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CAS Rugby 2017

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Vay Wilson (31)
Knox also taking a depleted team to Hunters Hill tmrw, with 6 regular firsts players now having joined team Rehab. Fortunately (for Knox, obviously not for the boys concerned whom I wish a speedy recovery) it appears that Joeys also have a few out, so the relative strength of the two teams will hopefully be roughly equal and a competitive match ensue. Always a great atmosphere at Joeys and win, lose or draw, a few beers with mates at Jack's Bar to follow. Now there's a civilised tradition!


Frank Row (1)
Will those 6 regular first players for Knox be available for the first round against Cranbrook next week? What are the odds Knox will rest some of their men against a weaker Cranbrook side?


Vay Wilson (31)
Some may be back. Others have longer recovery times. As for resting players, no idea, but under the reign of the current coaches, Knox has typically put out its best 15 (allowing for injuries) each week.

Rugby Central

Charlie Fox (21)
What are the odds Knox will rest some of their men against a weaker Cranbrook side?

Given the unpredictability of Schoolboy rugby that could be a risk. It's a long shot for sure but Cranbrook know a storm is headed their way and the choice is get bashed or fight it.

While there are few at Cranbrook in line for CAS honours, it's doubtful they would just lie down and not take any chance offered by a less than full strength Knox side. It wouldn't be the first almost "unbeatable" Knox side to be surprised.

Anyway, how pissed would you be as a schoolboy player being 'rested'. And as my long....long lost youth vaguely remembers, these boys have the energy to play 3 games a day and still be keen for a hit out on Sunday


Ron Walden (29)
Given the unpredictability of Schoolboy rugby that could be a risk. It's a long shot for sure but Cranbrook know a storm is headed their way and the choice is get bashed or fight it.

While there are few at Cranbrook in line for CAS honours, it's doubtful they would just lie down and not take any chance offered by a less than full strength Knox side. It wouldn't be the first almost "unbeatable" Knox side to be surprised.

Anyway, how pissed would you be as a schoolboy player being 'rested'. And as my long..long lost youth vaguely remembers, these boys have the energy to play 3 games a day and still be keen for a hit out on Sunday


Surely no team would be 'resting' players!!!

With rep teams being announced soon, the lads would want every possible opportunity to impress seletors.



Ron Walden (29)
CAS V GPS is shaping up to be one heck of a game.

I reckon CAS would have to be favourites. Although Im going to wait until I see the teams before making a prediction.

Alot will depend on who gets out of team rehab. But i guess you could say the same for both associations.

I reckon the make up of the GPS team is not so clear cut. Most positions have a few potential candidates who are all good players but no absolute standouts.

I think the tight 5s will be evenly matched, CAS will have the upper hand in the backrow and inside backs, and GPS will be stronger in the outside backs.

Not long till we find out for sure.


rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)
16As Barker defeated Cranbrook 13/12 on fulltime. Barker won 3rds 36+ nil.. Currently Barker lead in 2nds 31 nil

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Nev Cottrell (35)
Alex o'reilly to 16As

And no May, no Stenmark ... so much for my season preview


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Nev Cottrell (35)
my 2 cents on Brook v Barker

Ok I don't like to be rude, and appreciate Brook were understrength

however they might as well forfeit the Waverley fixture , and instead play the Waverley 2nds.

[Waverley could play $cots ... although that is daydreaming]

Positives however ... that Harvey Tilley ... not sure if his Dad or any of the Uncles played Ones, but he has heart... he plays with a lot of spirit. The prop 1 Tex Smouha-Ho, he is pretty handy

Tas Smith (9) is tiny but gives great service... and will be good .. particularly once he grows

the 10 Tim White he is pretty OK, again assuming he is underage .. and he will get good ... with time

Re Barker ... they could easily knock off the heavyweights ... with both good backs and enough quality forwards

12 Will Harding ... is a big hard hitting centre
15 Kitchener is very elusive and a good open field runner
9 Tejcek ... I know about him, and he would be with Waverley's Bell in contention for a CAS jersey

in terms of piggies ... Barker has a pretty good pack .. 8 Reimer ...would be their best, but not their biggest .... so between their big hooker and big 5, they have a very solid platform ... and certainly monster Cranbrook

in conclusion ... going to be a long season for Brook ... although hopefully the return of Stenmark, May and elevation of O'Reilly will help

Cranbrook's 13 Milios copped an injury ... that looked like at least a few weeks ...so brook I feel sorry for

I do like their coaches .. Giacheri/Hodge (plus ex Scots College Andrew Cleverly)... and even that bloke "rat" ... who coaches the 2nds ... is good. However they aren't miracle workers ... so going to be a tough 2017


Peter Burge (5)
Milios wasn't Cranbrook's only injury. Broekhoizan, Antonelli and Vicars also went off with what looked liked to be injuries that could put them out for next weeks clash with Knox. Stenmark was sidelined and hobbling when he Brough on water. May was also around but in a sling, I was told he has had shoulder reconstructions on both shoulders and unlikely to return this season.


Larry Dwyer (12)
The New v Wav game shows that the game doesn't need to be good to be exciting. The last play of the day saw Waverley swing it right then left, get the overlap and pass with the line wide open 2m out only for the ball to go to ground and the whistle was then blown. With a new front row and 2/3 of the loosies missing it was felt that Wav would struggle in the set piece. But this part was actually good. Missing Wright, Cornish & Moretti meant that the busts up the middle weren't happening. And Moretti at inside centre also didn't work as the backline spluttered rather than purred. And when Hardaker hurt his arm midway through the first half which affected him (he didn't return for the second half) you knew Wav were in trouble.
View were committed and defended well close to the ruck knowing that the Wav danger men were on the sideline. Essentially Wav were trying to play their ensemble game without their ensemble team; those playing tried their best but they lacked the necessary bulk and aggro that those they replaced have. The old chestnut that you have to go forward before you go wide was never truer, but Wav lacked the cattle to go forward far and quickly enough.
Still, you play against the team in front of you and one couldn't fault SIC's commitment & defence in close. They did everything in their power to slow the ball on the ground and did so effectively. And kudos to the SIC centre who was lined up on several occasions by Moretti and hit hard but always bounced up when he would have been justified to take a short breather.
Still, while Wav players would be disappointed at the score they learnt a lot from the game and, despite having so many out still could have won it on the bell. Once the normal team is back on deck next week I would assume that normal programming will be resumed.


Frank Row (1)
Why did Waves have so many players unavailable? It's pretty disrespectful and a little big arrogant to rest players and it eventually came back to bite them.

Knox V Joeys was a very good game. Knox were in the game for most part but Joeys with a few tries late in the game sealed it.
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