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CAS Rugby 2011

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Alex Ross (28)
I look at the 2nd XV results and bear in

That should be a good guide, using the 2nds, but based on that Knox should have won for the last few years and be untouchable this year. Knox seems to generate strong 2nds (often very strong), and with lots of year 11's in them, but then inexplicably lose their way once they move up to the firsts the next year. All quite mysterious.

The Chosen

Fred Wood (13)
That should be a good guide, using the 2nds, but based on that Knox should have won for the last few years and be untouchable this year. Knox seems to generate strong 2nds (often very strong), and with lots of year 11's in them, but then inexplicably lose their way once they move up to the firsts the next year. All quite mysterious.

Yes....I wonder how a fully fit Cameron Clark may have altered things this year at Knox.
Have only seen them play a few times this season but frankly last week was hopeless. It disappoints me when the Captain of the team leads them on with his sox down and halfway thru the 2nd hallf there were 4 players with their socks down- there was no Michael Hooper clone among them. Appears to be little variation in their play...........maybe I've just seen the wrong games?


Alex Ross (28)
It disappoints me when the Captain of the team leads them on with his sox down and halfway thru the 2nd hallf there were 4 players with their socks down- there was no Michael Hooper clone among them. Appears to be little variation in their play...........maybe I've just seen the wrong games?

That probably explains it in part. I have seen the players walk out to their warm up looking like they are performing a "pimp roll" from various characters from The Bonfire of the Vanities. They seem to be overly confident and skilled in the flashy and stylistic aspects of the game, not the physical hard part and basic skills. Once they are faced with difficulties on the field, the facade falls away and they become quite one dimensional. Or they are just too scared to take a risk. The 2nds are quite adventurous, but the 1sts don't seem to be. Quite odd

As for the socks down that is typical. Out at the game last week I was almost knocked over by skateboarders. I must be getting old and grumpy, by kids riding skateboards in school grounds?? But Knox is one of those places these days where invariably the opposing school always seems to be better dressed and behaved than the homeside. The headmaster, ensconced in his little private viewing area, lauding over the invited guests whilst getting served tea, cake, coffee and scones by a suitably fawning butler, is probably unaware of this rabble as he is too consumed being suitably 'headmasterish' in front of his select group of invitees.

My God, that sounds like a rant. Back to work.... Or the paper. Rumour has it that there is an inspiring and uplifiting article by Fren Nile in today's SMH. Sounds like a must read....


I look at the 2nd XV results and bear in mind that Trinity have plenty of under 16s in the current 1st XV and are looking to win in 2013 especially, so Trinity for the next 2 years.

I'd predict for 2012
St Aloysius

righto mate...i think every school is looking to win in 2012 & 2013.

there's just no way anyone can tell. i mean who would of predicted that trinity would not only have been the winners this year but be undefeated (thus far)? it varies from year to year, based on which team gells the best, wants to be their every week & has the drive to win.


I think that Waverley next year will return a lot stronger.
Most of the First XV are year 11, and the u16 A's are undefeated with many of the boys appearing in rep teams
You would be blind not to have them challenging next year


Knox seems to generate strong 2nds (often very strong), and with lots of year 11's in them, but then inexplicably lose their way once they move up to the firsts the next year. All quite mysterious.

Understanding we have just got through the first week of final exam trials - and more next week.

Can we safely assume Knox year 10 and 11 players would have got them over the line against Mudgee yesterday. They play again tomorrow, local derby next week against Barker as well as semi finals (Waratah Shield ) on August 17.

4 games of footy in thirteen days - Trojans!! Well done.


Would make for some of the best school boys rugby anywhere if this was to happen. Before anyone hits back i know this has been discussed many times and there are mixed opinions on this idea but let an old man stand on his soap box for a few minutes.


Would make for some of the best school boys rugby anywhere if this was to happen. Before anyone hits back i know this has been discussed many times and there are mixed opinions on this idea but let an old man stand on his soap box for a few minutes.

What are you talking about/referring to?


Chris McKivat (8)
Aloys beat Waverly 28 - 23 (I'm pretty sure that was the score) good game. Unfortunately the day was marred by a disgusting performance by the Waverly seconds team who acted as cowards as they pummelled Aloys players while they were on the ground. Even there headmaster was calling it a disgrace.


Aloys beat Waverly 28 - 23 (I'm pretty sure that was the score) good game. Unfortunately the day was marred by a disgusting performance by the Waverly seconds team who acted as cowards as they pummelled Aloys players while they were on the ground. Even there headmaster was calling it a disgrace.

So the Aloys boys who began several other fights throughout the day are victims?
Aloys are known for pushing Waverley to the limit, what do they expect?

Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
So the Aloys boys who began several other fights throughout the day are victims?
Aloys are known for pushing Waverley to the limit, what do they expect?

SPORTSMANSHIP you pillock! How do you defend such manly behavior - attacking a defenseless player on the ground is about as low as it gets! Hang your head in shame.


firstly any parent browsing this website i must tell you to please get a life and quit living your unknown lives through a rugby forum or your sons lives, you no longer attend school. secondly it was very entertaining watching those alos kids get hammered in the 2nds
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