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Broadcast options for Australian Rugby


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Caught Rugby Heaven for the first time, thought it was pretty good.

I fast forwarded through most of the player interviews, but I liked the analysis by Turinui and Harrison, and I liked the journo roundtable as well.

Credit to HJH (Harry Johnson-Holmes) for that performance too, the bloke has a decent set of pipes on him.


Tim Horan (67)
Caught Rugby Heaven for the first time, thought it was pretty good.

I fast forwarded through most of the player interviews, but I liked the analysis by Turinui and Harrison, and I liked the journo roundtable as well.

Credit to HJH (Harry Johnson-Holmes) for that performance too, the bloke has a decent set of pipes on him.

I was solidly critical of the week before but said I would stick with it for now. Just caught up on the last edition.

Barbarian, I agree. Liked it. Also liked HJH (Harry Johnson-Holmes) song. Clouds opening to let the sun through? I'll be back.


Charlie Fox (21)
If they made an audio cut of Rugby Heaven available as a podcast I'd listen but don't see why they would as its the only exclusive content they make. Sonny bill is a great get tho, his aura is just enormous.


Charlie Fox (21)
Turinui must be the best pundit in Australia. Heads and shoulders above everyone else.

Yes agreed, however you can't say the ole tripe "they play the game the right way" (which he said describing the Brumbs) without being willing to knock a team for not playing the right way. Comeon Morgs, let rip on someone.


Tim Horan (67)
So, no NRL games on 9 FTA tonight and Brumbies v Reds was the FTA game shown. Fantastic advert, hopefully people tuned into watch.

Set piece magic

John Solomon (38)
Is it just me or are player interviews somehow getting worse? it feels like every player has been labotomised when they speak. I think it's the effect of being media trained etc- who cares about media training you're not a politician, go and say what you thought happened

Set piece magic

John Solomon (38)
In other news the Betoota Advocate has a new podcast in conjunction with Stan Sport called Ruck Me Dead. Fairly low level insight but worth a listen and good to get more people talking about the game. Their platform is actually one of the biggest 'news' platforms in Australian social media.

Betoota constantly ragging on the game was actually toxic for its engagement among 18-30 year olds. This deal if nothing else will stem the bad headlines they give us.

The podcast won't be any good - they aren't much chop on their other podcast either. Their real strength is writing satire (which I think they are well past their prime in doing). For me this is all about changing the games image as a dying fascination for geriatric boomers.


Phil Kearns (64)
It’s hard to know what Stans subscription is, but you could assume the overall ratings are somewhere between 120-140k


Phil Kearns (64)
To be fair I forget it’s even on FTA always just watch on Stan then it’s only when they say goodbye to the 9 viewers that I remember it’s also on FTA

I'm the same, so i imagine there is core supporter group of rugby fans who watch exclusively through Stan even when broadcast on FTA, which means those FTA ratings of 85k could easily be in the 120-140k bracket.


Tim Horan (67)
Is it just me or are player interviews somehow getting worse? it feels like every player has been labotomised when they speak. I think it's the effect of being media trained etc- who cares about media training you're not a politician, go and say what you thought happened

Yep I find the same. Really enjoy when a young player who hasn't been 'trained' speak sometimes. I remeber last year over here in NZ when Kirifi from Wellington was interviewed after being called into ABs, the whole lot board of Breakdown loved it as he just spoke from heart, and not script.


Phil Kearns (64)
Not ratings, but an interesting statistic nonetheless, ranking of teams by social media following



Darby Loudon (17)
In my fantasies where I Bradbury into being Prime Minister (look, don't knock it, it's happened before), I outlaw League & AFL and over night we become the best union in the world for ever & ever.

Haha I often think the same thing!


Tim Horan (67)
Just as an aside fellas, was talking to Son in Brisbane last nigt and we discussing life back home in Godzone and he was asking me how it life was being retired etc, I pointed out that with Sky tv yesterday had 4 sports channels showing rugby at same time. He laughed and just asked wife if she had plenty to do in her craft room as I was obviously happy.:D
Think we get a lot of rugby!