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Australian Schoolboys & National Championships 2018

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rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)
I have never seen someone promote the one player Bryden so much in so many of their posts! Fair player but nowhere near the likes of Tricks or Duitallis let alone the many other wingers on show last week. Honestly, if you keep pumping his tyres up that much they may burst. I suspect there would be at least 5 or 6 ahead of him in the pecking order - some of them from Qld and some of them from the NSW GPS if you actually took the time to look at previous stats and tapes apart from Barker's.
If you take offence at my comments stop reading. Most people from this site who know me appreciate I offer considered opinion. But it is all mine. I watch many other schools as well as Barkers. Go back over the years and see how many Knox and Waves Aloys players I have offeeed positive comments on. What you consider favouritism others consider constructive comment. Where you at CAS 1 v GPS 1???

Rugby Season

Stan Wickham (3)
If you take offence at my comments stop reading. Most people from this site who know me appreciate I offer considered opinion. But it is all mine. I watch many other schools as well as Barkers. Go back over the years and see how many Knox and Waves Aloys players I have offeeed positive comments on. What you consider favouritism others consider constructive comment. Where you at CAS 1 v GPS 1???

Just sick of hearing the same old thing - accept the selections and move on. It happens! Yes I was at the game - and others before and since in which Bryden played. Good player but plenty of others good as or better and the selectors got it right.

rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)
I have not criticised the selectors. I just offer my opinion. Given your passion Rugby Season would you like to volunteer to write some match reports. Plenty of Schoolboy games left in which writers are needed. People with Balanced viewpoints and logical form based opinions are most welcome. Can I put you down for that???


Arch Winning (36)
Just sick of hearing the same old thing - accept the selections and move on. It happens! Yes I was at the game - and others before and since in which Bryden played. Good player but plenty of others good as or better and the selectors got it right.


I think we all agree that ultimately we have to accept the selectors opinions.
I am not a Barker backer but I have to agree with Rod, Bryden has been outstanding in the rep games, and I mean very good.
I also don't agree that there are many better wingers, I was at the Aussie schools tournament and the CAS V GPS game, and along with Tricks, I didn't see any better wingers imo.
This forum exists so people can air their opinions.

We all know this happens every year but let's all move on.

The next exciting topic will be the starting 15 for the Aussie Schoolboys.


Ron Walden (29)
I have not criticised the selectors. I just offer my opinion. Given your passion Rugby Season would you like to volunteer to write some match reports. Plenty of Schoolboy games left in which writers are needed. People with Balanced viewpoints and logical form based opinions are most welcome. Can I put you down for that???

Agree. I think we are all entitled to air our opinions here without being 'criticised'. Especially when you put as much unpaid time and effort into match reporting etc as Rod does.

Rugby Season

Stan Wickham (3)
Agree. I think we are all entitled to air our opinions here without being 'criticised'. Especially when you put as much unpaid time and effort into match reporting etc as Rod does.

I have no problem with that but 'unbiased'??? Have a look at the posts! As for not criticising that's the pot calling the kettle black. The amount of whining that went on when certain players weren't picked for NSW etc is a criticism of selectors so I suggest some of the posters in this forum get some thick skin and grow up a bit. Please don't sit there and make out it's ok to criticise selections without expecting a bit in return. This is not the first time that the "Barker Glasses" have been called out either. Congrats to the kids that made it - I wish some of my favourites would have made it also but they didn't. That's life and good on the ones that did.


Ron Walden (29)
I have no problem with that but 'unbiased'??? Have a look at the posts! As for not criticising that's the pot calling the kettle black. The amount of whining that went on when certain players weren't picked for NSW etc is a criticism of selectors so I suggest some of the posters in this forum get some thick skin and grow up a bit. Please don't sit there and make out it's ok to criticise selections without expecting a bit in return. This is not the first time that the "Barker Glasses" have been called out either. Congrats to the kids that made it - I wish some of my favourites would have made it also but they didn't. That's life and good on the ones that did.

I think there is (in this case) a difference - between criticising selections and criticising (accusing) another poster of being 'biased'. As point 6 in 'Rules of the schoolboys forum' says "play the ball, not the man". Now, let's move on.

Rugby Season

Stan Wickham (3)
I think there is (in this case) a difference - between criticising selections and criticising (accusing) another poster of being 'biased'. As point 6 in 'Rules of the schoolboys forum' says "play the ball, not the man". Now, let's move on.
What a load of rubbish. Accusations of politics and hidden agendas (would you like me to quote the posts?), just show up the puerile content when somebody doesn’t get their way and it’s downright disrespectful to the kids who made it.


Thats a good point tbh.
Criticising selections is a bit of a minefield.
Too much criticism infers the players selected are not worthy of their places.
Personally and as already mentioned I thought Bennet and Stone were unlucky but who do you leave out?
Bennet had the x factor with his lightning speed and Stone was very competitive and aggressive. A tough player.
Every year there are hard luck stories with selections and as much as its cold comfort at the time, its true that post-school rugby success is not dependent on being selected in Schoolboy Rep teams.


Nev Cottrell (35)
There are several selections that are in contention for Aussie school mungo

If they did get picked ... can you play in both?

Just not sure what has happened in prior years and could happen in the current year?


There are several selections that are in contention for Aussie school mungo

If they did get picked . can you play in both?

Just not sure what has happened in prior years and could happen in the current year?

Good question.
The Australian Schoolboys RL team will be announced on Friday.

Gary Owen III

Syd Malcolm (24)
Last Sunday there was an Elite Youth Development Pathway conference with representative from Rugby all over Australia - schools, clubs and state bodies.

One of the key takeaways from this was Br Bob Wallace announced that players from the NSWJRU U18 team would be considered for selection in this year's UK Tour team for 'Australian Schoolboys & U18s'.

A fantastic and inclusive decision by ASRU and Rugby Au - finally a pathway for ALL players in Australia whom are U18 (at school or not - they are the same age).


Vay Wilson (31)
Does that mean any such boys selected would be included in the 6 to be added to the 40 this weekend or are they in addition to the 46? If the former, then presumably this was the plan from the outset

The Nomad

Bob Davidson (42)
Does that mean any such boys selected would be included in the 6 to be added to the 40 this weekend or are they in addition to the 46? If the former, then presumably this was the plan from the outset
The tour squad of Scotland and Ireland is separate from the the squad named so far. The final 27 spots to tour are not named until after the Tri series played in October. As in , all are still trialling to make that squad to tour regardless of what team they are in.

The remaining places available in the extended squad of 46 are for any player that the selectors feel deserve a spot , could be that a player was injured at the trials or just has a cracking back end to the season. It’s been that way for a few years now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Vay Wilson (31)
Thanks Nomad. Do you know whether the boys who won’t be playing in the Tri Nations get to play again as a squad or are they all back to Colts et al to await the selectors decision in Oct?

The Nomad

Bob Davidson (42)
Sorry C&P can't help you there, it does seem like a possible minefield trying to compare lads that have not played against one another. Not sure how the mechanics of the U18s being "considered " will work.
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