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Colts 2013

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Some very interesting results from today.

Norths and Manly will not be happy. Obviously Gordon and the Woodies didn't study the form guide and believed in themselves.

Still a couple of postponed games to be played before a full comparison can be done.

Magnificant day for Rugby after last Saturday. How good was it?

Nos Tradamus

Frank Nicholson (4)
interesting results indeed. NSWRU site has been updated.
3s is anyone's game really and if injuries to higher grade players don't demolish the comp, could be a fun ride from the looks of things.


Peter Burge (5)
Cornered Bill Pulver today at Rat park and asked him about the differences in the playing numbers between Uni & Rats, this came about as I watched the Rats get put to the sword due to lack of playing depth etc etc, not to mention that Uni played great football at times.
The player participation rate in the last ARU report states it is growing but how can that be when clubs in rugby heart lands such as Gordon & Warringah struggle for numbers or are players populating certain clubs? I do remember when 5 colts grades use to be the norm at these clubs?

Scott Grayson

Bob McCowan (2)
Cornered Bill Pulver today at Rat park and asked him about the differences in the playing numbers between Uni & Rats, this came about as I watched the Rats get put to the sword due to lack of playing depth etc etc, not to mention that Uni played great football at times.
The player participation rate in the last ARU report states it is growing but how can that be when clubs in rugby heart lands such as Gordon & Warringah struggle for numbers or are players populating certain clubs? I do remember when 5 colts grades use to be the norm at these clubs?
Whilst we are in the heartland of participation there are quite a few distractions. During our recent phone calls the most common reasons for not playing rugby at Gordon were, university, work, playing subbies, travel and perceived better opportunities at other clubs. Most of the lads playing subbies said they cannot commit to 3 nights training and every weekend. With Uni and part time work they just want to play rugby with their mates. What can I say, I agree. As for the lads going to other clubs, that's their choice and we must respect that choice, but we must put in place the factors that stop our current juniors from moving.


Peter Burge (5)
Franky And what did the Pulveriser say in response?

You are aware of this thread about the BS participation numbers in the ARU annual report: http://www.greenandgoldrugby.com/co...participation-growth.12652/page-3#post-474473
I stated that when he and I both played colts, numbers used to extend to 5 grades he acknowledged this was the case and then he asked if any Rat players had migrated to Uni. I answered that James Dargarville was in fact making his 1st grade (SS) debut for Uni against the Rats today and he was a long standing colts junior. It was only a brief encounter but one I didn't let slip pass. I did state that he is the man responsible with the task of bringing rugby to the masses again. He probably thought I was a rugby grassroots nutter?


Peter Burge (5)
Whilst we are in the heartland of participation there are quite a few distractions. During our recent phone calls the most common reasons for not playing rugby at Gordon were, university, work, playing subbies, travel and perceived better opportunities at other clubs. Most of the lads playing subbies said they cannot commit to 3 nights training and every weekend. With Uni and part time work they just want to play rugby with their mates. What can I say, I agree. As for the lads going to other clubs, that's their choice and we must respect that choice, but we must put in place the factors that stop our current juniors from moving.
Yep the bottom line is to have all clubs operating like Uni but they seem to have the resources to operate in this fashion but all clubs go through various resource cycles etc. It's what makes sporting club exciting as when it all clicks for success, your glad to say you were a part of it.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I stated that when he and I both played colts, numbers used to extend to 5 grades he acknowledged this was the case and then he asked if any Rat players had migrated to Uni. I answered that James Dargarville was in fact making his 1st grade (SS) debut for Uni against the Rats today and he was a long standing colts junior. It was only a brief encounter but one I didn't let slip pass. I did state that he is the man responsible with the task of bring rugby to the masses again. He probably thought I was a rugby grassroots nutter?
Did Jim Stewart play today?


Peter Burge (5)
Did Jim Stewart play today?
I don't know who all of the players are but going by the program he was Uni No 12 who had a great game. He has the perfect inside centre physique, good pace & pass. I believe he played higher honours and it showed as he was a stand out.


