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Aussie Player Exodus


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Surprised he’s only 26. Good on him, half a million to live in Bordeaux, I like that
Money goes further in France too (although their tax rate is a little fucked). Honestly, what more could a 26 year old want? Wonder if he's single...


Tim Horan (67)
Money goes further in France too (although their tax rate is a little fucked). Honestly, what more could a 26 year old want? Wonder if he's single...
yeah I'm trying to get work in France currently and I'll have to take a 30%-40% pay cut. So I'm very envious of him.

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
Its this point. Lack of depth means less competition driving our players.

Is he a huge loss? Not in isolation and I don't blame him either. He had some injuries that were pretty touchy and seemed career shortening at the time. French Clubs seem to look past the behaviour more than others. If Tolu Latu is able to pick up contracts anyone can.
Really agree here
Individually not a big loss but cumulatively that’s a lot of 6s and locks etc out of the game domestically. Puts pressure on grass roots which are under other pressures
Also shows if he can go and get $500k, pretty lucrative


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Not too concerned from a Wallabies perspective. Only insofar as until he sorts out his discipline, I don't think we should pick him. If he does sort it out in France, I think he has a strong enough skillset to justify being an overseas exception pick, especially given slots used on older talent (Quade, Foley, Marika, Richie Arnold) will presumably be freed up very soon. I can very easily see a world where that is the case, with a change in environment and coaching letting him calm down that side of his game.

Global calendar can't come soon enough.
Glad you are not too concerned about it as, I guess, there is an army waiting to take his spot.
Some of you guys seem to have a death wish and assume that we can fix anyone leaving with another player, that you hope won't be such a thug!!!
We are dying the death of a thousand cuts unless we abandon the Giteau rule and bring whoever we need from France, UK or Japan


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Glad you are not too concerned about it as, I guess, there is an army waiting to take his spot.
Some of you guys seem to have a death wish and assume that we can fix anyone leaving with another player, that you hope won't be such a thug!!!
We are dying the death of a thousand cuts unless we abandon the Giteau rule and bring whoever we need from France, UK or Japan
From a Wallabies perspective was doing the heavy lifting on my comment. Its obviously an issue for depth and Super, no doubt about it. I don't care about him being a thug, but I think he is a liability not yet good enough to justify the risk.

FWIW I have been a heavy advocate of abandoning Giteau rule for some time now, I think it is very stupid and only holding the game back from evolving with market forces.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
From a Wallabies perspective was doing the heavy lifting on my comment. Its obviously an issue for depth and Super, no doubt about it. I don't care about him being a thug, but I think he is a liability not yet good enough to justify the risk.

FWIW I have been a heavy advocate of abandoning Giteau rule for some time now, I think it is very stupid and only holding the game back from evolving with market forces.
Agree with this bolded bit - the rest assumes that some players will never learn, which contributes to our drop in numbers I am betting the Brumby Darcy Swain will be the next to go and you and your mates can applaud that one too. Then if they make it you can say 'Well we can just buy them back'....


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Agree with this bolded bit - the rest assumes that some players will never learn, which contributes to our drop in numbers I am betting the Brumby Darcy Swain will be the next to go and you and your mates can applaud that one too. Then if they make it you can say 'Well we can just buy them back'....
?? He obviously can learn that was the whole point of my comment. I just think he'll have a much better chance of learning in France exposed to better coaching, better players and more games. It's a negative for Super Rugby but a potential positive for the Wallabies if he sorts out his discipline and we can use an overseas pick on him. I'm not sure what about that is so hard to understand or why you have to take such a dismissive tone.

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
That feels a bit below him as a Front Rower over there but maybe he wants the of living in the States and less pressure?

What team? Does seem fun but it’s an end of the road destination for 99%

Members Section

John Thornett (49)
That feels a bit below him as a Front Rower over there but maybe he wants the of living in the States and less pressure?

What team? Does seem fun but it’s an end of the road destination for 99%

Seattle, would be an awesome experience & Meeksy is loving his time over there but at 28 I would have thought a 3rd string contract in the prem/d2/japan would be the play for him