Frank Row (1)
Have RA released any financial modelling on how they will apparently make that much money?They're talking about the Lions tour generating as much as $100m for RA. Probably at least double that for the RWC. Then at the moment it's likely an extra $40m every second just from the mooted Qatar deal from 2026 onwards. There's the broadcast end of that as well. Which should be multiples of the sponsorship deal. Or at least you'd hope. And then there's the local broadcasting deal. They should be able to cover their commitments regarding the loan and then some.
The French Rugby federation only made $5 million from hosting the 2023 World Cup. World Rugby takes a much bigger share of the profit than they used to as their expenses even adjusting for inflation are much higher now.
Article in French but Google translate gets the gist of it

Rugby : "D'énormes difficultés financières !" Les comptes de la FFR dans le rouge... en raison d'une Coupe du monde pas rentable ?
Le nouveau président de la Fédération française de rugby Florian Grill a alerté sur les difficultés économiques de l'instance lors d'une assemblée générale ce samedi 16 décembre. Le mondial organisé en France il y a...

I'm going to assume I'm missing something or maybe the French Rugby federation stuffed up hugely to only make $5 million, because surely RA haven't just looked at the profits of the 2003 World Cup, adjusted the number for inflation and think thats around what they will make.