As usual a lot of words fly around that have no constructive solution to making the game that I love even better.
Like it or not the game in Australia is perceived throughout rugby league circles, and by NZ as a game that is played by a bunch of private school toffs. This is further reinforced by the perception rightly or wrongly that if you want a decent pathway through to higher level rugby you need to go to a flash school, and the fact that if you are player in the SJRU after about 15 years old player numbers drop and there is no decent competition (as discussed in my above post). Which in the end must effect the colts ranks, shute shield, and above.
Some people might think why fix something that isn't broke ! Wallabies in the top half a dozen teams, a couple of world cups, stop bloody winging ! If we don't have enough numbers of quality players at the top get them from NZ SAF, or league !!!
If you want this game that I love to really be successful you need to -
- Change the perception that people have of rugby. Make the game `a game of the people'
fix the pathway in a cost effective way, and make the game inclusive and accessable right the way through to the top for everyone who wants to have a crack at it
It's great that the ARU is making some attempt to try and address the pathway and its accessability via the JGC, but I think we could get better results in a more cost effective way by tweeking our existing structures.
I realize I am talking just about Sydney at the moment, and that different areas need different solutions.
Lets try to work out positive black and white plans as solutions to the problems then send it to the powers that be at the top so they can shelve it