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EOYT 2014

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Jimmy Flynn (14)
If the boys were swanning around Paris in their FCUK tee shirts , At least Bill can handle that situation ... And on Dublin I think its a non-issue as I think Guinness is classified as a food group not unlike a slab and a packet of savoury shapes keeps uni students on mission in Australia.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
chieka reported as saying he doesn't want to get involved in politics and is only interested in the best 33 players being with the squad. This is a disaster for a coffee struggling for public support as it is, all
for a bloke who I have to say I have never rayed as highly as the hype made him.

There seems to be very little support for the idea that KB (Kurtley Beale) is up to it on these threads - leaving aside his off field shenanigans (to use as neutral a term as I can).
Evidently Cheika sees something we cannot - either that or (a) he hasn't seen the inept performance in Seth Efrika or (b) that performance was a reflection of off field drama.
On any view of it rugby does not need this shit and Cheika should have backed the squad he has.


Tim Horan (67)
I hope everyone is just having a troll, surely Beale isn't going over, FFS Aussie rugby takes some time to learn don't they??
And if Shatz is good enough to be a test player at top level, I would be very surprised, I actually like Shatz playing for Reds, but belive he one of these players who has found his level there as a good S15 player!

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I hope everyone is just having a troll, surely Beale isn't going over, FFS Aussie rugby takes some time to learn don't they??
And if Shatz is good enough to be a test player at top level, I would be very surprised, I actually like Shatz playing for Reds, but belive he one of these players who has found his level there as a good S15 player!

At least Shatz is not excess to requirements - Higgers is injured.
What message is Godwin being sent by all this? If he wants to progress he needs to start losing phones and texting crap


John Eales (66)
Higgers is coming home apparently so that explains Shatz.

As for KB (Kurtley Beale) I am as surprised as everyone else..I seriously thought that TGC had made the correct call to leave him at home and that barring an injury to Folau the best thing to do would be to forget about him for the rest of this year and make him earn his stripes from next year onwards..

The 'why' is the baffling part..there are already 4 playmakers on tour plus Godwin so I doubt very much he is going over as 10/12 cover..the only thing I can think of that Beale has that may be missing from the current squad is speed..I guess we'll find out, but maybe not..

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Bill McLean (32)
I hope everyone is just having a troll, surely Beale isn't going over, FFS Aussie rugby takes some time to learn don't they??
And if Shatz is good enough to be a test player at top level, I would be very surprised, I actually like Shatz playing for Reds, but belive he one of these players who has found his level there as a good S15 player!

No, we don't learn. We just think that all the dickheadedness in our team wil magically convert into consistently awesome performances of an All Black Quality - without realising you have to have the right culture of respect and pride in the jersey.

Fuck me I am disappointed. Won't be supporting the wallabies for any games Kurtley plays in. I just can't bring myself to support a team, coach and captain that condone that kind of fuckwittery.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Just when the G&GR servers on Pitcairn Island were starting to cool down, this message just received from the Pitcairn Chief IT Engineer, Montgomery "Scotty" Kelliher:


Peter Sullivan (51)
so according to cheik, everyone is getting a go

backline for England



Phipps, Foley, Horne,Beale,AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), Alofa Alaofa (only and hour from LaRochelle to London),Folau



Tony Shaw (54)
Does anyone know how To'omua's head is going? That is my tip for who KB (Kurtley Beale) is replacing. Or has there been an article or something saying that Matt is ok?

Also, I assume TGC is Chieka, but what does it stand for?

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
These are my thoughts on this ridiculous decision posted on the front page.
The two worst bits of spin I've seen outside the political arena. Cheika apparently saying Beale has been called over as injury cover (while he has To'omua, Godwin, Speight and English all there and all better Wallaby representatives who can't get a game) and Hooper's comment above, "We’ve got guys over here who have been working hard to try to get a game and to have KB (Kurtley Beale) here will give them incentive to work even harder".
I can understand Schatz going over to cover for Higgers coming home, but no way he should get a run before Jones who is another who can't get a run atm.
Beale back in the squad is the most divisive action Cheika could possibly make (to Aus rugby if not the team though I'd expect the players mentioned above are not over the moon), appears to be designed to keep him in rugby and at the Tahs next year and probably indicates he has been offered a top up contract by the ARU. And if he plays, the match fees will certainly help him out with his misbehaviour fine.
Just gives me the shits big time.


Tim Horan (67)
Does anyone know how To'omua's head is going? That is my tip for who KB (Kurtley Beale) is replacing. Or has there been an article or something saying that Matt is ok?

Also, I assume TGC is Chieka, but what does it stand for?

The Great Cheika
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