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Australia v New Zealand - Sydney 16 Aug

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Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Heart stopper!

A game in those conditions was never going to be pretty. I'm usually ok with a draw but I feel like a result was deserved in that one, one way or the other.

No idea how the Wallabies were still in that at half time. AB's were simply dominant and we looked like we were only told there was a game on this morning. No real clue.
Good second half by us but some pretty poor decision making letting us down.

I don't think Beale added anything that Foley wouldn't have.
Horne was great.
Charles looked right at home and like he'd played a swag of Tests.
Our whole tight five were excellent.
AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) is our outside centre until he retires.
For the AB's, the impact Kaino has can't be understated. As soon as he went off in the first half for Crocketts YC, we started making metres. Same in the second half: when he was off, we went forward. The guy is a beast!
I think the AB's backs let them down tonight. Losing Conrad late and Nonu going off injured would've made it much tougher but still, I think the backs were the difference tonight.

Gonna take a while to get to sleep tonight!!
nothing on Hooper?


Tony Shaw (54)
Not sure about all the bagging of White. He didn't play well but was playing on one leg for most of the game. I thought Phipps was pretty poor for the few minutes he played; his passing was terrible!

Before anyone has a crack at me, I'm generally not a fan of White and before the game I would've had Phipps starting. All I'm saying is that the criticism of White is probably a bit harsh.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
First things first: Phipps starts next week. White was ordinary, and the box kick doesn't work unless you've got a couple of forwards shielding you. His passing was demonstrably inferior to Phipps'.

ABs handling kept us in that mostly.

Jaco was shit. Just utterly fucking shit.

That's about it unless I see a replay.

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
Not sure about all the bagging of White. He didn't play well but was playing on one leg for most of the game. I thought Phipps was pretty poor for the few minutes he played; his passing was terrible!

Before anyone has a crack at me, I'm generally not a fan of White and before the game I would've had Phipps starting. All I'm saying is that the criticism of White is probably a bit harsh.

Only thing though Scoey is that if you stay out there you leave yourself open to be judged.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Past Hooper hater here. I will be fucking myself tonight. Past cristism of him not being pyschial and aggressive enough at the breakdown is now gone. He was moving big bodies and tackling strong, as well as his usual threatening ball running. Impressive.

Still a Beale hater.

quote of the thread

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Big fan of McCabes toughness etc but if we had a genuine finisher he would have scored that try from the pass of charles where Patty got bundled into touch.

The criticism of beale i believe is a little unfair I believe the first half saw the all black out enthuse us 1-15 and dont think it would have mattered who was at 10. He wasnt great but he wasnt terrible.

The players that were dissapointing for mine were Carter in the first half carried to high and fardy lacked impact and gave away penalties. Simmons too easily shifted at breakdown. Whites box kicks.


Bob Loudon (25)
Good game to watch as a neutral.
Drop kick attempt at the end would have been a good idea.. Bl AUS

Pyper was fine fairly balanced bar one or two scrum collapses that should have gone against AUS.
17 is going to be a tough nut to crack.


On a positive at least Peyper won't be reffing next week.

I didnt think he was too bad tonite, the AB's might disagree with me and we probably would have lost if he hadnt binned 2 players - a lot of refs would not have carded for those offences with no general warning prior. I think he was kind to our scrum a couple of times too.


Desmond Connor (43)
An extremely disappointing night, been looking forward to this game since I was born. Let's just blame everything on the rain and move along.

On the bright side, a bird shit just flew directly into Ashley Young's mouth. Puts things into perspective you know.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
I think in a game in that weather maybe To'omua to 10 and a Horne or McCabe to 12.. Horne was good tonight, Patty was ok but did look slow at times.

So we can try and out-kick the ABs? Their kick-chase was excellent tonight and we were lucky they dropped so much pill. I'm not sure Beale did anything Foley couldn't, but Beale did it with a higher error count. You could see he was disappointed when he came off.


Bad management of the bench. Foley starts and Benny Mac over Higgins....dip shit selections

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Pyper was fine fairly balanced bar one or two scrum collapses that should have gone against AUS.
Pyper was fucked, did u see the lineout not straight call and the intentional feed to second row? he did well to ge rid of two cynical all black players but was fucked besides that
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