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Kurtley Beale

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Nathan Sharpe (72)
Fuckity fucking fuck. Forget the Wallabies - what about the Tahs?

Apparently he tried to apologise, but if booze was involved you'd think he is to hear the sound of shredding paper when he lands...


They don't need to tear up his contract for 2015 because he hasn't signed one yet..


John Thornett (49)
No this is different. JOC (James O'Connor) hadn't got on the plane. Beale was on a plane. Very different circumstances.


Cyril Towers (30)
He's just following Cruden's lead. At least KB (Kurtley Beale) got to the plane on time.

KB (Kurtley Beale) is probably texting Cruden as we speak asking what was that line he used? 'Something about exceeding my limits or capacity wasn't it Aaron?':p

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^^^ This vvvvvvv ??
Didn't take long for someone to realise the marketability of Brand Cruden:



Also available in a cup or T Shirt.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
I hope for the Wallabies (players, staff etc.) sake this story get's swept under the carpet (not a lot of media attention)

This is the sort of thing you hear diminishing other codes, certainly not rugby.

I hope the full story gets out first before people bag the shit out of Kurtley.

Its really disappointing to hear.

Train Without a Station

If it's as cut and dry as it comes across for the sake of rugby's integrity I hope he's swiftly terminated.

But as noted filth, we do not know the full story.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Those of us who got in early with our sanctimoniousness on the JOC (James O'Connor) Gooooone story as it broke were right.

Get on board the Good Ship SS Righteousness, @flat_eric. I'll save you a pitch fork.

I am fairly confident that there is some decent substance to the story given that it was broken by Gagger on the blog. It's not as it it is another of my tin foil hat conspiracies posted deep within the bowels of the forum.


Arch Winning (36)
As a Rebels supporter it is hard not to be cynical. Great way to undermine the team irrespective of the detail. I guess it was due, we have had it with Cooper and O'Connor, inevitable Beale would implode to one degree or another. Like Cooper with the toxic wallabies I am expecting a partisan G&GR crowd driven by super rugby title prospects. I wouldn't mind hearing what Sharpe and Moore would be saying over a beer though!

Cynicism aside, no doubt most of it will come out soon enough. For his sake I hope it isn't as bad as you presume.


Bill Watson (15)
Reading between the lines... (decided to edit my post and pad it out a bit cause I am bored)
KB (Kurtley Beale) told a certain member of team management that he was a hopeless f--k and didn't know how to do his job.
("What do you mean we mightn't have our luggage when we land, we're going to argentina not amenia you stupid d--k")
Everyone else just watched and listened - no report of anyone coming to team management person's defense.
("Hey don't look at us, we are already worried from the brown outs from the farting competition and you tell us we are gunna have to wear these jocks for a couple of days? We're not defending you")
Team management member spat the dummy at being hopeless and decided to take his bat and ball and go home (took a fligh wednesday).
("Stuff the lot of ya, I'm going to HR to complain about the treatment and seek worker's comp for mental stress from the ARU for the rest of my life. Like a good ARU management leech should do")
Media learn of the event and decide it's not quite spicy enough so added an "alleged" drinking and intoxication on the plane prior to KB (Kurtley Beale)'s outburst to ensure the story gets a headline spot.
("This is no bloody good, but we'll get twice the freelance fee if we mention he was on the piss!")
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