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Australian Schoolboys & National Championships 2017

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Vay Wilson (31)
However, the majority of these boys selected are individuals that have no ticker and concede defeat when facing a challenging opposition.

Absolute horse shit. I saw some incredible bravery from many of the the boys selected (and many who were not). You can express your disappointment with the selectors/selection process without maligning the character of those selected. These are school boys not professional athletes.


Trevor Allan (34)
Absolute horse shit. I saw some incredible bravery from many of the the boys selected (and many who were not). You can express your disappointment with the selectors/selection process without maligning the character of those selected. These are school boys not professional athletes.

Too right....an absolutely gutless attack on kids who have all shown the mettle and ability to be selected to play in the Aus Schools Championship.

Every year after 5pm on the Saturday when the teams are announced the chorus of disappointed parents and one eyed supporters start their whining about selections, coaches, politics blah, blah, blah.

Seriously give yourselves an uppercut.

Yes, this is the pinnacle of schoolboy footy in AU, yes many deserving, hardworking and talented lads will miss out, yes the sacrifice that has been made to get them to this point will feel like it's been for nought, yes some selections and the process "seem" unfair. So what???

For anyone who is going to play on after finishing school the journey has just begun. Colts and Grade beckon and the dials on reputation and talent are reset back to zero. They'll have to prove themselves all over again in a much tougher environment over 18-24 games.

How about getting on board with supporting the selected teams in their upcoming campaign against the Darkness instead of raining your self indulgent bitterness on their parade.

Shane Smeltz

Fred Wood (13)
I have it on good authority that Will Goddard (ACT) was approached on Friday - before the final and team announcements - by a selector/scout on behalf of the Crusaders.

Although I am clearly an AB supporter in this instance I think he is better staying in the ACT, starting Uni and going with the Brumbies (now they are safe).

I am intrigued as to why NZ (or is it just the Crusaders) are approaching Aus school boys.
Surely their cup runneth over, with all their talent and no competition from AFL and very little competition from RL?


Peter Burge (5)
Unless I've misread it, it looks like Woodcock/Donaldson are the only fullbacks/10s chosen for the Schools team ??

For the Baa baas the fullbacks are QLD1 Max Dowd & ACT Brendan Jimenez.

I'm not sure what position Baa baa's Jack Winchester from CS plays.
I think Jack Winchester plays hooker

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
Selectors job is to pick the best team and 2nd best team of School boys U18 Rugby Union players.

It is possible for a boy to be selected and not even play in the Nationals.

The Nationals is just a tournament where selectors can get to see the best perform against each other.

How a team performs really dosent matter to the selectors. Otherwise no boys would be selected from VIC or WA. Fortunately, they look beyond the team performance for the individuals that stand out. And it was great to see a boy from WA selected.

A Team playing well and winning, often is because a few individuals. Their ability to win set piece, a brilliant 7 getting turnover ball, a good 10 reading the game and putting backs into holes. A fullback that tackles and stops any trys being scored. So take 10, 2 and 15 out of ACT are they still a side able to go through undefeated?

It looks like ACT have been hard done by, last year they said the opposite and they were over represented.

I would be interested to know what boys from ACT that people think are unlucky not to get a selection. Then you need to compare them against who did. Probably was a very close call in many cases.

Seems like 2 CAS boys from NSW are being discussed the most on this forum.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I have it on good authority that Will Goddard (ACT) was approached on Friday - before the final and team announcements - by a selector/scout on behalf of the Crusaders.

Although I am clearly an AB supporter in this instance I think he is better staying in the ACT, starting Uni and going with the Brumbies (now they are safe).

I am intrigued as to why NZ (or is it just the Crusaders) are approaching Aus school boys.
Surely their cup runneth over, with all their talent and no competition from AFL and very little competition from RL?

Presumably he has NZ eligibility


Bob Loudon (25)
The best thing about the Tahs game last night....was the free beers for the members afterwards....Mmmmm....num num.....then reading these threads this morning. Congrats to the lads who made the Aussie team and to all the boys for trying and putting on a tremendous show for all the has beens /never were out there, including myself who never got anywhere near performing to the same standards of excellence, nor exhibited the same character, as those boys have over the last week. All the parents should be very proud of them and pleased for the lads who made it to higher honours. My take on it.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
It may take a while longer yet for disappointed parents,passionate fans and friends of players, States & Territories to vent their frustration and anger at the selection of Schoolboys and Barbarians for 2017.
The Reality is:
  • Fair or Not, we must accept the verdict of selectors.
  • Size does matter and it is reflected by the chosen ones.
  • We must now find a way to put aside your disappointments and take a deep breath and realise there are far more important things in life and having an ulcer and a potential nervous break down over this is definitely not worth it.
  • If ist really affecting your home environment then I suggest you seek professional help so your blood pressure is normalised..
FTR: I am not belittling your frustration but bringing some perspective so you can find some peace. I also suggest you read gthe serenity prayer about having the grace to accept the things impossible to change and perhaps the courage to change that which you may be able to influence for which this forum WILL NOT be that platform.
...and now I would like to CONGRATULATE ALL of the young lads selected to represent themselves,their families friends, schools and States and now your country. What a great honour and privelege. Give your very best and enjoy this part of your lives journey boys.
. . .and to the ones not selected, comiserations lads and as ypou heard, many others George Gregan, Nick Far- Jones, and many others never went the school boys pathway but still reached and fulfilled their rugby dreams. So heads up and work even harder regardless of the enourmous road blocks. . .all things are possible if you believe..


Ditto to most of that. Not too sure about the preaching bit but it is Sunday.
Give them a little more time.

Im still wondering why a specialist fullback wasnt selected for the Schools team.
Short odds about one being called up.

