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Aussie Player Exodus



That’s just not realistic.

What you’re not acknowledging is what Wendell, and the others, had/have already accomplished when they are contracted.

Some of these guys prove to be good boys, some don’t but that is no different to the risk of contracting one young player at the expense of another or importing a foreign star.

Contracting is an imperfect science - but no player worth their salt hasn’t done the hard yards somewhere along the way.
"but no player worth their salt hasn’t done the hard yards somewhere along the way."

So it could be extrapolated that you would be happy to have a Vet conduct a surgery on you for say appendicitis. He/she has done the hard yards somewhere in biology / science

Or maybe have kids on P plates driving b-double road trains the next day. Surely they don't need to learn the skills in a graduated way.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
"but no player worth their salt hasn’t done the hard yards somewhere along the way."

So it could be extrapolated that you would be happy to have a Vet conduct a surgery on you for say appendicitis. He/she has done the hard yards somewhere in biology / science

Or maybe have kids on P plates driving b-double road trains the next day. Surely they don't need to learn the skills in a graduated way.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Sam Burgess?
Jokes. He falls into the category of having it handed to him on a platter without earning it. Like England are strong, it’s not like Craig Gower playing for Italy. More like Same as Hayne with the Fijian 7s.
Pick him at flanker was a HUGE mistake. Not many League players can switch to Union forward in a very short time like that.


Bob Davidson (42)
Burgess shouldn’t have been starting in a RWC at flanker or 12 in his first year coming over without prior rugby experience. Must’ve been disheartening for his teammates to have a big name dud holding the team back. And then he drops it and returns to league.


Bob Davidson (42)
But in saying that, English rugby didn’t really seem to assess his skill set and see where he fit in in rugby. Most of the other examples transitioned ok because they’re athletically gifted and they were given a chance to learn (or relearn) the game without wild expectations put upon them


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
Yeah. They were hoping he was going to be SBW like, but he wasn't
He wasn't crap, he just wasn't a super star

Being part of the England structure wasn't helpful for his development

There was a good interview with him on the house of rugby


Andrew Slack (58)
"but no player worth their salt hasn’t done the hard yards somewhere along the way."

So it could be extrapolated that you would be happy to have a Vet conduct a surgery on you for say appendicitis. He/she has done the hard yards somewhere in biology / science

Or maybe have kids on P plates driving b-double road trains the next day. Surely they don't need to learn the skills in a graduated way.
That’s not even close to the same thing and, if you genuinely think it is then let’s just leave it at that.


Andrew Slack (58)
He was playing flanker for Bath and then got thrown in at centre for England if i recall correctly.

I was in England at the time and the talk was that he was slowely getting his head around flanker and then got moved by England to everyone's collective confusion (including his, i assume).
Not to mention caused enormous friction because his club coach was Mike Ford and Sam’s switch to the centres was at the expense of Mike’s son George.


Andrew Slack (58)
And we wonder why Aussie rugby is in the doldrums???
I don’t understand.

Look - I’m not trying to be derogatory or argumentative. I don’t have a problem that you have a different opinion to me. But your analogy was a poor one. You can’t seriously think that your examples are relatable to my post.

Then to double down by suggesting that the response is somewhere a barometer of the issues in rugby. In what way?

Maybe just try not being so over the top on your posts - for what it’s worth.


John Thornett (49)
"but no player worth their salt hasn’t done the hard yards somewhere along the way."

So it could be extrapolated that you would be happy to have a Vet conduct a surgery on you for say appendicitis. He/she has done the hard yards somewhere in biology / science

Or maybe have kids on P plates driving b-double road trains the next day. Surely they don't need to learn the skills in a graduated way.
False equivalence is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone incorrectly asserts that two or more things are equivalent, simply because they share some characteristics, despite the fact that there are also notable differences between them. For example, a false equivalence is saying that cats and dogs are the same animal, since they’re both mammals and have a tail.