Trevor Allan (34)
Im not sure the Rats are that bad off in terms of losing players to Uni maybe have a look at the players Manly have taken!

Gordon has a lost a ridicoulas amount to Uni and to a lesser extent Norths(this has grown the last few years though especially in Colts).

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Rather than whinging about the numbers of players that have been "stolen", "poached", or "kidnapped" in cross boarder raids, has anyone actually looked at the reasons why juniors are tempted to undertake this treasonous practice?

I've spoken to a few. Reasons are many and varied but the two most popular are: to play with my mates (typically from school), or club X has a better programme and my old club has done nothing for me. Tied in with the latter and a general underlying theme is why should I be loyal to the club when they have not been loyal to me (or variations to the same general effect). Despite what many claim, none have mentioned money or scholarships are the main reason.

Without going all namby pamby touchy feely, in many respects the root cause is within the club itself and they are the author of their own misfortune. Loyalty and respect is not a one way street, and they must be earned, not demanded.

When loyalty and respect is delivered downwards, it is returned with spades upwards.

While I have sympathy with some of the clubs who seem unable to retain their juniors, they really need to look at their own operations and improve their product to stay relevant "in the market". It is about the whole package from Under 6's to 1st Grade. Whinging about the player exodus is not going to improve things in any way, shape or form.

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
Cornered Bill Pulver today at Rat park and asked him about the differences in the playing numbers between Uni & Rats, this came about as I watched the Rats get put to the sword due to lack of playing depth etc etc, not to mention that Uni played great football at times.
The player participation rate in the last ARU report states it is growing but how can that be when clubs in rugby heart lands such as Gordon & Warringah struggle for numbers or are players populating certain clubs? I do remember when 5 colts grades use to be the norm at these clubs?
I stated that when he and I both played colts, numbers used to extend to 5 grades he acknowledged this was the case and then he asked if any Rat players had migrated to Uni. I answered that James Dargarville was in fact making his 1st grade (SS) debut for Uni against the Rats today and he was a long standing colts junior. It was only a brief encounter but one I didn't let slip pass. I did state that he is the man responsible with the task of bringing rugby to the masses again. He probably thought I was a rugby grassroots nutter?
Quite a few of us criticise top rugby officials for being remote from our game's grassroots. However, if they are going to be "cornered" when they attend club matches and expected to debate issues such as the relative playing strengths of clubs, we should not be too surprised if they retreat into their ivory towers.

Presumably Bill Pulver was at Warringah to watch his young bloke play. I also read that he was at the Easts-Randwick game on Anzac Day. Good on him. I hope he continues to do so.

I have previously written about seeing Robbie Deans humbly queuing for a hamburger or pie at Concord on Shute Shield Grand Final Day a few years back. Before that I can recall Eddie Jones sitting in the sun, just him and his daughter, near the scoreboard at Chatswood one afternoon when he was coach of the Wallabies. Call me old fashioned but I would not even think of intruding on their time on such occasions even though I am sure I could have passed on some sound advice to both Robbie and Eddie.

Scott Grayson

Bob McCowan (2)
HJ, totally agree and that is why we are determined to change the way things are done at Gordon and there has been significant engagement with junior ranks via village clubs. It is encouraging to see that the drive is not only from the new board but also the senior players group.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Quite a few of us criticise top rugby officials for being remote from our game's grassroots. However, if they are going to be "cornered" when they attend club matches and expected to debate issues such as the relative playing strengths of clubs, we should not be too surprised if they retreat into their ivory towers.

Presumably Bill Pulver was at Warringah to watch his young bloke play. I also read that he was at the Easts-Randwick game on Anzac Day. Good on him. I hope he continues to do so.

