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Headless Chickens / Disgrace to Australia

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Alan Cameron (40)
Headless chickens is an understatement. What a horror movie this.

The following must be culled :

- Polota-Nau. I blame all you pathetic dropkicks from the SIW crowd who marvel at his "ability in the loose". This guy cannot be trusted with another minute of test football. Let's pray my boy Moore doesn't burn out.

- Phil Waugh. Kilometres off the pace. Too much roids, not enough speed work. That's it for him. Pocock can backup Smith.

- Dunning. Has always been a joke. He gives us zero - nothing in the loose, nothing in the scrum. Bye bye fatboy.

- Elsom. The myth exposed YET AGAIN. If you're looking for a flanker whose idea of tackling is hanging onto someone's jersey as they drag him 10 metres, he's your man. I've said this guy has the presence of a 6 year old girl and geez, I'm tired of being proven right all the time.

- Cordingly & Giteau. No composure. Giteau might have a future riding the pine as an inside back reserve against 2nd tier nations but his skill level and rugby brains are non-existent. Cordingly throws himself around in defence but the poor guy is past it. As a pair, these guys are a disaster. I LOATHE and DESPISE players who transfer pressure.

- Tuqiri. Has been shit for half a decade now but enough's enough. I don't care how expensive the penalty clause are in his contract for not being picked. Flush this turd once and for all. I want his head on a plate. Completely inept. His positional play in giving his fullback sweet FA in the way of help, support and options is a textbook case of what not to do. His bombing of a certain try is classic CostaLote.

- Hynes. My biggest problem with this guy is his confidence. He reeks of a guy who knows he's not up to test footy.

- Tahu. Can't tackle. No patience with the football - another with no composure. Too late for a refund ? Rugby league players just aren't up to the highest level of rugby - FACT.

Ashley-Cooper is not a fullback but at least he has pluck. Other than he and Mortlock, no back is worthy of the jersey.

Yet again our so-called brilliant back let us down again. The forwards must be tearing their hair out at their ineptitude.

Bring back Muggleton !


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
And now you all know what Berrick Barnes give the Australian Backline!


Nathan Sharpe (72)
naza said:
Let's pray my boy Moore doesn't burn out.

Let us also sink to our knees and hope he recaptures the ability to throw straight and scrummage while we're at it.

And you forgot to add:

Palu - catches the ball at a standing start. Tries to step instead of just ploughing into the opposition. No good when things get tough.


Alan Cameron (40)
NTA said:
naza said:
Let's pray my boy Moore doesn't burn out.

Let us also sink to our knees and hope he recaptures the ability to throw straight and scrummage while we're at it.

Trip to the Optometrist for you. Moore has been AMAZING. Not sure how its his fault when guy's don't jump or do the lazy Elsom tap back.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Trip to the psychiatrist for you - clearly your judgement is skewed if you think any of this useless shower of bastards has stood up tonight barring Sheehan and Smith.

Another one: Mortlock - too old, too fucking slow, has always been a defensive liability because he either rushes out or stops watching his opponent.


Alan Cameron (40)
NTA said:
Another one: Mortlock - too old, too fucking slow, has always been a defensive liability because he either rushes out or stops watching his opponent.

Was about to correct that comment ! Mortlock's one man rush defence is abysmal.

This is worse than the Greg Smith game.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
It can't be worse than the Greg Smith by your own call - back then we had a lot more talent according to you, didn't we?


Rod McCall (65)
Broers I know its hard to swallow but get over it quick & move forward! The 3 Nations is sooooo close and if you dont pitch on the day you'll get hammered!


Alan Cameron (40)
NTA said:
It can't be worse than the Greg Smith by your own call - back then we had a lot more talent according to you, didn't we?

We had emerging talent. Look at the 99 WC winning squad - Smith selected and developed them all. Macqueen got the credit though, even though he thought Pat Howard and Brett Robinson were better than Horan and Wilson. :lmao:

I find the consistent criticism of the late Greg Smith by you particularly callous and cruel. Most adjust their criticism in the light of his brain tumour but you seem to delight in poking fun. Why ?


George Smith (75)
Staff member
PaarlBok said:
Broers I know its hard to swallow but get over it quick & move forward! The 3 Nations is sooooo close and if you dont pitch on the day you'll get hammered!
PB, there must be a ritualistic self-immolation, or it just wouldn't be a rugby forum.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Give us at least 12 hours to get it out of our system Oom :)

naza said:
I find the consistent criticism of the late Greg Smith by you particularly callous and cruel. Most adjust their criticism in the light of his brain tumour but you seem to delight in poking fun. Why ?

