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Australia v New Zealand - Sydney 16 Aug

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Frank Nicholson (4)
Beale did anything Foley couldn't, but Beale did it with a higher error count. You could see he was disappointed when he came off.

Being swatted off that tackle at the end of his awesome kick chase would have been frustrating.
IMHO, his tackling is still soft.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Remember the second test against the French - thought this was a similar dog fight. Other nations may have folded after the ABs first 25.
Hope we get a dry pitch next week, Phipps added good spark when he came on, and maybe Foley at 10.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Pyper was fucked, did u see the lineout not straight call and the intentional feed to second row? he did well to ge rid of two cynical all black players but was fucked besides that

Best tackle of the game was on him - by Izzy ! :D


David Codey (61)
So we can try and out-kick the ABs? Their kick-chase was excellent tonight and we were lucky they dropped so much pill. I'm not sure Beale did anything Foley couldn't, but Beale did it with a higher error count. You could see he was disappointed when he came off.
How is moving To'omua to 10 and bringing in Pat or Horne a kicking game? To'omua was one of our best backs tonight..

I don't care if it's White or Phipps both didn't do much brilliant. I just was thinking someone who hits the line hard and straight might have helped.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I hope the NZ's performance in the June tests aren't repeated. They were close to losing 2 times against England and that made them stronger for the third game. I hope that doesn't happen next week

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
My Forecast was:
Props: NZ lead
Hookers: Parity
Locks: Carter = Whitelock. Rettalick>Simmonds. NZ Lead
Back row: NZ lead. Hooper/Palu close to McCaw/Read. Kaino>>Fardy
Halfback: NZ lead. Aus bench better.
#10: both unpredictable - Parity?
Centres: Smith = huge loss. Nonu = penalties. Parity
Wings: NZ have wings. We have defenders. NZ Lead
#15: Worth the price of admission. Parity.

The Darkness have the lead in the game winning and game finishing departments.

It will be a huge uphill slog for the Men in Gold to stay close, but an upset could happen if all the planets align.

My summary:
Props: Aus Won
Hooker: Aus won
Locks: As predicted. NZ Won
Back Row: As predicted. Hooper > McCaw. Read > Palu. Kaino > Fardy. NZ Nose in front.
Halfback. NZ won.
#10. Parity. Both had games they'd want to forget.
Centres. To'omua > Nonu (just). Was AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) playing. Fekitoa ordinary. Parity.
Wingers. Were they playing?
#15. Tough night for the men at the back. Equal - both made mistakes.

We stepped up in the game winning department and were anonymous in the game finishing department.

While the planets seemed to be aligned, Mars was up Uranus on the wane so neither side triumphed.

Both teams will think that they should have won the match easily, and will rue the error rate, poor execution and bad decision making during the game.

The rugby hating Mungoball biased media will have a field day when they try to describe the game in simple terms to their readership, but it was a bloody good test match given the conditions.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
I will be really pissed off tomorrow if someone (probably from league) says that was a boring game!

I thoroughly enjoyed it! Both teams went hammer and tong for 80 minutes. The refereeing was very questionable at stages, but that didn't deter any of the players.

All Blacks were their usual brilliant selves. I hate them, but admire them very much at the same time. Spent 20 minutes of the game with 14 players and still didn't lose.

Very, very proud of the Wallabies. I can see a MASSIVE improvement in the way they played. Very aggressive and determined at the breakdown, Hooper and Slipper were sensational.

Charles was very solid in his run-on debut. Whilst McCabe, Izzy and Horne put in a guts effort minus a few mistakes. Fardy and Palu are machines.

Overall, I hope the Wallabies put in a similar effort in New Zealand. The All Blacks were tested at stages; if balls go to hand, lines are run and a bit of fucking mongrel kicks in, we might be able to win.

P.s Hats off the 'Gold Mine'. Great to see plenty of gold support in the crowd.


Ron Walden (29)
Looking for positives here....

The Kiwis look beatable and there wasn't much between either side - obviously.

20+ years since we beat them at Eden Park - that record has be broken eventually.

They know we are bridging the gap and improving.

Ewen experimented with some risky selections and we didn't lose.

Our scrum looked quite solid.

Both Barrett & Cruden looked ordinary.

Our 3rd string hooker was pretty solid and his kick was golden.

No serious injuries.

Set piece magic

John Solomon (38)
As far as the series go that might just be the nail in the coffin for Aus rugby. We won't win at Eden Park, finances down the shitter etc. Only a 2 match series next year, then 2 in NZ the year after.

It may take a funeral of Australian Rugby to hit the IRB into action


Tim Horan (67)
Geez that a bit hard on heart. Thought both teams gave it everything, but truthfully were both pretty inaccurate. Will be very interested to see what changes are made for next week. Suspect the ABs may not have Kaino and Nonu out injured, and may consider Smith to 14 and bring Dagg in, but then again all could be the same.

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Beugen Barrett comes on for 10 seconds, doesnt want to get his strides mucky, has a nancy boy wendyball swipe at it instead of just falling on the fucker and promptly gets binned leaving the national team with no 1st 5/8 versus Australia in a Bledisloe Cup rugby football test match in Australia. FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIT MATE. DO YOU WANT TO PLAY FOR THE FUCKIN' ALL BLACKS OR NOT?

Forwards go-forward ineffectual. When it came time to murder the bride directly in the face at the coalface, in the oppo 22, they had nuthin.

Mealamu comes on and immediately begins throwing into the lineout like he's been on the piss all day. And half of yesterday. WhyFT sub Coles at 52 mins? The young prick just bolted 70 yards to clean up a kick with staggering aplomb for anyone let alone for a hooker. He could play a hundred fuckin minutes.




Tony Shaw (54)
What worries the shit out of me is, every time a team pushes the AB's for a close loss or a draw, they come out next week and pump them.
Eden Park could be ugly if history repeats. ;)


Trevor Allan (34)
Beale kicked 4 out of 5 exactly the same average as Foley. Foley probably would have been more threatening to the line at least he was when he came on. Was really disappointed the Wallabies got done on their last play. Who was it that took the crash ball to the line at second receiver and got penalized? Horne was great, so was AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), hooper and Slipper. Charles had a good starting debut. Speight instead of McCabe would have made the difference I think. Wallabies to get another draw next week.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


David Codey (61)
As far as the series go that might just be the nail in the coffin for Aus rugby. We won't win at Eden Park, finances down the shitter etc. Only a 2 match series next year, then 2 in NZ the year after.

It may take a funeral of Australian Rugby to hit the IRB into action
Jesus 60 k+ at ANZ in the rain and we fight the best team in the world to a draw.. In a good match.
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