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Colts 2013

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Peter Burge (5)
Righto dribbler, say what you really mean. What grade, which teams? Man up.
Well he clearly means 3rd grade Colts which has only 10 teams so depending where a teams sits in the top 8 it doesn't mean much? All grades should be top 6 max in order to claim a finals berth as it demonstrates a good season.


Vay Wilson (31)
Buy yourself a copy of rugbynews and find out for yourself. Man up? What on earth are you talking about?
And to the soothsayer yes Manly's 3rd grade colts are a collection of 16 and 17 year olds with a poor record. As a Manly supporter and former colts coach I think I have earned the right to say whatever I want about them.[/quote]


Nev Cottrell (35)
Tough lessons to be learned by the Two Blues Colts today. A season short of experience and match toughness.

As an unashamed Two Blues supporter I am very pleased with their overall results for 2013. 2014 will be a good year if this young group can honestly assess what went well, what went badly and identify and address the gap between those. It's a bitter pill to swallow for such a young squad but they are guided on their journey but a great coaching and management group.


Chris McKivat (8)
You do realise only 2 teams didn't make the semi finals. I thought the semi finals were for the elite not the also rans.

Taking into account the scorelines in the qualification finals (1v4 & 2v3) of 100 and change vs 5 and 40 vs 13 are you advocating we reduce the final series to a two team event only, as Uni and Manly have clearly cornerned the market in elitism? Adding to that, the fact that 8th beat 5th in all games and 7th beat 6th in a couple of games of the elimination finals, it reminds most of us that this is a game played mostly for enjoyment and that giving these kids a chance to test themselves against each other after slogging it out for 18 rounds is still the principle reason for playing. Not to satisfy the Ego's of those who believe they hold some social or personal status off the back of a teams performance. In fact if you took Uni and Manly out of the competition it would be "more competitive". Is this what you desire, your own 2 team competition?

Your use of the terms "elite" and "also rans" clearly indicate you feel there are some within the game unworthy of playing against your team. Rather than narrowing the focus on who the elite are, why not embrace everyone's participation in what constitutes the competition and allow them a brief moment in the sun, even it if it momentarily delays your desire for your own glory.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
You do realise only 2 teams didn't make the semi finals. I thought the semi finals were for the elite not the also rans.

I think Lily was simply suggesting 8 out of 10 making the finals isn't possibly the right structure.
My take, it shouldn't be 8 out of 10, but hey it extends the season - I like that.
If an 8 placed team gets up through the semi's, shit the kids enjoy the day.
If 8 goes all the way, well they deserve the title.

Hopefully Uni gets taken down this year.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Suggesting the third last team in a ten team comp,hasn't done enough to make the semi's is a valid observation IMO.
What was the points differential for the 8th team?

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Suggesting the third last team in a ten team comp,hasn't done enough to make the semi's is a valid observation IMO.
What was the points differential for the 8th team?

Maybe some one can confirm, I think Manly 4th Grade finished 8th last year (or 5th - 8th). Gordon did a no show, and Manly beat Uni on the way to the Grand final.

The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
Manly colts deserve every success they might get this year it has been the culmination of 5 or 6 years hard work and vision by the board, managemet and coaching staff. Coach Jono Harvey has hung in keeping faith with the colts programme ultimately attracting the talent he needs to match Uni ; now he has it. Sure some players have come from the junior ranks of other clubs in particular further up the penninsula (always a somewhat artificial divide anyway particularly with the St Augustine's factor ) but those who would whinge need to get their own house in order - why did the kids walk in the first place?

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Manly colts deserve every success they might get this year it has been the culmination of 5 or 6 years hard work and vision by the board, managemet and coaching staff. Coach Jono Harvey has hung in keeping faith with the colts programme ultimately attracting the talent he needs to match Uni ; now he has it. Sure some players have come from the junior ranks of other clubs in particular further up the penninsula (always a somewhat artificial divide anyway particularly with the St Augustine's factor ) but those who would whinge need to get their own house in order - why did the kids walk in the first place?

The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
MONEY![/quoteAs As has been said previously put up or shut up if you are alleging direct player payments.

Do you deny that Manly have invested heavily in funding over several years (as opposed to paying players) a well resourced programme as in appropriately qualified and resourced coaches, fitness and medical staff, a cohesive management team , tours, active social /parents and supporters programme from which individual colts sponsors emerge to pay for it all and otherwise provide employment and educational opportunities.

Uni did it first albeit by different means , Manly woke up some time ago as did Norths and we know from the 2 Blues postings Parra are all over it .The fact is some clubs have been asleep at the wheel and still are
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