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Australian Rugby / RA

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Roosters "He is no chance to be released"

Almost as convincing as saying a coach has the full support of the board.

Yeah not sure Perese's contract situation but this could force him out early. I like the idea of him joining the 7s circuit before Super Rugby starts. It still gives him a good intro to pro rugby. Let's not forget he isn't a Folau, he has a background already.


Phil Kearns (64)
Roosters "He is no chance to be released"

Almost as convincing as saying a coach has the full support of the board.

Yeah not sure Perese's contract situation but this could force him out early. I like the idea of him joining the 7s circuit before Super Rugby starts. It still gives him a good intro to pro rugby. Let's not forget he isn't a Folau, he has a background already.
And he can kick and pass.


Peter Burge (5)
After watching the chooks this season I’m concerned they have paid purely on potential
Built like Folau
Good front on in defence but gets caught out laterally getting found out multiple times in centre
In attack only runs staightj, no pass, no step or footwork in contact and no fend

and finally won’t jump for the ball to try and catch high kicks
Was about to be dropped from roosters before getting suspended

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
Doubt he was going to be dropped on form and more because he’s moving on. They have been playing like busted asses all year.

We know he’s young but I really don’t think we think about how young he is. He’s a 19 year old with 36 NRL games and 6 Tests for Samoa. We’re still talking about teenagers his age in the U20s and Colts about how good they might be for the Lions and 2027 RWC. He no doubt has flaws and you’ve pointed out some good ones but he’s still a kid and far more developed and skilled than most at his stage.

We are paying for potential but it’s what we had to do. Very few sure things in sport unlike other industries. Even previously successful athletes have signed and failed at new Clubs.


Peter Burge (5)
Doubt he was going to be dropped on form and more because he’s moving on. They have been playing like busted asses all year.

We know he’s young but I really don’t think we think about how young he is. He’s a 19 year old with 36 NRL games and 6 Tests for Samoa. We’re still talking about teenagers his age in the U20s and Colts about how good they might be for the Lions and 2027 RWC. He no doubt has flaws and you’ve pointed out some good ones but he’s still a kid and far more developed and skilled than most at his stage.

We are paying for potential but it’s what we had to do. Very few sure things in sport unlike other industries. Even previously successful athletes have signed and failed at new Clubs.
Yeah but $1.6m I mean come on you could lock up the next 10 best schoolboy rugby played for that, or signed 2-3 guns

Folau, Hayne and other players were some of the best on the comp at this age

max Jorgensen first year out of school and killed it

The fact that he has so many flaws allready though, some you can’t coach! He got stepped and beaten on the outside by Moses suli who would be slower the most front rowers

but yes rugby Australia has only season making some sought of money and blows it with stupid errors like this

rugby aus is so far behind afl and it’s so laughable
16 and 18 pro teams and media coverage everywhere compared to 5 pro rugby sides, to which not many younger people could even make a wallaby player

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
Don’t disagree about some flaws. What player doesn’t. Saying they can’t be coached simply isn’t true though. There’s not a player that doesn’t have things they shouldn’t be working on. Folau won 3 John Eales medals but was restricted by what he could do on a field with some skills that it changed how the entire team had to play.

Nobody denies money should be spent on keeping young talent but the money spent on Joseph isn’t taking food out of anyone’s mouths if it’s to be believed that a lot has come privately that would not have gone to other Rugby causes anyway.
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Tim Horan (67)
The fact that he has so many flaws allready though, some you can’t coach!


rugby aus is so far behind afl and it’s so laughable
16 and 18 pro teams and media coverage everywhere compared to 5 pro rugby sides, to which not many younger people could even make a wallaby player

Yes, very likely correct. I don't think your example ties in though. There is a lot of history behind why we are where we are, and I can't argue against a less than Stirling performance by the administrators since professionalism. Started off gang-busters, not so much since. We are now a struggling code.

Is there room in a struggling code for bold calls with players like Joseph Sua'ali'i? I think there has to be if we are to be serious about improvement in the game to heal towards competitiveness with AFRl and NRL.


Tony Shaw (54)
But that money isn't coming the Rugby Australia bottom line? It's gifted money from a rich Sydney old boy on the proviso Joe gets brought into Rugby Union. Rugby Australia weren't given the money to spend on the "next 10 best schoolboys".

I think this might be the most repeated phrase across all the 'Australian Rugby and Wallabies 2023' threads over the past 6 months.

Wallaby Man

Nev Cottrell (35)
whether he’s worth $1.6m or not, anyone questioning his talent is a numpty. He’s still eligible for the current u20s team, was a star at the (yes lesser quality) rugby league World Cup and brought into wider origin camp last year. There is only a minuscule amount of people that have achieved that. He’s not in the best form at the moment, but again he’s 19 and who is at the roosters.

Doritos Day

Johnnie Wallace (23)
I think this might be the most repeated phrase across all the 'Australian Rugby and Wallabies 2023' threads over the past 6 months.
Because people wheel out the same Gus Gould talking points.

The Wallabies lose games - 'our players are no good, where is the talent'
The Wallabies try to improve by picking up an elite player - 'no not like that'

The best is, "imagine how the current players feel". I hope they feel motivated to play better so that they too can become a marketable athlete earning $1.6m/year.

