the other day, and yes I know he is from the 'dark side', but Billy Slater was never selected for a junior rep team.

Hugh, more than happy to have provided the information given the effort put in by many posters on here :)


The Incredible Plan

Herbert Moran (7)
A new page on ARU website - not sure if there's anything new there - and also a summary from nswru:


The Junior Gold Cup (JGC) is a national long term talent development and competition program at U15 and U17 age levels. It provides players, coaches, administrators and match officials the opportunity to be involved in high levels of representative rugby programming and development at a National level on an annual basis whilst maintaining local/regional representation.

The scheduling of the JGC allows players to compete in a National competition involving 24 teams (four centres to be based in Sydney) in each age group while at the same time being able to participate in their local club and school competitions whilst also engaging any potential non rugby union athletes.

Players selected in the Sydney Junior Gold Cup squads will receive:
- Expert coaching from highly trained local coaches and involvement from fulltime Australian Rugby Elite Programs coaching staff
- Strength and Conditioning programs delivered by highly trained local coaches and designed by fulltime Australian Rugby coaching staff
- An extensive ‘Lifeskills’ program – Australian Rugby’s off field development program promoting character development, respect and behavioural standards
- Training and playing apparel
- National competition involvement and exposure

Key Information

The Sydney Centres will be North Harbour, South Harbour, North West and Western Sydney
Player Nominations close 11th Oct. 2013
Selection Trials held on the 27th Oct. and 3rd Nov 2013.
U17’s Training starts the week of the 11th Nov. and the U15’s begin on the week of the 25th Nov.
Training will be at least twice a week (depending on individual Centres)
A levy of $660 per player participating in the program (hardship cases will be considered)

For more information email luke.thiessen@rugby.com.au or check the website


David Codey (61)
A new page on ARU website - not sure if there's anything new there - and also a summary from nswru:


The Junior Gold Cup (JGC) is a national long term talent development and competition program at U15 and U17 age levels. It provides players, coaches, administrators and match officials the opportunity to be involved in high levels of representative rugby programming and development at a National level on an annual basis whilst maintaining local/regional representation.

The scheduling of the JGC allows players to compete in a National competition involving 24 teams (four centres to be based in Sydney) in each age group while at the same time being able to participate in their local club and school competitions whilst also engaging any potential non rugby union athletes.

Players selected in the Sydney Junior Gold Cup squads will receive:
- Expert coaching from highly trained local coaches and involvement from fulltime Australian Rugby Elite Programs coaching staff
- Strength and Conditioning programs delivered by highly trained local coaches and designed by fulltime Australian Rugby coaching staff
- An extensive ‘Lifeskills’ program – Australian Rugby’s off field development program promoting character development, respect and behavioural standards
- Training and playing apparel
- National competition involvement and exposure

Key Information

The Sydney Centres will be North Harbour, South Harbour, North West and Western Sydney
Player Nominations close 11th Oct. 2013
Selection Trials held on the 27th Oct. and 3rd Nov 2013.
U17’s Training starts the week of the 11th Nov. and the U15’s begin on the week of the 25th Nov.
Training will be at least twice a week (depending on individual Centres)
A levy of $660 per player participating in the program (hardship cases will be considered)

For more information email luke.thiessen@rugby.com.au or check the website

That's interesting. Says to me that if a kid trials who's too good to overlook but can't afford it. The ARU will 'consider' their situation for as long as it takes to sign him up.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)

I hope the JG Cup achieves what the article seems to suggest (hope) it will, but I somehow get the feeling it is wishful (absolute best case) thinking.

$600 may be a significant barrier to many families. Only 4 Squads in Sydney for Under 15's means plenty of talented boys will miss out.

In Under 17's, I can see Sydney struggling to keep all the best talent in the JG Cup squads. With the intent being to to get the kids in the programme into Village clubs, they are going head to head with the schools, who by and large get first go at the loyalty of the kids during the rugby season. Further many of the schools run a very long preseason for their Opens (U17 and U18) which will keep talent out of the JG Cup.