And size does matter but its not everything.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Regarding the NSW teams, with wisdom in hindsight and as a previous poster pointed out, it would have been better to play Michael Pavlakis at fullback for NSW1 and for Woodcock to play fly half for the 2s.

It worked for the CAS teams and would have worked for NSW teams as well.
Woodcock would have had a better chance to impress at fly half if he played for NSW2.

Pavlakis may have been overlooked because he is small, but if you're good enough you're big enough. I'm not sure who they could have left out to accommodate him; the numbers are restricted, but he's one of the unlucky ones. Maybe he'll get a call up. If not, he'll just have to settle for being popular.

If Woodcock was selected as a fullback for NSW1s, that's where he should have played, but as many people have pointed out, he's a fly half.

If the intention was for Woodcock and Donaldson to share the fullback and fly half roles, it didn't work.
When Donaldson was moved to fullback in their final against Qld , the team didnt perform as well. He was moved back to play 10 and they nearly got up and won.

It's too late now, but playing players out of position just so they can be in a particular team doesnt work.

Pavlakis may have been overlooked because he is small, but if you're good enough you're big enough.

the numbers are restricted, but he's one of the unlucky ones. .

I feel the issue of Size" definitely came into question when selecting certain player positions, especially that of the #7's and seemingly to be the only reason to why the #7 for Combined States - Harry Turner has been overlooked by Selectors on making either of the Aus School teams. I say this because it certainly wasn't due to his lack of performance on the field that fell Short! The proof of that statement is out there for all to see.

This specific #7's performance was consistently praised and globally publicised throughout the National Championships receiving excellent reviews and positive comments on various social media platforms including G&G and amazingly on their very own official Australian Schoolboys website!
going as far as liking him to "Michael Hooper" a day before the CS finals V NSW2, which can be seen on the players to watch inserts. Ironically enough, Hooper himself is not one of the biggest in the team - didn't stop Cheika though did it? .. no it didn't!

Note: see attached snap shots

Rugbycomau , Quantas Wallabies, Rugbynews, fb rugby social sites, game commentators references to Aus school teams and Turner making one of the Aus School teams, up to and including yesterday's finals game CS V NSW2) receiving high praises throughout the CS V VIC game by Aus Schools Baa Baa's Head coach commentator for game 3 that incidentally received over 9,000 views, further examples, reporter from Rugbycomau requesting for Harry to speak as captain for the post match interview fully knowing he wasn't the Captain of the day, but due to Harry having impressed rugby.com.au the day before with his captain interview (CS V NSW1) asked if he could do so again! Harry politely declined out of respect for the captain of the day.

Many who have followed CS players performances cannot for the life of them, find any other reason to why some players including Turner have been overlooked for selection? If it is the case of size(of which we surely hope not but is looking more and more to be the reason for his non selection) then hopefully once the Selectors review the video footage/interviews, and how his performance had positive impact throughout each and every game then surely one out of the 5 spots being available bar a couple put aside for players injured before or during trials is there for a Natural born #7 who rightly earned his stripes, for doing his job both fearlessly and relentlessly all day.

your quote:

"If you're good enough, Your big enough"

Can be seen in two ways,

If you're good enough - You're big enough - size plays no part in decision making for the better of the team.

If your good enough - you're big enough - you're not good enough to make selection, no matter you're size

it's the former example I'm adhering too and one that should be seen as being the right and justifiable one!

P.S this lad is tri eligible
New Zealand, UK and Australia

How sad its going to be,if he should take up offers to pursue his rugby career on foreign lands simply because his own could not see as others could see!


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Alfred Walker (16)
Presume what you may,

However, going by you're comment it sounds as though "someone is shadowed in ignorance to the facts of the matter seen!"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Harry had a great tournament.
He should be encouraged by the week.
He may have been a tad unlucky but to be fair to the selectors there were a lot of good back rowers on show this week. More than in recent years.
Harrys day will come.
The cream always rises to the top.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Harry had a great tournament.
He should be encouraged by the week.
He may have been a tad unlucky but to be fair to the selectors there were a lot of good back rowers on show this week. More than in recent years.
Harrys day will come.
The cream always rises to the top.

I appreciate your comments and understanding Wristman and gladly take them on board.

Cheers ....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Australian Schools Barbarians (2 to be added)
3 - Moses Alo-Emile (QLD I) - Brisbane State High School1 - Oliver Barden (VIC) - Brighton Grammar School9 - Marco Bell (NSW II) - Waverley College4 - Max Douglas (NSW I) - St Augustine's College15 - Max Dowd (QLD I) - The Southport School1 (?) - Apenisa Driti (NSW I) - Griffith High School10 - William Goddard (ACT) - St Edmund's College7 - Kohan Herbert (QLD II) - Downlands College9 - Phoenix Hunt (QLD I) - St Joseph's College Nudgee4 - Tom Iles (ACT) - Marist College15 - Brendan Jimieez (ACT) - St Edmund's College6 - Tom Kibble (QLD I) - Brisbane Boys College11 - William Lloyd (NSW I) - Barker College8 - Brody MacAskill (WA) - Aranmore Catholic College8 - Cullen Ngamanu (QLD I) - Brisbane Boys College6 - Lachlan Osborne (ACT) - Canberra Grammar School10 - Campbell Parata (QLD I) - The Southport School3 - Alex Sa'aga (VIC) - Melbourne Grammar School1 - Egan Siggs (QLD I) - The Southport School 2 - Jack Winchester (Combined States) - Bishop Druitt College14 - Tom Yassmin (NSW II) - The Scot's College


Props 5 (? ); Hookers 1; Second rowers 2; Back rowers 5; Scrummies 2; Fly half 2; Centres 0; Wingers 2; Fullbacks 2
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