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CAS 2018

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carl spackler

Sydney Middleton (9)
I know it's early in the week, but predictions for this weekend? Possibly an upset coming barker's way from their close rivals Knox?
You're dreamin J Dog. Barker has been looking forward to this match all year, and the chance to revenge some humiliating losses from recent years. There will be no going easy - Barker wants the title solely! Barker by 40+.

The other games are harder to call. Waverley will be down and possibly drained after last Saturday's epic battle, and Trinity look stronger with Eid and Ierimiah back on deck. But Trinity away from home really struggle, so Waverley by 10.

The final game at Hordern will be interesting and the make-up of the teams will largely dictate a winner. Aloys are struggling with injuries and will start with 5 or 6 of their regulars out. But Cranbrook too have their share. Need to see a program before making a call on this one.


Bob McCowan (2)
I know it's early in the week, but predictions for this weekend? Possibly an upset coming barker's way from their close rivals Knox?
As a Knox parent there is nothing more I’d like to see than getting one up on barker and spoiling the celebrations. However I think barker are just way to classy for us. There’s no doubt the Knox boys will go out there looking for the win but with the likes of Tejeck, Reimer and Nercessian all playing their last game for barker and all going for their First CAS title I’m predicting barker by 30+.

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rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)
You're dreamin J Dog. Barker has been looking forward to this match all year, and the chance to revenge some humiliating losses from recent years. There will be no going easy - Barker wants the title solely! Barker by 40+.

The other games are harder to call. Waverley will be down and possibly drained after last Saturday's epic battle, and Trinity look stronger with Eid and Ierimiah back on deck. But Trinity away from home really struggle, so Waverley by 10.

The final game at Hordern will be interesting and the make-up of the teams will largely dictate a winner. Aloys are struggling with injuries and will start with 5 or 6 of their regulars out. But Cranbrook too have their share. Need to see a program before making a call on this one.

Schoolboy rugby can be an intriguing game and making predictions is fraught with danger. Barker v Knox is historically the game in which both schools measure success. As a former Barker player, the attitude has always been one of "you can lose every game of the year but if you beat Knox it was a successful season." This year will be no different, despite the results of the season to date. Barker College holds Knox in the highest regard and never ever underestimates the acute desire Knox players have to win this particular game. Barker also respects the tradition and history of this local derby so will be treating this weekends game as a grand final. My heart says Barker to win by 7 in a tight hard fought game.

The game at Queens Park perplexes me. Barker escaped Queens Park last weekend with the tightest of wins. I cannot recall a time when Waverley has lost 2 games in a row at home??? That said this Trinity side has the capability to do it. This Trinity team beat Joeys earlier in the year and has 3 Australian schoolboy squad members in its side along with a NSW state halfback. I have no idea, with that type of talent in their team why the results have not followed. Waverley should win but an upset is on the cards.

The final game of Cranbrook v Aloys will be close. The trial game earlier in the year was tight and this will be no different. Aloys travel very well and Bellevue Hill is hardly a fortress for the Brook. I predict Aloys by 3 points with a field goal in the dying minutes.


Bob Loudon (25)
Nice comment Knox Dad. Let's hope it is a tight, competitive match with no injuries to the Boys on both sides given most are not far off exams. Good luck.


Nev Cottrell (35)
If Knox gets within 30 points of Barker, I will be amazed.

Trinity v Waverley could be a good arm wrestle ... however I cannot see, even a fatigued Waverley, allowing Trinity any joy at D/Valley

and possibly the closest result will be Cranners versus Aloys ... Aloys will definitely be looking to avenge their pre-season loss, and I think this one will be one that shows Brook are a chance in 2019


Arch Winning (36)
I second that- what a great and fair report- thank you WLF. Very eloquent and captured the spirit of the day.

Has and Rod,

Given the enormity of the game I tried to relate it as it happened, particularly for those who weren't there, just so they had to deal with the high anxiety/blood pressure that all those present did, yep, sharing the love around.

I think you will win well next week, when so, make sure you celebrate the moment.


Herbert Moran (7)
Nice comment Knox Dad. Let's hope it is a tight, competitive match with no injuries to the Boys on both sides given most are not far off exams. Good luck.

Such is the gravitas of this episode of the “Wars of the Roses” that it may even draw Mike Carlton (Barker’s most famous Old Boy) out of hibernation.


I completely disagree. If the Barker crowd had been as obviously boisterous and disruptive when HW was taking the final penalty and he missed, the Waverley old boys would be crying foul st the tops of their lungs. The fact that the Barker crowd respected the moment and we’re deathly silent meant that the Waverley old boys had nothing to whinge about and that only highlights the cultural gulf between the supporter groups. I am sure the Waverley teachers and Head are equally embarrassed. For the record the Waverley students were passionate and respectful. No qualm with the students behaviour.

I wasnt going to comment on this, but i will. Barker won fair and square and good luck to them.
It was a great game and rugby was the winner.

However, a couple of points:
Comparing the Barker parents and schoolboys crowd to the Waverley OldBoys crowd is ridiculous.
Generally speaking, schoolboys from all schools are well behaved as spectators and if they're not they get disciplined. Parents in general are also usually pretty good.

Recent OldBoys however, are a different kettle of fish. It's been well documented that they get tanked up at the local and gee each other up and can act like dickheads. It's happened at Waverley, at Barker and at other schools.
It's the nature of the beast; it's usually only a minority but still its not good. They wont be acting the same way in 5 years time and in 10 years time will probably cringe at their behaviour.
No one likes it or approves but trying to control it is a different challenge.