I believe that most of the SG Ball Cup (U18) mungo clubs pay their players.
ARU intend to attract talent from that competition by making families pay $600. Hmmmmm.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)

I hope the JG Cup achieves what the article seems to suggest (hope) it will, but I somehow get the feeling it is wishful (absolute best case) thinking.

$600 may be a significant barrier to many families. Only 4 Squads in Sydney for Under 15's means plenty of talented boys will miss out.

In Under 17's, I can see Sydney struggling to keep all the best talent in the JG Cup squads. With the intent being to to get the kids in the programme into Village clubs, they are going head to head with the schools, who by and large get first go at the loyalty of the kids during the rugby season. Further many of the schools run a very long preseason for their Opens (U17 and U18) which will keep talent out of the JG Cup.

I believe that most of the SG Ball Cup (U18) mungo clubs pay their players.
ARU intend to attract talent from that competition by making families pay $600. Hmmmmm.

HJ she cannot even read:
Selection trials will be held in late October and training will be under way less than a month later, and each player will be given a grant of $660 to cover costs.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-union/union-news/aru-moves-to-halt-young-guns-slide-to-rugby-league-may-have-come-too-late-20130920-2u5bk.html#ixzz2fTMjdm4N

This must be a Hugh Grant because as I read the blurb the players must pay $600 to the ARU to cover costs. Unless she has been told that the cost is $1,200 but there's a discount of 50% on offer - in which case I guess it might be said there is a $600 grant from the ARU.


Bill Watson (15)
I undersatnd that if any of the centres can raise their own sponsorship those funds will go back to the boys to even further discount the cost. Not sure you will get many takers to track down sponsorship in this difficult market but you never know.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I undersatnd that if any of the centres can raise their own sponsorship those funds will go back to the boys to even further discount the cost. Not sure you will get many takers to track down sponsorship in this difficult market but you never know.
A couple of sport nutrition companies have left over promotions budgets

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Village fees $180
Club fees $180
Zone $220
Sydney Juniors Reps fees $220 (Metro only)
School ass $220
NSW Country Rep Programme $1000 (Country only)
NSW JRU Rep Programme $220
Nationals $510
This $600

must be getting close to piloting the aeroplane


$2170 for Metro
$2950 for country

Subsidised education at one of Sydney's Elite Private Schools - Priceless.

Aurora Australis

Frank Nicholson (4)

$2170 for Metro
$2950 for country

Subsidised education at one of Sydney's Elite Private Schools - Priceless.
So the line used when setting the price for this is
It is comparable to other sports at this level
Realy? Harold matts costs what?

I understand this is to lead into an nationals u/20 comp?

where is the club that supports this so I can go and order tickets to see Hermans Hermits or Reg Varney or put my mortgage through a card machine
Looked at the warratah's web site and couldn't work out where their club is. Is it going to be the same for the new franchises. What didn't they get last time?

all a bit scattered I know but "build it and they will come " is BS
build what they want is what is missing

I do believe this is relevent though a little ranging to this thread.

It looks like it should but its all façade and very little foundation

Shane Smeltz

Fred Wood (13)
So the line used when setting the price for this is
It is comparable to other sports at this level
Realy? Harold matts costs what?

I understand this is to lead into an nationals u/20 comp?

where is the club that supports this so I can go and order tickets to see Hermans Hermits or Reg Varney or put my mortgage through a card machine
Looked at the warratah's web site and couldn't work out where their club is. Is it going to be the same for the new franchises. What didn't they get last time?

all a bit scattered I know but "build it and they will come " is BS
build what they want is what is missing

I do believe this is relevent though a little ranging to this thread.

It looks like it should but its all façade and very little foundation

Harold Matts is free, I believe.
Premier or Super League Futsal (indoor soccer) costs around $500 +
Junior Gold Cup costs $660.
Rowing at school level over summer costs from $1500 +++++

Pick your elite summer sport. And then pay for it.
Except for Harold Matthews. But then you'll be playing league.

the baz

Alfred Walker (16)

I hope the JG Cup achieves what the article seems to suggest (hope) it will, but I somehow get the feeling it is wishful (absolute best case) thinking.

