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CAS Rugby 2014

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Frank Row (1)
that was said about cranbrook last year, look where they ended up. its going to take more than 5 or 6 players for any team to make an impact in the CAS competition

But I think with cranbrook (and correct me if I'm wrong) they had too many Injuries in this season gone by, and I know every school has to deal with injuries but if Aloys can stay relatively injury free they could be in a for a good year. Also aloys may have a but more depth this year, which is something they have really struggled with


Frank Row (1)
Does Aloysius have any district rep players in their current under 16s?

I'm pretty sure there's a core group from Randwick going into year 11 next year, so the under 16s just gone. Which is unusual because aloys tends to have more of a met north group.


Frank Row (1)
Hugh Summerhayes, played NSW 2's this year and is returning for Cranbrook next year. I also believe this is the case for Barkers number 9, Kirkby

I think Kirkby, Smeardon and Burkett from Barker will be inthe mix as well as Vevers (A) but from what I saw last year I'm not sure there's too many people coming back that would push for a spot


Allen Oxlade (6)
I think Kirkby, Smeardon and Burkett from Barker will be inthe mix as well as Vevers (A) but from what I saw last year I'm not sure there's too many people coming back that would push for a spot
I agree with the barker boys but I don't think vevers will be there he didn't make a starting spot for Cas this year but I'm not sure who he is up against in the Cas competition next year


Frank Row (1)
I agree with the barker boys but I don't think vevers will be there he didn't make a starting spot for Cas this year but I'm not sure who he is up against in the Cas competition next year

Vevers had to pull out of the cas games this year through injuries after being picked in the centres for both CHS and GPS games. The only real other contender I could see at 15 if he remains there (there's word he could move into the centres) is the small dynamic fullback from Trinity, from what I saw this year he's quite a good attacker however I didn't see him tested in defence so I'm not sure what his tackling is like when the pressure comes.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Vevers had to pull out of the cas games this year through injuries after being picked in the centres for both CHS and GPS games. The only real other contender I could see at 15 if he remains there (there's word he could move into the centres) is the small dynamic fullback from Trinity, from what I saw this year he's quite a good attacker however I didn't see him tested in defence so I'm not sure what his tackling is like when the pressure comes.
Barley-Brown. He made the tackle of the season, flattening Harry Jones in full flight. But the selectors may be troubled by his lack of size.


Bob McCowan (2)
Report has it that Knox are buying more aboriginal rugby players this year and intend to introduce GPS style year round intense training.


Frank Row (1)
Report has it that Knox are buying more aboriginal rugby players this year and intend to introduce GPS style year round intense training.

I think you maybe right HowardL, I understand that 1 or 2 of the players that are on tour to France with the U17's Lloyd McDermott Rugby Team are from Knox Grammar.


Colin Windon (37)
Thats a shame re Knox lifting their game. I was really enjoying Barker laying on massive wins against them - something that didnt happen a lot when I played against them.


Allen Oxlade (6)
I believe from barker Kirkby,dave also the 6 i think he was Knox Watson has a chance
Trinity, Barkley brown and maybe corias
Aloys, maybe vevers
All have a chance for nsw I believe your opinion ?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I think you maybe right HowardL, I understand that 1 or 2 of the players that are on tour to France with the U17's Lloyd McDermott Rugby Team are from Knox Grammar.

On Total Rugby they did a decent sized segment on the Lloydies tour of France. They apparently won 2 games and lost to Toulouse. Good PR for the LLoydies.


Bob McCowan (2)
On Total Rugby they did a decent sized segment on the Lloydies tour of France. They apparently won 2 games and lost to Toulouse. Good PR for the LLoydies.
They did very well , in reality though French Club Rugby at that level/age has no traction , it comes on later. A top local Rep side of appropriate age would beat them all easily.

