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ISA 2023

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
Most others in similar positions keep playing school Rugby (JS didnt) but I wonder what impact it may have on any rep teams. I think he will be left out of anything beyond ISA sides.

I don't agree with it as Rugby should keep ties with everyone. I know if it was me and I was not picked higher and I deserved it because of a choice like this I'd brush the sport forever.


Bob Loudon (25)
Most others in similar positions keep playing school Rugby (JS didnt) but I wonder what impact it may have on any rep teams. I think he will be left out of anything beyond ISA sides.

I don't agree with it as Rugby should keep ties with everyone. I know if it was me and I was not picked higher and I deserved it because of a choice like this I'd brush the sport forever.

Yeah I understand both sides of the argument and don't know where I sit with it. If he's not going to be permitted to progress through the pathway then I probably argue that he's made his choice as to which path he wants to take and should be at peace with it. There's a fullback/10 who doesn't get to be developed if he takes a spot knowing full well that he isn't going to play on.

I dunno - it's a hard question. Just want him in Black and Gold come Term 2 next year :)

Props are People too

Sydney Middleton (9)
I can’t imagine the bulldogs will be happy with him playing a full school / Gen Blue / Aus rep season. May be a Suallii situation where he runs waters for Pats

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
School footy doesn't get in the way of most junior league which falls before and after any Rugby season. I don't see why they would care if he plays for St Pats. Even if he got injured he isn't going to be playing NRL until 2025 at soonest. Rep seasons may be different as the rep carnivals can clash but this isn't uncommon. Newington had Mclean and Rodwell playing in it last year but didn't miss a game for Newington.