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Continued decline in Sydney Junior Rugby

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Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Now looking forward to the incline and making it go viral.

Mini's - Participation.
Juniors - Development.
Seniors - Retention.

Enjoyed being involved with putting together a plan.

A sneak peak to the training tops provided by Paladin for the kids camps that start the Christmas School holidays.

Manly Trytime Tops.PNG

Dates are on the below flyers

Flyer - Allambie Junior Camp 1.1.jpg

Flyer - Harbord Junior Camp 1.1.jpg
Flyer - Manly-page.jpg

And to register your kids

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
I've missed Dave Beat
Qaz glad I'm missed - also spent a bit of time working on the above. My goal;
Step 1. have the above bigger than Auskick with all schools around Manly.
Step 2. is grow it and expand, get the systems and process right so it can happen, rather than just throw an idea out there an hope.

I've always said grow grass roots - bet you cant tell what club I follow;) .

Great having MJRU, and MRU on respective sleeves.

Awesome camps.


Vay Wilson (31)
Huge supporter of what you are promoting Dave. Unfortunately, history shows the u6s -u12s will pretty much fill their own book. The bigger challenge on the Peninusla is how to keep the boys, many exceptionally good, in Heaven's Game beyond u13s. Until that age your boys are almost unbeatable, with several very competitive A teams. Then it falls off a cliff so then entire Peninsula can barely field a single A team (with liberal SJRU dispensations). Solve this and you can leave Shaolin!

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
CatchnPass ah yes sun surf & sex - gods country.
Have a few ideas in this space that haven't been tried, this year is developing structure, and awareness.

That was the retention above.

Private schools are always going there, and there are allot of good young players at public schools, it is implementing systems to retain their interest.

I'm not one to sit back and say it cant be done.

U6 - U12 fill a book??? man, I read the back pages of the paper in winter. I want to these numbers to go huge, have these huge it is step one.


Ward Prentice (10)
Qaz glad I'm missed - also spent a bit of time working on the above. My goal;
Step 1. have the above bigger than Auskick with all schools around Manly.
Step 2. is grow it and expand, get the systems and process right so it can happen, rather than just throw an idea out there an hope.

I've always said grow grass roots - bet you cant tell what club I follow;) .

Great having MJRU, and MRU on respective sleeves.

Awesome camps.
I applaud your initiative Dave. And fully agree with your thoughts. We will always get a drop off around 13s onward so the more players we have playing rugby before they get to that the better chance we have of having stronger numbers in the older age groups. It would be great if all junior districts worked together and shared ideas like this that work. I think we need a junior development committee run through Sydney juniors with at least one rep from each district. It's critical we all work on keeping junior club rugby as a viable pathway for kids.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
I applaud your initiative Dave. And fully agree with your thoughts. We will always get a drop off around 13s onward so the more players we have playing rugby before they get to that the better chance we have of having stronger numbers in the older age groups. It would be great if all junior districts worked together and shared ideas like this that work. I think we need a junior development committee run through Sydney juniors with at least one rep from each district. It's critical we all work on keeping junior club rugby as a viable pathway for kids.

Cheers, agreed.

Great club, Awesome kids coach, and some top sponsors getting it off and running. Having MJRU & MRU on the one kit will ensure wide coverage.

We've had a few idea's that we would have loved to kick off in the retention age bracket in term 4, and repeat in term one - but will be very prepared for next year.

Get it viral in the juniors and retention shouldnt be as hard as kids will be playing.

Not directly related to the above, but trying to get rugby into primary schools - Stephen O'Brien NSW Rugby Union Development Manager - he's been fantastic to deal with. There is someone there wanting to help, we cant sit on our arses expecting things to just happen.

By the way MARLINS - and some great camps above.

Dingasden - great seeing one of the sponsors (Paladin) decking out Southern Districts & the Marlins again this year, great gear. Thought I heard a rumur (cant remember), there maybe a Paladin Shield / Cup being talked about for Marlins v SD.