It's so tiresome.


Peter Burge (5)
whether he’s worth $1.6m or not, anyone questioning his talent is a numpty. He’s still eligible for the current u20s team, was a star at the (yes lesser quality) rugby league World Cup and brought into wider origin camp last year. There is only a minuscule amount of people that have achieved that. He’s not in the best form at the moment, but again he’s 19 and who is at the roosters.
Are we trying to go for an achievement or participation award?
he is old enough and eligible to play first grade, just like guys shouldn’t be to young to play first grade they can also get judged compared to 1st grade
Having inside intel I do know plans for him and trust me as the chooks have been very successful in business if they wanted to keep him next year they would have, If playing well! But when they know a player is not there, has clocked off or not what they thought they are happy to let them go

a 19 year old forklift driver On $50k gets judged at work on how he goes
So what’s the difference compared to a pro footy player
And even if a team is playing poor you can still play well and stand out individually

but anyway it is what it is

Wallaby Man

Nev Cottrell (35)
Are we trying to go for an achievement or participation award?
he is old enough and eligible to play first grade, just like guys shouldn’t be to young to play first grade they can also get judged compared to 1st grade
Having inside intel I do know plans for him and trust me as the chooks have been very successful in business if they wanted to keep him next year they would have, If playing well! But when they know a player is not there, has clocked off or not what they thought they are happy to let them go

a 19 year old forklift driver On $50k gets judged at work on how he goes
So what’s the difference compared to a pro footy player
And even if a team is playing poor you can still play well and stand out individually

but anyway it is what it is
Isn’t what I put judging him on what he’s done at his workplace.

Origin camp selection
World Cup selection for Samoa
18 try’s in 36 appearances

That is his work output. So I don’t see what your point is. Just someone trying to convince themselves he’s worse than he is.

Comparing a forklift drivers work environment to an athlete is ludicrous. If so he’s in the top 1% of forklift drivers and can stack pallets at twice the rate to others, because that’s the difference between from people like me to elite athletes environments


Tim Horan (67)
I've been thinking more about opening up the player movement across the ditch. It's a good idea and we should give it a crack, we definitely aren't going to save Super Rugby by sitting on our hands.

I think it'll actually really benefit NZ too. The Rebels with Damian McKenzie (like Hamish suggested) might actually put up a fight against the Hurricanes with Trevor Hosea or Tom Hooper. More competitive teams, better competition, more eyeballs. Really think Australian super teams being absolutely dogshit is not in the interests of NZ.

Interests for Australia are obvious too. I don't really give a fuck about Crusaders v Blues this weekend but if Jimmy Slipper was in the front row for the 'Saders or Langi Gleeson was in the backrow for the Blues I would tune in.

If I were Ethan De Groot and I could play for the All Blacks, get paid the same but live in Coogee instead of Dunedin holy shit would I be a Waratah.

edit: Also include two Japanese teams with Japanese money. So stupid that the best Australian players are playing in a league that is literally inaccessible for us. If we could be getting Rory Arnold, Koroibete, Quade Cooper, Kerevi and Sean McMahon playing for Japanese teams against Aus teams in a competition that I watch and they're Wallaby eligible then I wouldn't care if the Rebels get thumped by the Japanese MegaDigimons anyway.
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Alfred Walker (16)
It might not be the best but i honestly think NZ and Aus need domestic comps again. I'm sure we could find some richies with enough equity to roll a couple of club sides (Easts, Brothers, Randwick etc) Then we can have a champions league style comp against NPC teams and Japanese teams.

Honestly think this is the way froward. The strain can be taken off the private investors as well by have RA still do wallaby top ups.

Then again if we see the tahs actually do well and bring crowds like they did in the season opener against the Brums, rugby will likely be revitalised.



Alfred Walker (16)
We also must strong pursue a national schools comp a la Rugby League. Have an accreditation of some sort, with public schools with a strong rugby tradition such as Epping, Matraville, Randwick Boys High. Get the sports high schools involved. I'm sure the canberra schools and ISA schools would love to get involved. Plus we'd have schools like Downlands.

I think those accreditations with public schools would really do a good job in inviting elite talent who can't afford private schools or get scholarships and would provide an alternate pathway. Would also be great for coaching development. Have the coaches at these schools employed by RA or put shute shield players on retainers to coach.

Have the competiton broadcasted on STAN sport and the final on free to air. Everybody knows how the rugby public loves schoolboy rugby. Schools and players would love the exposure. Its really only the GPS schools who get antsy about it.


Bob Loudon (25)
After watching the chooks this season I’m concerned they have paid purely on potential
Built like Folau
Good front on in defence but gets caught out laterally getting found out multiple times in centre
In attack only runs staightj, no pass, no step or footwork in contact and no fend

and finally won’t jump for the ball to try and catch high kicks
Was about to be dropped from roosters before getting suspended
Totally agree. Have watched all of the chooks games since he started and he is seriously the most overhyped player running around (and overpaid - told Brooksie to hold his beer). Has a very limited rugby background (a few PSSA games, 4 years at Kings and some Eastwood rep games), yet will become an automatic selection for Tahs and possibly Wallabies given the dime he will be on. Give me Penisini any day of the week if we are looking to bring a KOB back into the fold - far superior player. This is just a total cluster-eff.