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Aussie Derby Pole of Hatred

which local derby gets you most parochial and all fired up?

  • NSFW vs Quadeland

    Votes: 19 54.3%
  • whoever is playing the BumBreeze

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • NSFW vs Rebels

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Quadeland vs Rebels

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • whoever is playing the Queensland Reds

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Rebels vs Bumbreeze

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • whoever is playing the Melbourne Rebels

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Quadeland vs Bumbreeze

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • whoever is playing NSFW

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • NSFW vs Bumbreeze

    Votes: 9 25.7%

  • Total voters

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Canvassing the forii as to which aussie derby matches get you boofheads fired up.

You have multiple votes.

Multiply the hate!


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
I'll join in Dismal, for me it's Tahs v Brumbies.
For a very big part of my life it was NSW v Qld, but that was before Super Rugby.
Once the Brumbies started to succeed, and jumped on the 'what legends we are, a tiny population but beating the two big guys' bullshit, despite the fact that 90% of their players came from NSW or Qld, it really got up my nose.
Having said that, I will always back any Australian franchise against any OS opposition. I also don't 'hate' the Brumbies, in the way that some here think of the Tahs, it's just the game I most want the Tahs to win.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Yeah, thought about that sort of option but, as a tenured pole expert, I wanted to avoid the subsequent tears of disillusionment that would have instantly doused the hate turbines rendering this as yet another woe-is-me thread..... as if it's not going to pan out like that anyway.....
Nah I only hate kiwi teams and simply because of years of kiwi abuse of aussie teams and wallabies bledisloe teams. I mean I thought thrashings were banned at schools years ago as punishment yet kiwi teams still thrash us poor Oz teams regularly. But in seriousness even 'hate' wrong word for kiwi teams as I certainly have a deep respect for them as they set a 'good' high benchmark.
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Tim Horan (67)
Dismal,my old mate Chiselhead,before he was shafted from this forum,used to refer the Tahs v Reds as the festival of hate-I don't seem to see the hate,these days
When I first lived in Qld it became almost compusary to hate the Tahs. But like a dru nd Redshappy say, these things seemed to have died. I do know there a few that I know in Qld still cheer when Tahs get beaten by anyone including kiwi teams, but they old buggers with long memories, and the general 'hate'(don't really like the word) has well gone in last 5-6 years I thought, well that how it felt at the games!


Michael Lynagh (62)
It’s odd, as a proud Victorian beating NSW is always up the top. I normally always like seeing them lose, but they have been one of my favourite sides to watch this season
Well I watch all oz sides and support them against other non oz sides in super rugby - with Drua my 6th favorite team but always still after oz sides. I like it when good rivarly e.g. Reds and Brumbies in recent times, Tahs vs Reds, but can't say hate. Probably too few sides in oz rugby for me to hate any side lol.


Tim Horan (67)
A lot of the so called hate or whatever is usually another word for jealousy really isn't it. A lot of kiwis back any other kiwi team against Crusaders, because they win so much, but back in 80s etc it was Auckland that everyone wanted beaten.
Isn't same in Aus really because Tahs were easy to dislike because they teanded to be top of pile. The Brumbies/Reds thing wouldn't really count as it only been a rivallry for a couple of years hasn't it?

Sword of Justice

Trevor Allan (34)
In a competition where the Reds and Tahs are fighting each other for finals spots without a massive dark cloud of the Kiwi teams inflicting humiliation to the degree of making all other previously considered green shoots totally meaningless I will be more than happy to bring out the sky blue voodoo doll and pins.

Tahs are certainly strong comparatively this year and hopefully the Reds are able to compose themselves out of this injury crisis to bring back some feel to the rivalry next year.


Tim Horan (67)
In a competition where the Reds and Tahs are fighting each other for finals spots without a massive dark cloud of the Kiwi teams inflicting humiliation to the degree of making all other previously considered green shoots totally meaningless I will be more than happy to bring out the sky blue voodoo doll and pins.

Tahs are certainly strong comparatively this year and hopefully the Reds are able to compose themselves out of this injury crisis to bring back some feel to the rivalry next year.
Yep mate, but Reds v Tahs should be fighting each other anyway. I used to love it in early 2000s when Reds would struggle to beat anyone in Super , but still knock over the Tahs. It was great fun!!


Tim Horan (67)
Everyone against Sydney. That's my call after live in Sydney lol
That's a victim mentallity, I don't know how many games of club rugby I was at in Brisbane when supporters from both teams would say you/they will win this as ref hates us,so it must of been hard for either team to lose, and I have seen it on forums etc for higher rugby too.


Peter Sullivan (51)
That's a victim mentallity, I don't know how many games of club rugby I was at in Brisbane when supporters from both teams would say you/they will win this as ref hates us,so it must of been hard for either team to lose, and I have seen it on forums etc for higher rugby too.
It's just the truth. I usually read people from other states call the Wallabies as the Wallatahs cause they always launch the jersey and the big things in Sydney lol






Rebel man

Jim Lenehan (48)
Well I watch all oz sides and support them against other non oz sides in super rugby - with Drua my 6th favorite team but always still after oz sides. I like it when good rivarly e.g. Reds and Brumbies in recent times, Tahs vs Reds, but can't say hate. Probably too few sides in oz rugby for me to hate any side lol.
Yeah look I could never get behind the Tahs but am on the bandwagon this year