Herbert Moran (7)
I applaud your initiative Dave. And fully agree with your thoughts. We will always get a drop off around 13s onward so the more players we have playing rugby before they get to that the better chance we have of having stronger numbers in the older age groups. It would be great if all junior districts worked together and shared ideas like this that work. I think we need a junior development committee run through Sydney juniors with at least one rep from each district. It's critical we all work on keeping junior club rugby as a viable pathway for kids.

I have raised to the SJRU on occasion a club which is declining in numbers and suggested the SJRU have a chat to them to see how they can assist. The standard response is "That is a club/district/NSWRU/ARU problem, we are not responsible for development only competition administration".

I talked to a development officer a few years ago who said "They had KPI's which were linked to getting more kids playing club Rugby, the development officers successfully got this KPI removed by arguing that they are not responsible for the club rugby competition administration (hinting that bad administration will force kids from club rugby) and hence cannot be be held to a KPI to increase participation in club rugby". An example of poor administration is where (as happened this year) clubs blocked lower grade (i.e. "F" grade) 11 yr olds from moving clubs to play with their mates (which the SJRU endorsed) hence those kids simply walked away from the game and played another sport where they could play with their mates. Next year a number of their mates now playing Rugby will leave Rugby to join them and will in turn fold that team. A net loss of about 10 kids due to a selfish club and stubborn adherence to competition rules for "F" grade players.

Therein lies the problem, no one body is held responsible for administration and development, hence you get the finger pointing and nobody who is held responsible for improving club rugby.

I guess what I am trying to say at the end of the rant, if you want to increase participation in your club/district the do what Dave is doing and do everything yourself and increase the numbers in spite of SJRU/NSWRU/ARU etc...

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Druid - hit some points there that are on the business administration side of things, people sitting behind a desk. I cant speak with any authority on that part so I'll opt to talk up rather than talk down.

What I did make reference to is a good experience with Steve O'Brien (NSW Rugby Union Development Manager) he's been fantastic to deal with. What I say is lets not sit on our arses - the support is there. We can't expect it do be done for us.

A virus - let's make kids rugby go viral. To achieve that I see 2 important ingediants;
1. having an awesome time - creating that "WOW".
2. a brand so it is known - for me Blue - Marlins Rugby.
The Virus.


Herbert Moran (7)
Dave, I hear what you are saying, I was involved in a club which organically grew it's mini's from 40 player to > 120 players in 4 years so understand the work that's required and what you are trying to do.

My point was that people need to do exactly what you are doing to grow the participation in club Rugby, put in the work and ask for help as you go and not to give up even when it appears as though the world is against you. If you sit on your arse and wait for something to happen, it never will..

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Dave, I hear what you are saying, I was involved in a club which organically grew it's mini's from 40 player to > 120 players in 4 years so understand the work that's required and what you are trying to do.

My point was that people need to do exactly what you are doing to grow the participation in club Rugby, put in the work and ask for help as you go and not to give up even when it appears as though the world is against you. If you sit on your arse and wait for something to happen, it never will..

Yep - was the growth a J-Curve, started slow and picked up good growth with hard work and good positive chatter.

PS although we lost how good was that GF.


Herbert Moran (7)
Yes it was in a J-curve. For the first 2 yrs we did shopping centres, flyers, come'n'try days and ensured we had some very good coaches particularly in the younger age group and reinforced the message of bring your friends regardless of ability, we are simply here to have fun. However, over those first 2 years we only picked up 10 or so new kids. But in the next 3 yrs we picked up 30 new players per year. I have seen many clubs put in 1 years effort not see the results and give up. It will take 3-4 years to really see the results.

We also had a president and committee which was very focused on the minis, the president introduced himself to every new child and ensured he talked to all the new families which really helped as well.

One thing that I think is not emphasized enough is retention. Many clubs may attract 20 new players but lose 20 players as well. You need to look after the players you have as well as attracting new players. During our 3 yr growth period, we had retention rates of 90%+ in the minis.