$600 may be a significant barrier to many families. Only 4 Squads in Sydney for Under 15's means plenty of talented boys will miss out.

In Under 17's, I can see Sydney struggling to keep all the best talent in the JG Cup squads. With the intent being to to get the kids in the programme into Village clubs, they are going head to head with the schools, who by and large get first go at the loyalty of the kids during the rugby season. Further many of the schools run a very long preseason for their Opens (U17 and U18) which will keep talent out of the JG Cup.

I believe that most of the SG Ball Cup (U18) mungo clubs pay their players.
ARU intend to attract talent from that competition by making families pay $600. Hmmmmm.
Hugh, i believe that the $600 is the minimum, if the centres do not attract the $10,000 in additional sponsorship, the cost will be likely be passed onto participants. If the ARU, do cover the cost, and centres cannot find sponsors, how long will the ARU fund this program? With so many clubs and teams looking for sponsorship, it may be harder to attract sponsors, and what can they offer a sponsor?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
When I stump up for Club fees, or Reps or the like they can usually give me a breakdown of the costs, ie Insurance cost pp, shorts, Jumper, socks, Affiliation fee pp, extras etc. There is almost $0 cost for labour (admin, coaching or managing) because most time is donated voluntarily, and transport is by participant arrangements.

What will the families actually be paying for in Junior Gold Cup?
The Coaches, Managers and Centre administrators positions are being advertised as voluntary positions, so there should not be too much in the way of labour costs to pass on.

How many kids in a centre? 30? $10k divided by 30 participants is $333. This could push the cost up to over $900 per person if the sponsor money is not found.

I thought the deal was that if sponsor money could be found, the cost per participant would be reduced by the amount of sponsor $.

Aurora Australis

Frank Nicholson (4)
Its a shot in the dark, but the process still looks like manufacturing a community and asking sponsors to invest in unrecognised or not established identities.

Sponsorship as magnanimous as it is, is still a form of advertising at community level. These centres as important as they will be, are not going to be recognisable items outside of the 30 families that will be involved each year.

It may be picking winners a bit, but surely building on established networks or consolidating those existing foundations so the "new" centres are identifiable and a focal point with which the communities relate to, will be seen as a better "investment" for sponsorship dollars

This new pathway is still poorly lit and with clearer options available who would venture there!

the baz

Alfred Walker (16)
When I stump up for Club fees, or Reps or the like they can usually give me a breakdown of the costs, ie Insurance cost pp, shorts, Jumper, socks, Affiliation fee pp, extras etc. There is almost $0 cost for labour (admin, coaching or managing) because most time is donated voluntarily, and transport is by participant arrangements.

What will the families actually be paying for in Junior Gold Cup?
The Coaches, Managers and Centre administrators positions are being advertised as voluntary positions, so there should not be too much in the way of labour costs to pass on.

How many kids in a centre? 30? $10k divided by 30 participants is $333. This could push the cost up to over $900 per person if the sponsor money is not found.

I thought the deal was that if sponsor money could be found, the cost per participant would be reduced by the amount of sponsor $.
I dont think the $660 cost will be reduced, if sponsor money is found, it may assist in the ARU putting less into each program, but if none are found, i dont think they will stump up the costs for too long - mazda rugby championship? It will be interesting to see when trials commence, how many turn up and the talent pool.


David Codey (61)
I dont think the $660 cost will be reduced, if sponsor money is found, it may assist in the ARU putting less into each program, but if none are found, i dont think they will stump up the costs for too long - mazda rugby championship? It will be interesting to see when trials commence, how many turn up and the talent pool.

They'd be foolish to scrap this after a year even if it costs $1.5 million a year. It's something they need to support and look to grow. I've said this on other threads, but, I wouldn't mind if they chose to forego any movement toward a 3rd Tier if they chose to further resource this structure and look to introduce a U20s level but with likely less teams (12).
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