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Broadcast options for Australian Rugby


John Thornett (49)
It would no doubt be an interesting read, but there is no way I'll pay Murdoch one single cent ever if I can help it. Links to subscription sites are not all that useful unless you already have a subscription.
Sorry, I don't have a subscription I accessed it through a google 'rugby news' feed.

The gist of it is:
  • The ARU want rugby on free TV. This is backed up by analysists who say its the only way rugby will grow in the country.
  • Free to air TV like the NRL and AFL because (apart from the ratings during the game) viewers stayed tuned to watch other shows (e.g. news). Since the advent of the internet and portable devices this is happening less and less but is critical for the TV networks.
  • Based on recent results, Free to air TV won't that willing to buy into rugby. Therefore they need to know what the ARU strategic plan is for rugby, how will it be marketed? How will rugby help the networks and the futue advertisers?
  • Rugby has a lot going for it. It hasn't yet tapped into the family appeal as much as League and AFL have. [The article doesn't say this I believe that is 7s rugby]. Rugby is the only winter sport to have a true national team (I think soccer is classed as a summer sport). It is the only sporting platform for the Blue Chip advertisers to reach white collar workers on mass.
  • It is believe Pulver is looking to get Super Rugby on Free to air TV.


John Solomon (38)
Live sport is very attractive these days to FTA networks because it makes people watch live TV, not skipping ads and not downloading. Ch 10 must feeling out in the cold with no NRL and no AFL. They'll be closely watching the success or failure of A League soccer on FTA this year, I'll bet. Bill Pulver will have to accept a big paycut from Foxtel, though, to get Super Rugby onto FTA.


Phil Kearns (64)
Does he even have a choice?
I thought the tv rights here were sold as a whole by SANZAR?

Yup. A fact that is invariably overlooked by posters talking about our options. We have no options, whilever we are in the Soup, we are stuck with Fox. And lucky to have them, frankly.

No FTA would have the slightest interest in showing all Australian games in the Soup, not even all the home games, I would aver. Certainly not our games in Seth Efrica. They are spoilt by having the two home-grown, home-controlled, high rating options over which they can wield significant sway, particularly the NRL. I mean, Channel Nein more or less controls the schedule, who plays who, when. Hard to imagine New Zealand or Seth Efrican teams being willing to play when and where Channel Zero decides is best for their ratings.

Dream on, girls.


Herbert Moran (7)
Yup. A fact that is invariably overlooked by posters talking about our options. We have no options, whilever we are in the Soup, we are stuck with Fox. And lucky to have them, frankly.

No FTA would have the slightest interest in showing all Australian games in the Soup, not even all the home games, I would aver. Certainly not our games in Seth Efrica. They are spoilt by having the two home-grown, home-controlled, high rating options over which they can wield significant sway, particularly the NRL. I mean, Channel Nein more or less controls the schedule, who plays who, when. Hard to imagine New Zealand or Seth Efrican teams being willing to play when and where Channel Zero decides is best for their ratings.

Dream on, girls.

Interested to know what you think wamberal. Would it make any difference if the idea to have two Super Rugby conferences come 2016 goes thru - one SA/ARG and the other AUS/NZ? I mean, if all the games for the regular season in the AUS/NZ conference were timezone friendly - would that be attractive to FTA do you think? Would it make any difference at all to the situation?


Phil Kearns (64)
Interested to know what you think wamberal. Would it make any difference if the idea to have two Super Rugby conferences come 2016 goes thru - one SA/ARG and the other AUS/NZ? I mean, if all the games for the regular season in the AUS/NZ conference were timezone friendly - would that be attractive to FTA do you think? Would it make any difference at all to the situation?

I am absolutely not an expert, although I did work for some years in a very successful sporting organisation (not in rugby, and not in Australia), so I suppose I am slightly better informed than the average layman.

The first problem is that there is not much interest in rugby, full stop. World Cups and Test matches have some appeal. But the next level down, I have grave doubts that the ratings would ever be there.

A major problem is that we Aussie sports fans are spoiled (I speak generically). The NRL, and the AFL, are both home-grown, and home controlled. They can, and do, tweak their rules to make the game more attractive to the Australian audience. They totally control their draws, and they can do so months in advance, by which I mean they can change the draw if they want to.

That is what we are up against. We are stuck with 7, 9, and 10. I doubt that SBS would pay for our product, although they might show it for free. 9 has the loig, 7 has the AFL. (Does 10 still do some AFL, not sure). So that leaves 10. Not much competition, is there?

So, my answer would be, yes, slightly, at the margin, there would be more possibilities. But close to zero possibility that anything would ever come of it. Sad to say. I wish I could bring better tidings, of comfort and joy.


John Thornett (49)
Just watching an advert for FreeView (free to air TV's promo) '"the best things in life are free" amongst a whole range of Sports in the promo they showed Shute Shield footage, nice!


John Thornett (49)
Foxsports shows interest in showing National club competition

The ARU board recently approved the creation of the competition, pending the securing of a broadcast partner and sponsorship to cover the $3 million cost.

ARU chief executive Bill Pulver has approached Fox Sports and all of the free-to-air TV networks to solicit interest in showing the competition.

Without a broadcast partner, the ARU would not be able to secure sponsorship for the competition.

It is understood Fox Sports has expressed interest if the ARU comes up with an appropriate competition model and it is cost-effective.

Pulver has appointed leading sports administrator John Boultbee to consult on the creation of the competition.

The preferred model appears to be an eight team-competition involving teams from Sydney (three), Brisbane (two), Canberra, Melbourne and Perth to be played in September and October.



Nev Cottrell (35)
They also show the Darts. Compelling viewing at Chez Jarse.
Personally I've always thought their coverage of the curling to be enthralling and technically excellent. With the curling, the darts, the lawn bowls etc there may not be much airtime available for a club comp telecast.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Is that the option and way to go though - broadcast.

I think the family / kids getting down to the local oval watching, playing will grow their interest through fun and enjoyment.


John Thornett (49)
They're showing a national lawn bowls competition, there is hope for us yet.
I've been watching the Twenty20 version of lawn Bowls tonight. It's the biggest piece of crap I have watched for a long time and I don't mind standard lawn bowls. It just shows that broadcasters are desperate for sport content during summer. I so wish we had a truncated 7s competition (4hour tournament) each week during summer.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Building blocks cost money that the ARU can't afford. Simple as that

Yep and some options are cheaper than others.

Some of viewing on fox sports - there is no way it could capture a greater interest than rugby, darts, poker, and
I've been watching the Twenty20 version of lawn Bowls tonight. It's the biggest piece of crap I have watched for a long time and I don't mind standard lawn bowls. It just shows that broadcasters are desperate for sport content during summer. I so wish we had a truncated 7s competition (4hour tournament) each week during summer.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
The Pulveriser seems to be confident that he can get coverage of the long sought 3rd tier competition, although this may be about as likely to come to fruition as my retirement plans which are based on winning the powerball lottery.


Phil Kearns (64)
The Pulveriser seems to be confident that he can get coverage of the long sought 3rd tier competition, although this may be about as likely to come to fruition as my retirement plans which are based on winning the powerball lottery.

He does not strike me as being the sort of person who would speak without some sort of justification. I guess the only question is, how much will Fox Sports pay?

We can forget about FTA, although maybe a one hour FTA highlights package can be negotiated as part of the deal.