Grand Final was a ripper.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Yes it was in a J-curve. For the first 2 yrs we did shopping centres, flyers, come'n'try days and ensured we had some very good coaches particularly in the younger age group and reinforced the message of bring your friends regardless of ability, we are simply here to have fun. However, over those first 2 years we only picked up 10 or so new kids. But in the next 3 yrs we picked up 30 new players per year. I have seen many clubs put in 1 years effort not see the results and give up. It will take 3-4 years to really see the results.

We also had a president and committee which was very focused on the minis, the president introduced himself to every new child and ensured he talked to all the new families which really helped as well.

One thing that I think is not emphasized enough is retention. Many clubs may attract 20 new players but lose 20 players as well. You need to look after the players you have as well as attracting new players. During our 3 yr growth period, we had retention rates of 90%+ in the minis.

Grand Final was a ripper.

Well week one of the new year "J" has started, competing with kids away on hols the kids had a great day, and were a captive audience for the coaches. Thext camp 22nd Jan.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Large corporations are becoming to reliant on electronic communications, thinking simply putting information on a website will achieve results.

Verbal Communication wins hands down - you get to read the person, develop a relationship, and then build with results.

Just found this great website, that could be of great assistance in developing junior rugby through the schools;

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Thanks to the Waratahs and Marlins - doing good things with grass roots.
This was a thought out over a coffee at the end of season.
Give the kids fun and a club to follow.

  • Mini's - Participation.
  • Junior’s - Development.
  • Senior’s - Retention.
Good fun camps, with mates, and it can go viral amongst the kids.

Grow numbers, enjoyment and interest at this level, quantity lifts quality.

Should not be missed that an increase in quantity also has increase in supporter base x 2 (mum & dad) and that flows through up the chain (Club / State / Country) - growing grass roots grows the game.

Kids having fun, the future of our game.

Mini marlins.jpg

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
AND .. new president? new committee . or same old?

I think the interns are still on Xmas break.

http://www.juniors.rugby.com.au/ gives me the old "
This webpage is not available" message

The server at www.juniors.rugby.com.au can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.

While http://www.sjru.com.au/ seems to be the new website says that it is:

SJRU has a new website under construction.
This is expected to be launched during the November/December period of 2015.
Meanwhile, the NSW Juniors website (http://www.nswjuniors.com.au/) says this about their Executives for 2016:
The Annual General Meeting of NSWJRU was held on Saturday 28th November 2015.
The Committee elected for 2016:
President: Tony Fisher
Representative Manager: Ben Gregory
Commercial Manager: David Hunt.
I take the inference that this means that these folk will not be holding any positions within SJRU for 2016.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
I think the interns are still on Xmas break.

http://www.juniors.rugby.com.au/ gives me the old "
This webpage is not available" message

The server at www.juniors.rugby.com.au can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.

While http://www.sjru.com.au/ seems to be the new website says that it is:

SJRU has a new website under construction.
This is expected to be launched during the November/December period of 2015.
Meanwhile, the NSW Juniors website (http://www.nswjuniors.com.au/) says this about their Executives for 2016:
The Annual General Meeting of NSWJRU was held on Saturday 28th November 2015.
The Committee elected for 2016:
President: Tony Fisher
Representative Manager: Ben Gregory
Commercial Manager: David Hunt.
I take the inference that this means that these folk will not be holding any positions within SJRU for 2016.

If in doubt register here



Herbert Moran (7)
I think the interns are still on Xmas break.

The Annual General Meeting of NSWJRU was held on Saturday 28th November 2015.
The Committee elected for 2016:
President: Tony Fisher
Representative Manager: Ben Gregory
Commercial Manager: David Hunt.
I take the inference that this means that these folk will not be holding any positions within SJRU for 2016.

I have no idea where you come to the conclusion that those that sit on NSWRU board do not sit on the SJRU board. Reading the 2015 Annual Report, Kerry Brady was President of NSWJRU and Competitions Manager of SJRU which holds board representation on the SJRU board. Tony Fisher was Commercial Manager of NSWRU and President of SJRU. These appointments are just the shuffling of the deck chairs.
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