People who retract their opinion based on emotional circumstances probably didn't deserve to have their opinion aired in the first place. If someone kills my family but is revealed to be mentally insane should I hate them any less? Don't try to argue with me on political correctness - I don't believe in it.

And I've never poked fun at Greg Smith. He had the same talent Macqueen did, only slightly greener. He didn't get the best out of them, Macqueen did with the advantage of time. That's the way it goes.


Alan Cameron (40)
cyclopath said:
PaarlBok said:
Broers I know its hard to swallow but get over it quick & move forward! The 3 Nations is sooooo close and if you dont pitch on the day you'll get hammered!
PB, there must be a ritualistic self-immolation, or it just wouldn't be a rugby forum.

:lmao: True, true.

And we're hard on our team..but we know the real problem is those pesky ELVs ! ;)


Oh mates. I went feral after we lost to you lot in Brisbane. Feral. Bite off my own foot stuff. So by all means ... carry on. Nothing to see here. Nothing to see.

Good night all.


Rod McCall (65)
Have a nice rest Jury! Look when Jean de Villiers (and he cut the line at will) and Schalkie is on fire then the Bokke or Stormers will be on fire. Even Luke Watson had a good one as substitue and Pakslae enjoy him in that finally minutes. Think Bekker also was full value but really the Wallabies had just that one off day. They had to endure what we feel for two games now. Surely Deans will be tested from this one.


Alan Cameron (40)
NTA said:
And I've never poked fun at Greg Smith. He had the same talent Macqueen did, only slightly greener. He didn't get the best out of them, Macqueen did with the advantage of time. That's the way it goes.

No idea what your first comment was about. Anyway...

I'm fascinated by the 'all or nothing' nature of fickle rugby fans like yourself. Macqueen a genius, Smith clueless/hopeless. A bit like how Greg Growden stupidly called last week's test win the dawn of a new era.

Bernie Larkham will tell you how much better a rugby coach Eddie Jones is than Macqueen. But you guys love to thrashwank over Macqueen's record, despite it being built upon Smith's sacrifice of player development, adapatation to professionalism, and the poor standard of competition in test rugby at the time. Anyway, ancient history..I just find your frequent barbs against Smith to be OTT and in poor taste.


Alan Cameron (40)
NTA said:
And you forgot to add:

Palu - catches the ball at a standing start. Tries to step instead of just ploughing into the opposition. No good when things get tough.

Funny how you continuously mount personal attacks on me, criticising my favourites, yet failing to mention the numerous other poor performing Wallabies, including your pets Elsom, Waugh, and Nau.

Palu did reasonably well I thought. But again, the game plan and options taken were dumb. Palu made yards - nobody at the ruck. Palu has arms free to offload - nobody there. He's a major weapon and we still don't utilise him properly. Incidently, he makes a better flanker than Waugh or Elsom with his physical defence and work at the ruck. A gem.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Staff member
Naza, put your vial of vitriol down for the night and have a good sleep. We're all disappointed about the result but I, for one, don't feel it necessary to punch shit out of anyone standing within arm's length.

Count to 10,000 and cool it. See how you feel in the morning.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
naza said:
Funny how you continuously mount personal attacks on me, criticising my favourites, yet failing to mention the numerous other poor performing Wallabies, including your pets Elsom, Waugh, and Nau.

1) Its even funnier how you see it as a personal attack - just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you I suppose.

2) Well, if I need to name them all, here is my unfiltered opinion:

TPN, Dunning, Elsom, Palu, Cordingley, Giteau, Tuqiri, Tahu, Mortlock, and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) were shit
Robinson, Horwill, Waugh, Hynes, Moore and Mitchell didn't achieve much overall but produced few outright fuckups.
MMM and Baxter did some good things but didn't add much. Mumm similarly got no time when it was clear we needed more forwards with some committment and skill.
Smith and Sheehan were quite good considering the circumstances. Actually put Cross in here too - he added something when he came on.

That's the 22 - so the only other thing is to cover the same old ground of our side not having a set of balls when it came to the breakdown ala Auckland a few weeks back.


Alan Cameron (40)
Lindommer said:
Count to 10,000 and cool it. See how you feel in the morning.

Its only NTA...nothing wrong with a bit of spite..times like this I need my Silverfern login.. ;D

In the morning..I will still feel that heads need to roll. Sheez, I didn't see that coming...
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