But a Cultural gulf? What a self righteous, falsely superior crock .....

Barker played silly buggers with the team list. There's no excuses and if anyone voiced their disapproval at Waverley's inaccurate team list last season, they should be just as disapproving this season.

What i was most disappointed about with Barker, leaving the inaccurate team list aside, was the way one of their players was hobbling around like a cripple before the game but then had a miraculous recovery to play the full 70 minutes.
But I dont blame the player: he's a schoolboy and schoolboys play schoolboy pranks. He's actually a champion player and probably mates with the Waverley boys. I dont think any of the Waverley players were taken in by it.

However, someone from Barker deserves a serious rap over the knuckles in allowing this stupidity to happen. By not taking action to stop it, and there was good opportunity to do so because it was so visible, it was being condoned .... condoned by inaction, by adults. It was funny from a schoolboys point of view no doubt, but over the top, immature and inappropriate from an adults perspective.
And they should be embarrassed by it.

You know what they say about glass houses ........

I hope all of this rubbish is left out of the equation next year, with post match discussion being only about the game and possibly also about the recent Old Boys' behaviour which wouldn't come as a great shock.


What a spectacular game on Saturday at Death Valley, a real “grand final” type atmosphere. Well done to barker for one of the best comebacks I’ve witnessed at school boy level and credit to Waverley for the effort they put in they should hold their heads high. Was wondering if anyone can confirm that there were Australian Schoolboy selectors there on Saturday to watch Barkers #12 Josh Nercessian. I’ve heard a few rumours that they were at the game and he’s a red hot chance of being one of the 5 boys added to the squad. The form he’s been in for Barker I can’t see why you wouldn’t add him.
(@Rodskellet Have u heard anything out of barker about Nercessian’s chances of being added to squad ? Also I thought he was too old to be in contention for Representative footy ?)

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He doesnt meet the age criteria. Too old.


Nev Cottrell (35)
OK, Saturday.

I don't think any upsets are likely, but then if they were predictable, they wouldn't be upsets.

I doubt that Knox can beat Barker. Barker has been much the stronger side this year, and is playing for an outright premiership. I know it's a derby, and Knox will lift for it, but logic says Barker takes this one out.

Waverley should beat Trinity. While Trinity has more stars, Waverley has more quality across all fifteen players. Last week Trinity really struggled, against a much smaller Cranbrook team, to put together more than two or three phases. You don't win many games that way, and Waverley's back row are good scavengers. Waverley went toe to toe with Barker, and Hutchinson-Walters may well feel he has a point to prove against a 10 who's in the Australian squad. Plus Waverley will know that a win keeps them in contention if Barker slips up against Knox (for example, if the players read the team list in the program and think they don't need to turn up). So it's Waverley in this one.

An aside: I don't really buy into the "Death Valley" schtick. It's not that intimidating a place. I may be influenced by the fact that when I was at school, we didn't lose a 1st XV or 1st XI cricket game there the whole time I was in years 10, 11 and 12 (and we were pretty ordinary). On the other hand, after seeing the footage from last week, I'll happily call it Dust Valley. Can Waverley talk the Council into watering the place some time?

Cranbrook and Aloysius is interesting. Cranbrook edged out the trial match, but Aloysius has looked stronger since then. Cranbrook was very willing last week against Trinity but ran out of ball in the second half. I think Aloysius, but it could be tight.

And finally: a heap of Years 12s play their last game for their school this week. They can't all be winners, but let's hope it's a memorable occasion for them.


Relevant quote by Hasbeen:
"I understand WLF but I dont like to be too judgemental - let he who is without sin etc."
Barker won the game. It should have been left there.


Bob Loudon (25)
You get one of two reactions to it I guess - Rod's is one. I think it is just Waverley and you can choose to go there or not go there and if you go there, enjoy the Dog and Pony show and really no harm was done. Barker is not so innocent it seems either with big home games...


Bob Loudon (25)
Back when I was a recent old Boy with Barker a long long time ago we didn't pre load.

Nah we chucked a couple of slabs into the back seat and parked the car around Number 1 as you could in those days.

Let he who is without sin....


You get one of two reactions to it I guess - Rod's is one. I think it is just Waverley and you can choose to go there or not go there and if you go there, enjoy the Dog and Pony show and really no harm was done. Barker is not so innocent it seems either with big home games.

Barker is definitely not innocent.
I wouldnt have dragged this up normally, but I attended a 1st XV game a couple of years ago and the behaviour of a group of young Barker Old Boys left a lot to be desired. Verbally abusive, belligerent, loudly taunting Waverley players who came off injured etc.

As objectionable as it was, I shrugged it off later as being the nature of the beast ... par for the course ... young blokes acting like buffoons and probably with a few schooners under their belts.

I'd seen similar behaviour at Waverley and at Aloys.

What disappointed me this particular day was that there was a group of Barker rugby staff members between the group of Old Boys and the playing field but not one of them turned around to quieten those boys down.
Tut tut ...

There would be countless stories of unsavoury Old Boy behaviour that has occurred over the years ..... it shouldn't be condoned but it happens.

So when someone gets up on their high horse and starts firing shots they leave themselves wide open.

It would have been better to just comment on the game itself rather than conjure up this so-called ''Cultural gulf''.
The truth is the ''culture'' of recent Old Boys can be similar regardless of what school they belong to.

RS may have gotten just a little bit carried away.


Bob Loudon (25)
We all get carried away SLV - heck this is what this thread is for. BTW we are about 60 pages behind where we were same time last year. Maybe others could get carried away.....I think Snorts weekend predictions are on the money. Any dissenters/opposing views?
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