I have previously written about seeing Robbie Deans humbly queuing for a hamburger or pie at Concord on Shute Shield Grand Final Day a few years back. Before that I can recall Eddie Jones sitting in the sun, just him and his daughter, near the scoreboard at Chatswood one afternoon when he was coach of the Wallabies. Call me old fashioned but I would not even think of intruding on their time on such occasions even though I am sure I could have passed on some sound advice to both Robbie and Eddie.
Bruce, it's not my style to front the CEO on the sideline either.
But it absolutely comes with the territory.
Players in their early twenties earning $2 -300k are expected to be on show 24/7.
The CEO should be at least as approachable when he is out and about,especially as we now know how well they are remunerated.
Personally, I don't think his contribution will change one bit,whether he continues to slog it out on the sidelines with the riff raft,or retreats to his ivory tower.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Anyone keep figures on the crowd numbers at Colts?

Ignoring players and team officials, I reckon that the figure would be double digits.

No real threat of Servo Pulveriser being overwhelmed while he watches his young bloke run around in sun with his mates.

I couldn't care less who it is on the receiving end of my "advice", but I will wang on with any of the other Mums and Dads at the footy for as long as they are prepared to listen. One of the joys of waiting around for training to finish or after drop off and before the game starts.

I'd also expect to see Servo work the BBQ at St Pauls oval at Uni home games when it is his turn by roster just like all the Dads should.

I won't go out of my way to seek out Servo, or Dingo, Cheika, Cam Blades, Phil Blake, Manu Sutherland, Tim Rapp or the like at the footy to deliver the sermon according to Hugh, but if a conversation is struck up then you just wang on in pleasant conversation as you would with any other spectator.

Obviously the conversations with Rugby VIPs that I personally know are a little more in depth and possibly more confrontational than one I would have with Servo or the other blokes listed above.

Taking Bruce Ross's example of Eddie J at Chatswood oval with his kid, you'd have a good chinwag about the game in front of you, who's playing well and relative merits of the scrums etc, the playing surface at Chatswood oval, whinge about parking, and wish him well with the Wobs. Unless asked for, you wouldn't front him about detailed Wobs coaching stuff or ask him why he didn't select X for the 1st Test or what his plans were for the Saffer tour. Good manners still apply on the sidelines of a footy field. He's there to enjoy some footy with his kid, just like all the other Dads.


Peter Burge (5)
Quite a few of us criticise top rugby officials for being remote from our game's grassroots. However, if they are going to be "cornered" when they attend club matches and expected to debate issues such as the relative playing strengths of clubs, we should not be too surprised if they retreat into their ivory towers.

Presumably Bill Pulver was at Warringah to watch his young bloke play. I also read that he was at the Easts-Randwick game on Anzac Day. Good on him. I hope he continues to do so.

I have previously written about seeing Robbie Deans humbly queuing for a hamburger or pie at Concord on Shute Shield Grand Final Day a few years back. Before that I can recall Eddie Jones sitting in the sun, just him and his daughter, near the scoreboard at Chatswood one afternoon when he was coach of the Wallabies. Call me old fashioned but I would not even think of intruding on their time on such occasions even though I am sure I could have passed on some sound advice to both Robbie and Eddie.
Hi Bruce,

I really admire your knowledge of your club and game but I really should have written my words more carefully which is my error, we had a respectful discussion after introducing ourselves about the one sided contest we both just witnessed and briefly about the changing landscape of the playing population compared to a by gone era.
He doesn't seem to be the type to retreat to ivory towers but grass roots feed back should be part of his brief as it's in the interest of the game that we have a solid foundation. Anyway I was up front enough to say G' day and to have a brief conversation with the top corporate official of our game in Australia.

PS: His son has a lovely service game at half.

Nos Tradamus

Frank Nicholson (4)
Im not sure the Rats are that bad off in terms of losing players to Uni maybe have a look at the players Manly have taken!

Gordon has a lost a ridicoulas amount to Uni and to a lesser extent Norths(this has grown the last few years though especially in Colts).

could have sworn the actual players had a choice? chalk it up to better opportunities? "taken" is a bit harsh. Tough to argue with Uni. "hello 18 year old footy player, how would you like to play for the "best" club in Australia. oh - and we'll pay for your degree so when you give the game up, you have something to fall back on"

very tough to compete with that.
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