No doubt there will have been private school recruitment on the tour and I hope those who have been lured in have been carefully advised to ensure they have time to feature academically. With the advent of professional coaching in schools , single sport loading and very physical and daily time consuming standards are applied , in complete contrast to academic advice in the same schools. Tired and bored young men suffering insufficient sleep cannot study. Bullying has raised its ugly head.

There is no point in donning a private school blazer for a few years if you end up poorly educated with a very marginal chance at a sporting career.

That's said , how unfortunate is it that League had picked up four talented Australian Schoolboys before their end of season overseas tour.

Management of Rugby at that level is ineffective, the man in charge an alleged talented administrator (and he did captain a GPS school in his day - his personal pinnacle) is political and vindictive. He seems to have been found out by the players themselves.


Frank Row (1)
My predictions as a recent player in CAS are:

1. Waverly
2. Knox
3. Barker
4. Trinity
5. Aloys
6. Cranbrook

Although I do see Knox having a strong chance of competing for the top spot due to returning players and a settled coaching staff. Barker has lost some of the fire power they had in 2013, and they will have an even smaller pack. Waverly is the only team I see maintaining their form and they have been known to stay consistent year after year.


Allen Oxlade (6)
My predictions as a recent player in CAS are:

1. Waverly
2. Knox
3. Barker
4. Trinity
5. Aloys
6. Cranbrook

Although I do see Knox having a strong chance of competing for the top spot due to returning players and a settled coaching staff. Barker has lost some of the fire power they had in 2013, and they will have an even smaller pack. Waverly is the only team I see maintaining their form and they have been known to stay consistent year after year.
Seriously.. Waverley first and Cranbrook last.. Flip those and you might look like you have an idea


Frank Row (1)
Seriously.. Waverley first and Cranbrook last.. Flip those and you might look like you have an idea

Cranbrook was predicted highly before the 2013 season, and they finished last. I don't see them making a quick turn around, as the culture among the rugby program is poor, from what I have seen and heard. Also, they don't have any quality players coming back (other than Summerhayes) that I see making an impact big enough to turn them around.

Whereas, Waverley is renowned for being consistent year after year usually finishing within the top 3. Although they don't have many 'star' players returning or big names coming up from the younger years, I think that their rugby program is good enough to train the players they have well enough to finish well in this competition.


Bob McCowan (2)
Cranbrook was predicted highly before the 2013 season, and they finished last. I don't see them making a quick turn around, as the culture among the rugby program is poor, from what I have seen and heard. Also, they don't have any quality players coming back (other than Summerhayes) that I see making an impact big enough to turn them around.

Whereas, Waverley is renowned for being consistent year after year usually finishing within the top 3. Although they don't have many 'star' players returning or big names coming up from the younger years, I think that their rugby program is good enough to train the players they have well enough to finish well in this competition.

New coach for Cranbrook could sort out the cultural problem you're referring to. Also, they have Nick Makas returning who played CAS 2nds last year as well as the 2 U16 CAS premiership winning teams in both year 11 and 12. Waverley on the other hand have lost a host of quality players. Without the likes of O'donnell, basset, duffy, Lindsey and a large portion of their forward pack, they seem to lack depth and any outstanding players


Frank Row (1)
New coach for Cranbrook could sort out the cultural problem you're referring to. Also, they have Nick Makas returning who played CAS 2nds last year as well as the 2 U16 CAS premiership winning teams in both year 11 and 12. Waverley on the other hand have lost a host of quality players. Without the likes of O'donnell, basset, duffy, Lindsey and a large portion of their forward pack, they seem to lack depth and any outstanding players

Before the 2013 season everyone was predicting a big season from Knox due to their new coach, however we have all seen how a new coach cannot turn a team around in one season. Nick Makas did not make much of an influence this season and went unnoticed in the CAS representative games that he played, and other than Summerhayes, cranbrook do not have any players returning with enough quality to succeed in the competition.

I am not confident with predicting Waverley finishing 1st. However I cannot see any other teams taking it off them apart from maybe Knox. I'm very confident in putting Cranbrook in the bottom two however, as I can't see them winning again for another few years.
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