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CAS Rugby 2014

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Frank Row (1)
The enrollment numbers a Knox doesnt compare to the results Waverley produced here. Fair to say that in the years to come there will be some high profile bouts between the two sides but my money (although somewhat biased) is on Waves to be very dominant for a string of years to come. Lets look at the facts from this year:
1sts turned around a nightmare start to finish 3rd.
16A's won more than 50% of their matches but had key players playing up in the 1sts.
16B's only lost twice.
15A's controversially lost once but still claimed the premiership
15B's went undefeated.
14A's premiership winners, only losing once.
14B's only lost a few games.
13A's only lost 3 games.
13B's only lost 2 games.
The 13s age group was plagued with injuries, mainly throughout the A and B teams. I believe the rest of the age group went through undefeated in their respective grades.
Looking to next year, most of the boys id predict to take the field in the first game of the season next year would have had some sort of experience playing in the 'Double V' already. Look for the backline to be particularly strong. Another promising thing for the years to come that has been lacking at Waverley this year and somewhat in the past few years is depth. They produced results throughout lower grades in all age groups this year which can only be a good sign. If they can get good preseason training in and the right coaching from day 1, I believe the smart money is on Waverley to finally take out the Henry Plume shield next year after coming agonizingly close in past years.


double v
If they can get good preseason training in and the right coaching from day 1, I believe the smart money is on Waverley to finally take out the Henry Plume shield next year after coming agonizingly close in past years.

I'm a bit biased as well, but it looks promising for Waverley for next year and for the next few years to come.
Besides the depth that you've pinpointed, it's interesting to note that of all the 1sts players from this season, 7 will be in Year 12 and 3 in Year 11.

What about the other schools? I know Alos, Knox and Trinity played some promising U16s in 1sts and Alos had a very young team.

This season's 1sts players who will be backing up next year:

Waverley - 10



Trinity - 12




Chris McKivat (8)
In relation to doublev's comments, he spot on. Yes, been a Waverley supporter, it goes without saying I may be biased. For next year, 16A's and B's. A talented age group rising through the ranks and this has displayed through their performances and the talent been fielded in the 1st XV. 16A's losses, a close loss which I witnessed, appalling referee by any schools standards (except Alloys), even heard some banter from some of the lower grade 16's players about how biased he was. The A's second encounter against Barker at Barker. Conditions were poor, torrential rain had battered down the previous night and conditions were wet and ball control and security from both teams was poor. Waverley lead until last 5 minutes until a lucky chip kick and regather saw the Barker 10, score under the posts with minutes to go. First encounter at Knox, at Knox, Waves played average and Knox made them pay, alot. Second encounter at Death Valley was not so close with Knox leading and a last play knock-on by Waves after a certain try scoring break, which would certainly have secured the game for Waves. The B's a high intensity game at Barker at Barker lost 7-0 after another lucky chip kick, and a close loss at Knox at Knox 13-5.

The way I see it next year in the 1st XV.

Henry Plume Shield 1st: Knox
2nd: Waverley closely contended by Barker for 3rd or vice versa
4th: Cranbrook
5th: Alloys
6th: Trinity (absolutely dominated in the 16's)

I see the 4th, 5th and 6th positions set in concrete, but 1st, 2nd and 3rd is up for grabs by Waves, Barker or Knox.


Trinity have 12 1sts players from this season playing again next year. They may do a bit better than 6th.
See 'CAS 2015 blog'


Chris McKivat (8)
Trinity have 12 1sts players from this season playing again next year. They may do a bit better than 6th.
See 'CAS 2015 blog'

Perhaps a repeat of this season? 2 wins. 8 losses. As a spectator and optimistic Waverley supporter, I still hope they can put on a better show next season. In my opinion, it looks grim. Prove us wrong. Good luck all next season! New thread 'CAS 2015' is now up and running.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
I noticed that on the CAS website, it has Barker and Waverley finishing on 3rd and 4th respectively despite both finishing on 8 points. Is it safe to assume therefore that the CAS doesn't utilize joint positions and that it comes down to F/A?
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